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Title: Seasons Shared
Author: Kay Quist & Karen Wisner
Publisher: Eas'l
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 66
Condition: BRAND NEW
Category: Painting
Type: Acrylics
Author: Kay Quist & Karen Wisner
Publisher: Eas'l
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 66
Condition: BRAND NEW
Category: Painting
Type: Acrylics
Santa's Joy
Just Hangin' Out
Cookie Canister
Pumpkin Lamp
Wee Three
Frights of Fancy
Silly Sisters, In A Stack
Snowflakes & Smiles
We Share Wintertime
Snowflake Lane
Gingerbread Time
Sweet Scent of Christmas
JOY Basket
Warm Wishes Candle
Friends Lantern
Snowfriends Lamp
Gingerbread Notepad Holder
Gingerbread Lamp
Raggedy ABC Plate
Pumpkin Patch Moose
Boo Thyme Shelf
Pumpkin Candle
Friends for Tea Ornaments