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Title: Holiday Heartwarmers Vol 11
Author: Sue Jernigan
Publisher: Viking Folk Art
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 46 pages
Condition: Brand New
Medium: Acrylics
The eleventh book in her series features projects with snowmen, santas, angels and more.
Author: Sue Jernigan
Publisher: Viking Folk Art
Copyright: 2006
Pages: 46 pages
Condition: Brand New
Medium: Acrylics
The eleventh book in her series features projects with snowmen, santas, angels and more.
Joy Angel
Open Arms Angel
Apples and Bittersweet Santa
Partridge and a Pear for Thee
Ribbons and Holly
Santa Stocking
Santa's Fruit Bowl
Will Work for Cookies
"Merry" Men
"Merry" Men Wreath
My Mittens
The Portraits Coaster Set
The Frosty's
Santa and the Yellow Birds
Sweet on You
A Painter's Countdown
My Paint Brushes
The Wish List
Holiday Countdown
Noel Santa Lamp
Mini Electric Lamp Ornaments
Nite's Lite
Good Cheer Santa
Snowmen Wood Turns