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Title: Birds & more We Love III
Author: Nancy Dale Kinney-Stout
Publisher: Viking Woodcrafts
Copyright: 2011
Pages: 40
Condition: Brand New
Condition: Brand New
I Have Got to Get Her Nest Built - Canada Jay
The Humming Bird Finds Peace Lilies - Rufus Throated Hummingbird
Hydrangea Nest - The Common Bluebird
Plaque Set - Proud (Common Bluebird), The Beauty of the Nest, Spring Dress for Nesting (American Goldfinch), Picking Her Some Flowers (Vermilion Flycatcher)
Watchful Eyes - Northern Cardinals
Baby Ducklings
What's For Dinner - Goldfinch & Cat
Perfect Friends - Tree Sparrows
I Claim Them All - Female Northern Cardinal