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Title: Colonial America Folk Art Painting
Author: Sandy Aubuchon
Publisher: Plaid
Copyright: 1986
Pages: 32
Category: Painting
Medium: Acrylics
Theme: folk art
Author: Sandy Aubuchon
Publisher: Plaid
Copyright: 1986
Pages: 32
Category: Painting
Medium: Acrylics
Theme: folk art
13 Decorative Painting Projects on Wood for Home Decor:
Dutch Mill Peg Rack
Mother's Memories
Hearts and Flowers
Three Little Ducks in a Row
Pineapple Welcome Board
Crate of Pineapples
Summer Daisies Placemat
Pig Pen Coasters
Blue Bird of Happiness
Iris Beauty Note Holders
King of the Roost Note Holder
Colonial Wreath
Heritage Rocking Horse