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Title: Harron's Nest Vol. 4
Artist: Nancy Harron
Publisher: Viking Folk Art
Copyright: 2002
Pages: 48
Category: Painting - Acrylics - Florals
Artist: Nancy Harron
Publisher: Viking Folk Art
Copyright: 2002
Pages: 48
Category: Painting - Acrylics - Florals
Condition: BRAND NEW
Pansies - Oval, Round Stool and Coaster Box
Strawberries and Terra Cotta Pots- Heart Stool, Small Door Crown and Berry Box
Bumble Berries and Ribbons - Door Crown, Two-Tiered Tray, Coaster Box and Coasters
Tulips and Pussy Willows- Scalloped-edge Table, Mirror, and Heart Stool
Raspberries and Pussy Willows- Towel Rack, Candleholder, Tray, Wire Basket and Plate
Lilies-Potpourri Dish, Basket and Hexagon Box