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Title: Dolls & Jars
Author: Cindy Trombley
Author: Cindy Trombley
Publisher: Sharon & Gayle Publications, Inc
Copyright: 2001
Pages: 43
Category: Painting - Jars & Glass
Condition: BRAND NEW
Copyright: 2001
Pages: 43
Category: Painting - Jars & Glass
Condition: BRAND NEW
The Milk Man
Abraham Lincoln
Uncle Sam & USA Candle Holder
Keystone Cop
Snow Buddies Man
Be Warm Penguin Candle Holder
Baby Penguin
Snow Buddies Lady
Doll Collector Plaque
#1 School
Raggedy Andy
Raggedy Annie
Nestle Quick Bunny
Angel on Duty
Heart & Roses Doll
Friends Candle Lamp
Bunny in a Jar #2 & # 1
Candy Jar Elf
Gingerbread Flour & Sugar Jars
Gingerbread Candy Dish
Scarecrows in the Pumpkin Patch
Pilgrim Couple
Drummer Boy
Snow House
Posing Santa
Father Christmas