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- Downing, Jeanne
- Embry, Karen
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- Tilley, Geri
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- Ulvilden, Pipka
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- Witt, Carol
- Spires, Mary
- Gualillo, Susan
- West, Rosemary
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- Bielec, Frank
- Caithness, Betty
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- Barrett, Chris
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- Fortnam, Deanne
- Franzreb, Barbara
- Grady, Pam
- Hoessinger, Enid
- Hromanik, Deborah
- James, Jayna
- Morgan, Judy
- Norrish, Patti
- Seaman, Bonnie
- Spandau, Carole
- Stamilio, Ellen
- Steffy, Cathy
- Stouffer, Patty
- Whiton, K
- Krenke, Joyce
- Anderson, Gail
- McNaughton, Maureen
- Stewart, Brenda
- Schultz, Morene
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- Dent, Dorothy
- Nuttall, Peggy
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- Hollingsworth, Jo
- Special Issues
- Craft Books
- Decorative Painting
- Going Going Gone
- $1
- $3
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- $10
- $15
- $20
- Box Lots
- Brushes
- Pattern Packets
- Deal of the Week
- 3 Heart Hangers - Sharon Saylor
- 35 Gifts You Can Make
- 4 Santas - Doxie Keller
- 6 inch Bowls with Patriotic Handles - Laurie Speltz
- 7 Drawer Blossom Chest #04-02 - DeLane Lange
- A Bear Necessity Vol. 1 - Denise Girling - OOP
- A Bug a loo Ballet - Linda Joan Patterson
- A Child's Portrait - Mark Menendez Color Pencil
- A Christmas Medley - Carol Henry - OOP
- A Christmas Mouse for Every House - Annie Lang - OOP
- A Collection of Painted Boxes - Robin Mani
- A Country Collection of Precious Folk Art - Helen Cavin - OOP
- A Fall Celebration - Sandy Brenner
- A Family of Bunnies - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- A Festival of Flowers Vol. 1 - Leila Lundberg -OOP
- A Festival of Flowers Vol. 2 - Leila Lundberg - OOP
- A Gaggle of Geese - Pat Olson
- A Gathering of Hearts - Helen Cavin - OOP
- A Kindred Welcome Vol. 1 - Beverly Kindred - OOP
- A Note About Springtime #321 - Phyllis Tilford
- A Painters World - NSTDP
- A Pear of Bunnies - Debbie Kaput
- A Pear of Ladies #230 - Phyllis Tilford
- A Positively Country Christmas - Mary O'Neil - OOP
- A Ribbon in My Garden - Jeanne Downing
- A Romance With Flowers - Pam Childress - OOP
- A Secret Garden - Susie Saunders
- A Symphony of Classics Vol. 3 - Deanne Fortnam - OOP
- Country Friends A Thankful Heart - Ronnie Bringle
- A Time for all Seasons - Kay Quist
- A Time for Garden Tools - Carol McNaught
- A Tisket, A Tasket Noah in a Basket #213 - Helena Cook
- A Tole Mill Christmas From My Heart to Yours Vol.1 Phyllis Tilford - OOP
- A Touch of Winter #358 - Phyllis Tilford
- A Very Merry Handpainted Christmas - Carol Mays - OOP
- A Victorian Collection Vol. 1 - Tracey Sims - OOP
- A Victorian Collection Vol. 2 - Tracey Sims - OOP
- A Walk In The Park - Janet Moreland
- A Winter's Eve - Donna Atkins
- A World Of Animals Vol. 3 - Ana Bernabe - OOP
- A World of Animals Vol. 4 - Ana Bernabe - OOP
- A World of Animals Vol. 5 - Ana Bernabe - OOP
- A World of Animals Vol. 6 - Ana Bernabe - OOP
- A Worldwide Art Rosemaling - Yoshie Kojima - OOP
- A Yesteryear Christmas - Donna Atkins - OOP
- Acrylic Blending Vol. 4 - Patti DeRenzo - OOP
- Acrylic Blending, Basic Theory and Techniques Vol. 1 - Patti DeRenzo - OOP
- Acrylic Elegance 1 - Sharon Hamilton
- Acrylic Faux Finishing Workshop - Carolyn Phillips
- Acrylic Favorites - Vi Thurmond
- Acrylic Landscape Basics Vol 2 - Sharon Buononato
- Acrylics As You Like It - Sandy Aubuchon - OOP
- Acrylics The Easy Way - Sandy Aubuchon - OOP
- Adoorables 2 - Mary Ayres - OOP
- Adventures Down Country Roads - Jo Hollingsworth - OOP
- Adventures in Fabric Painting - Jo Hollingsworth - OOP
- After The Ball - Kingslan & Gibilisco
- Afternoon Tea - Arlene Beck
- Ain't Misbehavin - Norma Harrington
- Air Mailed Penguins - Annie Lang - OOP
- Albert's Christmas Surprise - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Alice - Susan Cochrane
- All American Angel - Ruth Veley
- All Around The Christmas Tree - Kathy McPherson - OOP
- All Hearts Come Home - Norma Harrington
- All Things Possible Vol. 1 - Susan Kelley
- All Things Possible Vol. 2 - Susan Kelley - OOP
- All Those Unfinished Projects - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- All_American Santa #412 - Helena Cook
- Almost Heaven Country Edition Vol. 1 - Elaine Thompson - OOP
- Along Country Roads - Susan Scheewe Brown - OOP
- Along the Applegate Drain - Norma Harrington
- Along the Roads of Time - John Sliney - OOP
- Alpine Family and Friends - Judy Lindquist - OOP
- Amber Fields of Autumn - Norma Harrington - OOP
- American As Apple Pie - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- American Primitives - Viki Sherman
- American Primitives Liberty - Cyndee Lutterman
- Americana Clock - Catherine Holman
- Americana Double Recipe Box - Ruth Dolson
- Americana Folk Art - Deborah Hromanik
- Americana Memories - Gloria Koskey - OOP
- Americana Flag - Wanda Marland
- Amish Country Meado Mirror - Ed Davenport
- Amish Family Large Door Design # 12 - Jean Zawicki
- An Abundance of Blessings - Katrina Roncin
- An Americana Collection of Precious Folk Art - Helen Cavin - OOP
- An Old Fashioned Garden Vol. 1 - Peggy Nuttall - OOP
- Angel - Cyndi Townsend
- Angel Basket - Jeri Francis Brindley and Kim Meyer
- Angel Box - Sonja Richardson
- Angel Clock - Carol Johns Boatright
- Angel Diana - Ann Hazelwood
- Angel Garden - Frank Bielec
- Angel Kisses, Bunny Hugs & Cookie Crumbs Vol. 1 - Temple and Pa - OOP
- Angel Kisses, Bunny Hugs & Cookie Crumbs Vol. 3 - Temple and Pa - OOP
- Angel Kisses, Bunny Hugs & Cookie Crumbs Vol. 4 - Temple & Pa - OOP
- Angel Tree Topper - Jilll Macfarlane
- Angel with Heart #26-90 - DeLane Lange
- Angels - Joan Johnson
- Angels and Hearts Vol 2 - NSTDP
- Animal Friends Buttons and Pins - Susan Fouts
- Anna Angel - Roxanne Puchalski
- Annie & Molly Angel - Pat Lentine
- Antique Doll on Wooden Chair - Carole Spandau
- Antique Farm Blocks - Rosemary West - OOP
- Antique Shop - Catherine Holman
- Antique Shop Window - Carolyn Phillips
- Apple & Cinnamon Spices - Kim Hogue
- Apple and Pear Plate - Carolyn Phillips
- Apple and Pumpkin Barrel - Debbie Reeder
- Apple Bag - Carol McNaught
- Apple Basket Farm - Deborah Hromanik
- Apple Belly Devil Bear - Debbie Kaput
- Apple Belly Santa Bear - Debbie Kaput
- Apple Belly Snowman - Debbie Kaput
- Apple Birdhouse - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Apple Delight - Jane Dority
- Apple Picking Time - Susie Saunders
- Apple Pickins - Kim Hogue
- Apple Tree Cottage - Betty Caithness - OOP
- Apple Twigs - Carolyn Phillips
- Apples Three - Arlene Beck
- Apples, Cherries and Ladybugs - Patty Stouffer
- April May - Kathi Campbell
- April Paradise - Linda Joan Patterson
- Arch Top Plaque - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Arched Winter Snowflake Plaque - Sue Jernigan
- Ark Boarding - Sandy Brenner
- Art Made Easy - Painting Nature
- Art with Heart Vol. 6 Spread Your Wings - Dorothy Whisenhunt
- Artist - Michele Trout
- Artist Brush Candle Holder - Kelly Hoernig
- Artist Gathering Kalidoscope - Cindy Rippe
- Artist with bag - Michele Trout
- Artist's Crock - Patty Stouffer
- Artistic Gathering Clock - Cindy Rippe
- As the Crow Flies - Sandy Brenner
- Ashley's Clown - Jo Ann Sewell
- At Nature's Best Vol. 2 - Gail Eads
- Attic to Heirloom Vol. 1 - Jean Zawicki - OOP
- Autumn Banquet - Rebecca Baer
- Autumn Keepsake Box - Debra L. Welty
- Autumn Relics - Jane Barrientos
- Autumn Watch - Gladys Neilsen
- Autumn Watch - Deborah Hromanik
- Autumns Perch - Pam Grady
- Awesome Apple Gourds # 220 - Jean Zawicki
- Awilda's Primitive Cupboard - Awilda Belton
- Baby Animals - Nature's Wonders Vol. 3 - Karen Hubbard - OOP
- Baby Talk - Carol Runyans
- Back to Basics - Maureen McNaughton - OOP
- Back to School - Sharon Saylor
- Back to the 50's - Andrea Templer - OOP
- Backyard Babies - Jane Maday - OOP
- Backyard Birdhouses - Patty Stouffer
- Backyard Visitors - Mary McCullah - OOP
- Ballerina - Betty L Byrd
- Ballet Slippers - Jane Barrientos
- Band Boxes - Blue Violets - Corrine Severson
- Bare Foot Boy - Judy Morgan
- Barn Planter Cottage #6 - Yvonne Kresal
- Barn Scene - Patty Stouffer
- Barnyard Momma - Jane Anderson
- Barrel Stave Penguins - Cindy Rippe
- Baseball Boy - Shirley Boyd Ford
- Basics In Folk Art and Tole Vol. 2 - Joyce Howard - OOP
- Basil and Blanche Bull Frog - Folk Art Finish - Anderson
- Basket and Pot with Aspen Branches - Jo Ann Correll
- Basket of Daisies - Corrine Severson
- Baskets, Bottles & More Still Lifes - Judy Diephouse
- Bath - Beth Taylor
- Bath Guest Towels - Iron On Patterns - OOP
- Bavarian Forest Friends - Michele Walton
- Be Ye Thankful - Pat Olson
- Bear Coasters - Patti Norrish
- Bear Coasters - Patti Norrish
- Bear Collector - Patti Norrish
- Bear Hugs & Jelly Beans - Jo Sonja Jansen - OOP
- Bear in the Wicker Chair - Charles Johnson
- Bear Sampler - Patti Norrish
- Bears and Bees - Patti Norrish
- Bears at Play - Jean Myers
- Bear's Inn Jars Vol. 2 - Paula Walsh - OOP
- Bears on Country Lane - Pam Gonnason - OOP
- Beary Fun - Sheena Toews - OOP
- Beary Pretty - Nancy Ginnetti
- Beary Snowy - Sheena Toews - OOP
- Bedbugs Don't Bite! - Annie Lang - OOP
- Bee Hive & Daisies - Arlene Beck
- Bee it ever so Hummmble - Annie Lang - OOP
- Beginner's Guide to Freehand Decorative Painting - Jackie Shaw - OOP
- Ben and Betsy Bunny Frames - Maxine Thomas
- Berries and Bees Crate - Carolyn Phillips
- Berries Jam Jar Lid - Carolyn Phillips
- Berries, Cherries and Hearts - Patty Stouffer
- Berry Apple Tray #303 - Phyllis Tilford
- Berry Nice - Charlene Barlow
- Best Buddies - Andrea Lyness
- Best of Friends - Wanda Marland
- Best Of The West - Naomi Brown - OOP
- Betsy Ann - Karen Sherman
- Between The Vines Vol. 5 - Jamie Mills Price - OOP
- Between the Vines Vol. 7 - Jamie Mills Price - OOP
- Between The Vines Vol. 8 - Jamie Mills Price - OOP
- Big City Lights - Marlene Shuman
- Bird Houses - Cheri Rol
- Bird Watching - Patty Stouffer
- BIrdhouse - Faith Rollins
- Birdhouse Betty - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Birdhouse Christmas Ornaments - Robin Mani
- Birdhouse Meadow - Debbie Toews
- Birdhouse Medley - Mary Helen Gould
- Birdhouse Nests and Beehives on Cabinet - Chris Barrett
- Birdhouses and Ivy - Rosemary West - OOP
- Birdie Condo - Cathy Steffy-Strat
- Birdies Garden Home - Sandy Brenner
- Birds and More We Love Vol. 3 - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Birds All Their Glory - Nancy Dale Kinney - OOP
- Birds and Blossoms - Norma Harrington
- Birds and Pink Blossoms - Linda McDonald
- Birds Nest B and B - Deborah Hromanik
- Birds of a Feather - Cindy Kanis
- Birth of Spring - Roxanne Puchalski
- Bit of Joy Sweet Noel #128 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet
- Bitterroot Backroads Vol. 6 - Glenice Moore - OOP
- Bittersweet Starling - Lorraine Ulen - OOP
- Blackberry Love - Carol Johns Boatright - OOP
- Blended Fruit - Beth Taylor
- Blended Penn Dutch Lantern - Joan Johnson
- Bless the Seamstress #186 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet
- Blessings of Yesteryear - Donna Atkins - OOP
- Blooming Beauties - Gerry Klein - OOP
- Blooms of My Favorite Flowers - Chieko Yuguchi - OOP
- Blue Angel Christmas - Debbie Cook
- Blue Bean and Shaker Seed Shelf #282 - Phyllis Tilford
- Blue Board Snowmen #38-04 - DeLane Lange
- Blue Morning Glories - Peggy Stogdill
- Blue Ribbon - Charlene Barlow
- Blue Santa - Joyce Krenke
- Blue Violet Iris on Battenberg Sham - Peggy Stogdill
- Blueberry Village - Juliet Martin - OOP
- Bodacious Angels - DeLane Lange - OOP
- Bonnyes Paper Mache Boxes - Bonnye Isenhower
- Boo-To-You Shirley - Ed Harris - OOP
- Bosssy - Norma Harrington
- Bountiful Harvest - Ronnie Bringle - OOP
- Boutique Tissue Box - Nancy Lee Lenski - OOP
- Bowl'd Over - Patricia Rawlinson
- Boy with Dog - Norma Harrington
- Boy with Finch - Morene Shultz
- Boy's Stuff - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Brant Point Light Ornament - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Break Time - Patti DeRenzo
- Briar Patch Bunnies - Sharon Hanson
- Briar Patch Vol.2 - Sandy Fochler - OOP
- Briar Patch Vol.3 - Sandy Fochler
- Briar Patch Vol.4 - Sandy Fochler
- Bride to Be - Betty L Byrd
- Brookbury - Catherine Holman
- Brush Artistry Designs - Vintage 1967 - OOP
- Brushed By An Angel - Sue Pisoni - OOP
- Brushing the Byways - Bonnie Seaman - OOP
- Brushtiques Fundamentals Vol. 1 - Linda Lover
- Brushtiques Vol. 8 - Linda Lover
- Bugs n Things - Patty Stouffer
- Bunny Basket and Flowers - Linda Joan Patterson
- Buns in A Tub #22-89 - Delane Lange
- Bushel Baskets - Patty Stouffer
- Butterflies & More - Nancy Dale Kinney - OOP
- Butterflies in my Garden - Sherry C. Nelson - OOP
- Butterfly Collection # 387- Phyllis Tilford
- Butterfly Heart - Kelly Hoernig
- Butterfly Wings and Country Things - Terrye French - OOP
- Butterfly with Cherries - Patty Stouffer
- Buttons and Pins - Susan Fouts
- By The Sea - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- C-O-W-S - Rick St. Dennis
- Cabbage Rose Mirror - Beth Taylor
- Calico & Plaid Ornaments - Arlene Beck
- Canal Boat Flowers #39-04 - DeLane Lange
- Candle Light Angel - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Candle Salt and Pepper Shaker - Deborah Hromanik
- Candy Cane St. Nick # 169 - Jean Zawicki
- Canister Lighthouse - Sonja Richardson
- Canvas Recipe File Sampler - Karen Chase
- Cape Cod Scene - Cape Cod Cooperage
- Cape Hatteras Light Ornament - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Capricious Camels Pull-Toy # 180 - Jean Zawicki
- Cardinal Shirt - Jan Bowen
- Caroline - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Carrots and Salt Shaker - Jane Barrientos
- Carved Resin Santa - Kristen Birkeland
- Castle View - Joan Dixon
- Cat - Nancy Bohlen
- Cat and Pumpkin - Sonja Richardson
- Cat Pickets - Sonja Richardson
- Catching A Ride Santa # 138 - Jean Zawicki
- Catfish Bend's Still Waters Farm - Jo Sonja Jansen - OOP
- Cats and Hearts, Ribbons and Lace - Dianna Marcum
- Cats n A Dog - Cindy Mann Vitale
- Cats Tole Painting Book - Alma Lynne - OOP
- Celebrate Folk Art Landscapes - Katherine Valentine - OOP
- Celebrate Some More with Best Friends Designs - Karen Wood - OOP
- Celebrate with Best Friends Designs Vol. 3 - Karen Wood - OOP
- Celebrate Your Special Day - Masako Iwama - OOP
- Celebration - Gigi Smith Burns
- Celebrations - Trudy Beard - OOP
- Chalkboard Boxes with Arched Tops - Laurie Speltz
- Change of Habit - Sandi Strecker - OOP
- Change of Pace - Dorothy Dent - OOP
- Changeable Seasonal Heart Welcome - Carol Mays
- Charlotte - Betty L Byrd
- Cherries and Berries #2 - Paula J Lawton
- Cherries Letter and Key Holder - Carolyn Phillips
- Chezza's Beary Merry Christmas - Cheryl Bradshaw - OOP
- Chicken Freeda - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Chicken Pot Pie Collection Vol 1 - Sandra McLean - OOP
- Chicken Pot Pie Collection Vol 2 - Sandra McLean - OOP
- Chicken Pot Pie Collection Vol 3 - Sandra McLean - OOP
- Chicken Pot Pie Collection Vol 4 - Sandra McLean - OOP
- Childhood Sweethearts - Andrea Lyness
- Chinese Watercolor Techniques Painting Animals - Lian Quan Zhen
- Chocolate Bunnies - Helen Nicholson - OOP
- Christmas & Tinsel Painting - Jan McCraw - OOP
- Christmas Angel Floorcloth - Carol Mays
- Christmas Bear and Decorated Tree - Nancy Lee Lenski - OOP
- Christmas Blessing - Helen Nicholson
- Christmas Blocks - Jane Barrientos
- Christmas Bowl #3 - Joyce Krenke
- Christmas Coast to Coast - Chris Haughey
- Christmas Collection - Sandy Brenner
- Christmas Couple - Joyce Krenke
- Christmas Critters - Jane Maday - OOP
- Christmas Fantasies Vol.1 - Marlene Kreutz - OOP
- Christmas Glitz - Donna Cameron
- Christmas Goose - Annie Richardson
- Christmas Holly and Twigs - Kim Christmas
- Christmas In The Round - Debra Bryan Jordan
- Christmas Is A-Comin # 117 - Jean Zawicki
- Christmas Lights and Nights Snowy - Annie Lang - OOP
- Christmas Makes Scents - Laurie Oksness
- Christmas Mini's - Sandy Brenner
- Christmas of Olde - Susan Nagle
- Christmas Pattern Packet - Joan Johnson
- Christmas Pops - Annie Lang - OOP
- Christmas Potpourri - Sandy Brenner
- Christmas Riding on the Tails of Thanksgiving - Jane Dillon
- Christmas Rose Bowl - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Christmas Tea - Arlene Beck
- Christmas Time - Viki Sherman
- Christmas Village Grocery - Betty Lindquist
- Christmas Village House - Betty Lindquist
- Christmas Village School House - Betty Lindquist
- Christmas Watercolor Necklace 2 - Nancy Conn
- Chubby Checkerboard Santa # 93 - Jean Zawicki
- Church Going Chickens - Donna Dalenberg
- Cinnamon Santa Pitcher / Small Heart Dish # 112 - Jean Zawicki
- Cinnamon Sweeties - Laurie Oksness
- Civil War Checkerboard - Judy Sipe
- Classy Acrylics - Sue Pruett
- Classy Glass - Arlene Swiatek Gillen
- CLEARANCE: A Bit About Christmas - Jean Zawicki
- CLEARANCE: A Bunch of Hugs - Poiette Lang
- CLEARANCE: A Candy Cane Christmas - Sandra Malone
- CLEARANCE: A Carousel of Seasons - Furner and Sorensen
- CLEARANCE: A Charmed Christmas - Janet Riegel and Susan Combest
- CLEARANCE: A Collection of Folk Art Favorites - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: A Cupful of Cheer - Debby Stenberg
- CLEARANCE: A Decorative Collection Vol. 2 - Amy Comstock Combs
- CLEARANCE: A Decorative Collection - Amy Comstock Combs
- CLEARANCE: A Gift of Sharing - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: A Kindred Spirit - Nanette Rasband Hilton - OOP
- CLEARANCE: A Love We Share - Nancy Clepper Jackson
- CLEARANCE: A Merry Little Christmas Vol. 1 - Dorothy Egan
- CLEARANCE: A Painter's Picnic - Jeanne Sensintaffar
- CLEARANCE: A Painter's Sampler 2 - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: A Painter's Sampler Vol. 1 - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: A Potpourri of Painted Glass - Terri Stillwaugh
- CLEARANCE: A Time for Every Season - Shauna Olsen
- CLEARANCE: A Touch of Home Too - Carolee Mcmullin
- CLEARANCE: A Triple Treat - Multi - Artist - Ginger Edwards Kathy Langdon
- CLEARANCE: A Visit with Bonnie Stout - Bonnie Stout
- CLEARANCE: A Wee Bunch of Seasons - Teresa Rudd
- CLEARANCE: A Woodlet Sampler - Joan Youngberg
- CLEARANCE: Acrylic Blending Basic Theory & Techniques - Patti DeRenzo
- CLEARANCE: Acrylics As You Like It - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Adorable Dolls - Sharon Hanson and Marlene Kreutz
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Guide to Aged Finishes - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: All Bottled Up - Kimberly Walus
- CLEARANCE: All Cracked Up for Beginners - Jane Crick
- CLEARANCE: All Things Special - Barbera Bertrand
- CLEARANCE: Alley Rags - Sandra Malone
- CLEARANCE: Always Worth Preserving - Kathleen Foster
- CLEARANCE: Andi's Angels - Andrea Lyness
- CLEARANCE: Andi's Spring Package - Andrea Lyness
- CLEARANCE: Angel Buddies - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Angel Kisses Bunny Hugs and Cookie Crumbs Vol. 1 - Temple and Pa
- CLEARANCE: Angel Kisses Bunny Hugs and Cookie Crumbs 3 - Temple and Pa
- CLEARANCE: Angel Whimsy - Alma Lynne
- CLEARANCE: Angelic Delights - Mary Helen Gould
- CLEARANCE: Annie's Happiest Holidays - Annie Dill
- CLEARANCE: Another Christmas Book - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: Ardis Country Painting Book 8 - Ardi Hansen
- CLEARANCE: As the Crow Flies - Karen Sippel
- CLEARANCE: Attic Treasures for All Seasons - Patty Wiszczor
- CLEARANCE: Baby Bear Book - Pamela Kephart Pipka
- CLEARANCE: Back Porches - Sue Bailey
- CLEARANCE: Barnyard Bumpkins - Deanna Kirkham
- CLEARANCE: Barnyard Bunch - Gail Bell
- CLEARANCE: Barrels of Fun Barrel Staves - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Basic Bisque - Marry Darrow and Donna Parrish
- CLEARANCE: Basic Techniques for Painting With Stencils - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Basics for the Decorative Artist Vol. 2 - Aileen Bratton
- CLEARANCE: Bear In Mind - Jayna James
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Guide to Brush Strokes - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Beginning Lessons In Acrylics
- CLEARANCE: Berryhill Farm Vol. 1 - Carol Johns Boatright
- CLEARANCE: Bild n Tole - Adrienne Regan
- CLEARANCE: Birdhouses with Country Charm - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Birds and Their Houses - Sue Bailey
- CLEARANCE: Bits n Pieces Anytime - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Blackberry Love - Carol Johns Boatright
- CLEARANCE: Bless Your Heart Vol. 6 - Dianna Marcum
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing Accessories - Jane Gauss and Liza Glenn
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing Boxes and Gifts - Jane Gauss and Barbara Gilbert
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing on Fabric - Kathi Malarchuk
- CLEARANCE: Bodacious Birdhouses - Juanita Denton
- CLEARANCE: Brown Bags - Judy Lindquist
- CLEARANCE: Brush N Wear - Joni Wieland - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Brush N Wear with a Flair - Joni Wieland - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Buggies, Barns and Beautiful Scenes - Bonnie Seaman
- CLEARANCE: Bunnies and Friends - Cindy Mann
- CLEARANCE: Butterflies, Bunnies and Birds - Emily Steinberg
- CLEARANCE: Button Button - Cheryl Sims
- CLEARANCE: By Country Candle Light - Jo Kraus
- CLEARANCE: By the Chimney with Care Vol. 1 - Dorothy Egan
- CLEARANCE: Calico Patch Painting - Merlene Taylor
- CLEARANCE: Canvasing the Backroads - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Carefree Collectibles - Christmas Edition - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Carol's Country Cottage - Carol John's Boatright - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Carving with Color Vol.2 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Celebrate Your Playtime - Karen Wood
- CLEARANCE: Change with the Seasons Wire Loops - Joanna Miller
- CLEARANCE: Checks Plaids Stripes Dots - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Cheery Christmas - Kathy Distefano Griffiths
- CLEARANCE: Childhood Pastimes - Sue Ann Thomason
- CLEARANCE: Christmas at Checkerboard Farm - Lori Gardner
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Heartstrokes - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Kisses and Winter Wishes - Bobbie Jochimsen
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Quick and Easy - Missy Becker
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Remembered - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Chubby Cheeks and Beary Tales - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: Chubby Cheeks and Beary Tales Vol. 3 - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: Chunky Bumpkins and Co. - Susan Jill Hall
- CLEARANCE: Cigar Box Purses Plus - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Cindy's Colors of Christmas - Cindy LaGory
- CLEARANCE: Cinnamon Street - Delores Ruzicka
- CLEARANCE: Cinnamon Street Christmas - Delores Ruzicka
- CLEARANCE: Classic Collectibles Vol. 2 - Bonnie Seaman
- CLEARANCE: Classy Glass - Arlene Swiatek Gillen
- CLEARANCE: Clear Elegance - Renee Charisse Jardine
- CLEARANCE: Collections of Country Loves - Faith Robbins
- CLEARANCE: Colourglaze Holidays - Sharon Furner and Dorris Sorensen
- CLEARANCE: Combed Furniture - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Comfy and Cozy - Deb Wagner
- CLEARANCE: Copperque Classics - Deb Wagner
- CLEARANCE: Corrine's Clockworks - Corrine Severson
- CLEARANCE: Corrine's Rural Rustics - Corrine Severson
- CLEARANCE: Cosy Cottages - Susan V. Cochrane
- CLEARANCE: Cotton Fields - Chris Myer
- CLEARANCE: Country A B C - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Country Bears - Anna Herrman
- CLEARANCE: Country Calicos Folk Art Painting - Chris Myer
- CLEARANCE: Country Canvas - Linda Lynn
- CLEARANCE: Country Capers - Denise Johnston
- CLEARANCE: Country Collars with Wood Appliques - Jane Clemens
- CLEARANCE: Country Comfort - Judy Lynn O'Brien
- CLEARANCE: Country Crates - Debbie Rodgers
- CLEARANCE: Country Creations - Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Country Critter Picnic - Nancy Clepper Jackson
- CLEARANCE: Country Crossings Vol. 3 - Susan Allemand
- CLEARANCE: Country Cute Fashions - Donna Spiegel
- CLEARANCE: Country Dreams Vol. 2 - Tammy Wilson
- CLEARANCE: Country Dumplins - Pat McClure - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Country Favorites Vol. 1 - Hanna Long
- CLEARANCE: Country Favorites Vol. 2 - Hanna Long
- CLEARANCE: Country Fields Sampler - Joan Youngberg
- CLEARANCE: Country Folk Vol. 1 - Darcie Hunter
- CLEARANCE: Country Harvest - Arnoldus Gruter with Jean Rood
- CLEARANCE: Country in the City - Glenda Dunham
- CLEARANCE: Country Junction Friends and Flowers - Nadine Lay Napier
- CLEARANCE: Country Keepsakes - Frances Tindell
- CLEARANCE: Country Lovin' Warm and Cozy - Pat McClure
- CLEARANCE: Country Peepers Vol. 2 - Peggy Laurie
- CLEARANCE: Country Pieces of Paint - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Country Primitives Bee Home - Karen Endres
- CLEARANCE: Country Quiltin - Jean Zawicki
- CLEARANCE: Country Sampler North American Folk Art Vol 1 - Jo Sonja
- CLEARANCE: Country Seasons Serenade - Linda Joan Patterson
- CLEARANCE: Country Spyce - Susan Van Alyne
- CLEARANCE: Country Tinware - Chris Myer
- CLEARANCE: Country Traditions - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Country with Style - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: Cozy Creations - Holly Witt Allen
- CLEARANCE: Cranberry Christmas - Laurie Oksness
- CLEARANCE: Cream of the Crop - Karen Sippel
- CLEARANCE: Create O' Clock Vol. 2 - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Creative Candlesticks - Sue Bailey
- CLEARANCE: Creative Friends Fashion Fun Vol.1 - Lorene Moore
- CLEARANCE: Creative Home Painting - Myer and Jones
- CLEARANCE: Creatively Yours - Debbie Cooper - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Critters on Wheels - Lee Lindeman
- CLEARANCE: Cute As A Button Book 3 - Cheri
- CLEARANCE: Cutout Creations - Sue Callahan
- CLEARANCE: Dandelions Vol. 2 - Carla Kern
- CLEARANCE: Darcies Country Folk Volume 3 - Darcie Hunter
- CLEARANCE: Daydreams and Angel Wings - Bobbie Jochimsen
- CLEARANCE: Days Remembered - Yvonne Neff
- CLEARANCE: Dear To My Heart - Pauline Mumford
- CLEARANCE: Decor for Kids - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Decorating with Folk Art - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Baskets - Folk Art Painted Baskets - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Embossed Painting - Beginners Guide - Diane Capoccia
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Embossed Painting A Beginners Guide - Diane Capoccia
- Decorative Finishes - Jane Gauss and Susan Goans
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Fun - Tammara Gustafsson
- Decorative Furniture with Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Touches - Jean Zawicki
- CLEARANCE: Desert Rose - Pauline Mumford
- CLEARANCE: Designed for You Vol. 2 - Cheri Lockart
- CLEARANCE: Designs Collectible - Mary Ann Arnold
- CLEARANCE: Diane's Spring Fling - Diane Meyer
- CLEARANCE: Dimensional Art - Lona Benet
- CLEARANCE: Dimensional Decorative Painting - Suzy Lee
- CLEARANCE: Dolls and Furniture - Kay Burdette
- CLEARANCE: Don't Sweat It Paint It Vol. 4 - Nancy Michael
- CLEARANCE: Donna Dewberry's Complete Book of One Stroke Painting
- CLEARANCE: Door Baskets - Kathy Sweeney
- CLEARANCE: Dots and Stripes
- CLEARANCE: Down Home Dumplings - Sherry Gunter - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Dream Team - Pam Hancock
- CLEARANCE: Dream Weavers Vol 1 - Pam Hancock
- CLEARANCE: Duck Pin Menagerie - Joy Bagshaw
- CLEARANCE: Ducky Duck Pins - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Easy Clocks - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Easy to Paint Folk Designs - Ken Smith
- CLEARANCE: Eggs for All Seasons Vol. 3 - Frony Ritter
- CLEARANCE: Embossed Watercolors - Diane Capoccia
- CLEARANCE: Embossing & Painting Quilts of the States - Diane Capuccia
- CLEARANCE: English Country Muffins - Mary Lou Burrows
- CLEARANCE: Entertaining with Kern - Kern Courtright
- CLEARANCE: Etched Elegance in Acrylics - Susan Schmitz
- CLEARANCE: Everybody needs an Elf - Kristen Birkeland
- CLEARANCE: Ewe's A Lamb - Jan Gray Kinnaird
- CLEARANCE: Faith's Folk Art Favorites - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Faith's Wind Charmers - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Family Blessings - Chris Thornton
- CLEARANCE: Family Frolics - Margaret Steed
- CLEARANCE: Family Spun Fun - Debbie Jacobson
- CLEARANCE: Farm Gatherings - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Creations - Donna Bryant Waterson
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Painting - Marg Wing
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Painting 2 - Marg Wing
- CLEARANCE: Fashions for Today - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Faux Finishes - Hildy Henry
- CLEARANCE: FenceSnickles - Gail Bell
- CLEARANCE: Finders Keepers A Yuletide Edition - Pegi White
- CLEARANCE: Finding Clarity - Kathy Ross
- CLEARANCE: Fish N Chicks - Vickie Henson
- CLEARANCE: Flea Market Finds - Jeff McWilliams
- CLEARANCE: Floorcloth Designs and Accessories - Barbara Dougherty
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art From The Heartland - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art A Medley of Pleasures - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Country Style - Sherry Robinson
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Expressions - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Finish - Cutout Collection - Multi Artist - Michelle Walton, Yvonne Neff and La
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Finish Keeping Tradition - LaRae Anderson
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Finish Personally Painted - LaRae Anderson
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Frolic - Diane Capoccia
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Revisited Vol 1- Rita Martin
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Takes a Turn - Sherry Robinson
- CLEARANCE: Folk Heart Christmas - Susan Fouts
- CLEARANCE: Folk Heart Gatherings - Book One - Susan Fouts
- CLEARANCE: Folk Heart Holiday - Susan Fouts
- CLEARANCE: Folk Heart Seasons - Susan Fouts
- CLEARANCE: Folksy Christmas - Diane Capoccia
- CLEARANCE: For the Birds Painted Wood - Patty Cox
- CLEARANCE: For the Love of Painting - Lori Link
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Vol. 1 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Forever Friends - Alisa Liston
- CLEARANCE: Forever In My Heart 2 Vol. 3 - Diane Richards
- CLEARANCE: Fresh and Fun Looks with Perm Enamel - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Fresh Flowers - Eloise Piper
- CLEARANCE: Friends Forevermore Vol. 1 - Karen Ortman
- CLEARANCE: From Our Garden - Holly Witt
- CLEARANCE: Garden Angels - Alma Lynne
- CLEARANCE: Garden Creations - Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Garden Delights - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Garden Essentials Vol. 1 - Linda Lock
- CLEARANCE: Garden in Bloom - Hanna Long
- CLEARANCE: Garden Party - Ursula Wollenberg
- CLEARANCE: Garden Variety folk art - Melinda Frewin
- CLEARANCE: Garden Whimsicals - Deborah J. Spofford
- CLEARANCE: Gatherings - Judy Nutter
- CLEARANCE: Georgia Feathers Your Nest - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Gifts for the Fifth Season - Arlene Beck
- CLEARANCE: Gifts from my Country Garden - Arlene Beck
- CLEARANCE: Gifts Galore - LaRae Parry
- CLEARANCE: Gifts of Love - Anne Seale
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Guide to Glazed Finishes - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Glenda's Country Garden - Glenda Dunham
- CLEARANCE: Good Stuff - Lori Gardner
- CLEARANCE: Goodness Gracious - Tracia Ledford
- CLEARANCE: Grow Garden Grow - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Halos, Wings and Angel Things - Kelly Hoernig
- CLEARANCE: Handpainted Tiles for Your Home - Diane Trierweiler
- CLEARANCE: Happy Daze - Lisa Cornell
- CLEARANCE: Happy Heart Happy Home - Cathy Jones
- CLEARANCE: Happy Holidays to paint - Chris Thornton
- CLEARANCE: Happy Holidays All Year Round - Nancy Farrow
- CLEARANCE: Heart and Hand - Marlys Johansen
- CLEARANCE: Heart Prints - Jan Way
- CLEARANCE: Still Tugging At Those Heart Strings Vol. 2 - Judy Westegaard
- CLEARANCE: Heart Treasures - Carol Dean Gibson - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Heart, Home and Nature- Mary Hughes
- CLEARANCE: Heartland Traditions - Alisa Liston
- CLEARANCE: Hearts' Content - Diane Capoccia
- CLEARANCE: Hearts in Season - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: Hearts Tied Together Holiday Exchange - Vickie Higley
- CLEARANCE: Hearts Tied Together Treasured Memories - Vickie Higley
- CLEARANCE: Heartsville Country Sampler - Dee McCall
- CLEARANCE: Heaven's Helpers - Ranae Robbins
- CLEARANCE: Heavenly Folks - Lynda McElroy
- CLEARANCE: Heavenly Gathering - Angie Hupp
- CLEARANCE: Helen's Pots and Mailboxes - Helen Nicholson
- CLEARANCE: Heritage Classics for Tin and Metal Art - Jane Crick
- CLEARANCE: Heritage Reflections - Nancy Wekarchuk
- CLEARANCE: Heritage Roses - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Classics Vol. 1 - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Creations 1 - Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Delights - Joyce Grothen
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Glass - Multi Artistr
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Hollow - Gail Bell
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Hugs, Haunts & Mistletoe Kisses - Amy Boettcher
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Keepsakes Vol. 1 - Kim Russell
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Medley - Diane Bantz
- CLEARANCE: Home and Cozy - Carolee McMullin
- CLEARANCE: Home and Fashion Fabric Painting - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Home and Garden Accents - Robin Mester
- CLEARANCE: Home Enchantments Painting on Fabric - Judy Nutter
- CLEARANCE: Home For All Seasons in Acrylics - Debbie Toews
- CLEARANCE: Home for all Seasons Volume 7 - Debbie Toews
- CLEARANCE: Homespun Bunnies - Betty Reynolds
- CLEARANCE: Homespun Hearts - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: Homespun Holidays - Alma Lynne
- CLEARANCE: How Delicious - Elaina Appleby
- CLEARANCE: How to Finish Un-finished Furniture - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: How to Tole Paint for Christmas When you Know you Cant - Cathy Skinner and Lyn Zuhlke
- CLEARANCE: Huggy Bear Creations - Sandy Adams - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Humble Homestead - Glenda Dunham
- CLEARANCE: I Can Do That Vol. 2 - Marilyn VandeWalle
- CLEARANCE: I Like Folk Art Vol 2 - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: I Love - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: I'm Paintin' Pine - King and Queen of Hearts - Carol Ropp
- CLEARANCE: I'm Proud To Be An American - Sis and Sons
- CLEARANCE: In My Garden - thyme to hoe a row - Shauna Olsen
- CLEARANCE: Incredible Ink Techniques - Alisa Harkless
- CLEARANCE: Instant Antiques - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Guide to Instant Finishes - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Introduction to Silk Painting - Jackie Shaw
- CLEARANCE: It's the Heart that makes a Home - Sandra Malone
- CLEARANCE: Jackie's Golden Goose - Jackie Shaw
- CLEARANCE: Jana's Silk Painting Hibiscus - Jan Janas
- CLEARANCE: Jana's Silk Painting Orchids - Jan Janas
- CLEARANCE: Jana's Silk Painting Oriental Peony - Jan Janas
- CLEARANCE: Jolly Christmas Day - Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: Jolly Santa - Jackie Cole
- CLEARANCE: Joyful Collections - JoyBagshaw
- CLEARANCE: Just a Stroke and You're Painting Vol. 1 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Just Plain Country - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Kaleidoscope Kreations - Mary McCullah
- CLEARANCE: Karens Country Collectibles - Karen Trisel
- CLEARANCE: Kathy's Kitchen Corner - Kathy Morrissey - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Kathy's Country Corner - Kathy Morrissey
- CLEARANCE: Keep It Easy 2 - March Fries
- CLEARANCE: Kid Konnection - Karen Sippel
- CLEARANCE: Kidz Can Paint - Erika Frei
- CLEARANCE: Kitties In The Garden - Helen Nicholson
- CLEARANCE: Kitty Kapers and Bunny Tales - Marlene Stevens
- CLEARANCE: Kitty Whiskers and Friends - Marlene Stevens
- CLEARANCE: Knock On Wood - Carol Henry
- CLEARANCE: Kollectable Keepsakes - Kim Russell
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Charm - Pauline Mumford
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Klutter - Darlina Young
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Klutter Sampler - Darlina Young
- CLEARANCE: Lamp Shades to Paint and Pierce - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Lets Do Christmas Duck Pins - Pat Olsen and Ann Hazelwood
- CLEARANCE: Lets Do Holiday Duck Pins - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: Letters from Home - Leesa Garner
- CLEARANCE: Little Bit Country - Diane Meyer
- CLEARANCE: Little Bits of Paint - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Little Charmers -Judylyn Coates
- CLEARANCE: Little Pleasures Vol 1 - Kim Cordell
- CLEARANCE: Little Shelf Show Stoppers - Sue Dees
- CLEARANCE: Long Tall Friends - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Love Me Knots Vol. 4 - Susan Neal
- CLEARANCE: Made From Scratch Noah and His Boat - Betty Bowers
- CLEARANCE: Magnetic Designs - Pam Bialas
- CLEARANCE: Make A Wish - Nanette Rasband Hilton
- CLEARANCE: Make Another Wish - Nanette Rasband Hilton
- CLEARANCE: Makeovers for Furniture and Decor - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Makin Pretties - Michele Deaton
- CLEARANCE: May Flowers - Dolores Stewart
- CLEARANCE: Measure Up - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: Memories - Cindy Wilde
- CLEARANCE: Memories in My Heart Vol. 2 - Diane Richards
- CLEARANCE: Memories of School Days - Carolyn Jones
- CLEARANCE: Memories We Have Shared and Loved - Mel Foehner
- CLEARANCE: Merry Tree-O - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Guide to Metallic Finishes - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Mini Clockworks - Julie McGuffee
- CLEARANCE: Mini Wonderfuls - Debbie Swan
- CLEARANCE: Miniature Folk Art Collectibles - June Hodges
- CLEARANCE: Mirror Beauty - Gigi Smith - Burns
- CLEARANCE: Mom and Me - Pipka
- CLEARANCE: Moonlight Consturction Co. Vol. 2 - Dottie Kuhl
- CLEARANCE: Moosely Snowtime Fun - Junan Heath
- CLEARANCE: More Bunny Hugs - Kathy Whitmire - OOP
- CLEARANCE: More Just Plain Folks - Glenda Dunham
- CLEARANCE: More Mischief Makers - Mary Abart.
- CLEARANCE: More Samplers From The Heart - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: More Simple Joys - Judy Nutter
- CLEARANCE: Mugsy and Co. - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: Multitude of Blessings - Chris Thornton
- CLEARANCE: My Favorites - Donna Dalenberg
- CLEARANCE: My Garden Retreat - Susan Neal
- CLEARANCE: My Home Town - Patty Votruba and Sharyn Binam
- CLEARANCE: My Memories - Carolyn Ballantine
- CLEARANCE: My New Country Home Folk Art Painting - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Nip and Tuk Tole N Magnets - Cheryl McCabe
- CLEARANCE: Nutcrackers & Smokers To Your Taste - Multi - Artist
- CLEARANCE: Nutcrackers Unique and Unusual - Juanita Denton
- CLEARANCE: Olde Times A Country Collection - Lynda McElroy
- CLEARANCE: On The Shelf - Brian and Robin Mester
- CLEARANCE: Once Upon a Time Vol. 2 - Pam Coffman
- CLEARANCE: One Dozen Roses - Lynne Deptula
- CLEARANCE: One Line at a Time - Jean Jackson
- CLEARANCE: Only the Beary Best - Suzetter Peterson
- CLEARANCE: Ornaments to Treasure - Dale Everett
- CLEARANCE: Our Best To You Vol. 11 - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Out On A Limb - Multiauthor
- CLEARANCE: Outdoor Decor in an Instant - Jeff McWilliams
- CLEARANCE: Outdoor Delights - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Outdoor Greetings - Donna Dewberry
- Over the Rainbow - Nanette Rasband Hilton
- CLEARANCE: Paddy Paws & Friends - Karen Chase - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Paint a Special Day - Jan Burnett
- CLEARANCE: Paint It Easy - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Paint It for Outdoors - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Paint N Go - Vickie Schreiner
- CLEARANCE: Paint with Paula Picture Mats - Paula Vauhn
- CLEARANCE: Paint Yourself a Special Memory - Joyce Padgett
- CLEARANCE: Painted By You - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Painted Enchantments Graced with Flowers - Chris Stokes
- CLEARANCE: Painted Sweets and Treats - Missy Becker
- CLEARANCE: Paintin The Blues 2 - Dorothy Egan & Peggy Nuttal
- CLEARANCE: Painting and Pickling - Gigi Smith
- CLEARANCE: Painting for Outdoor Entertaining - Kathy Ward
- Painting Garden Decor - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Painting Life's Lessons - Janet Wald
- CLEARANCE: Painting with Metallics - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Painting with Paper Paint - Sandy Laipply
- CLEARANCE: Painting with Patio Paint 2 - Jackie Klauer
- CLEARANCE: Painting with Paulson - Buck Paulson
- CLEARANCE: Palette Pals - Laurie Oksness
- CLEARANCE: Pastels Country Style - Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: Patches and Pieces of Christmas - Nona Gobel
- CLEARANCE: Patches and Pieces of Me - Nona Gobel
- CLEARANCE: Patches and Pieces of This and That - Nona Gobel
- CLEARANCE: Patticakes Vol. 1 - Mary Darrow
- CLEARANCE: Peek-a-Boo -Denise Johnston
- CLEARANCE: Peggy's Steeple People - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Peppermint Treats and Sweets - Sandra Malone
- CLEARANCE: Perfect for Plastic - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: PermEnamel Dimensions - Dorris Sorensen
- CLEARANCE: Petal Pushers - Debbie Swan
- CLEARANCE: Pickets and Pastimes 2 Heart of the Seasons - Marie and Jim King
- CLEARANCE: Picture This - Ann Passanisi
- CLEARANCE: Picture This - Lisa Williams
- CLEARANCE: Picture This - Rose Corsi
- CLEARANCE: Pieces of the Palette - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Guide to Finishing Plaster and Ceramics - Susan Goan Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Plaster Garden Delights - Kirsten Werner
- CLEARANCE: Pocketful of Posies - Multi-author
- CLEARANCE: Prairie Primitives - Peggy Kahler
- Prairie Primitives - Peggy Kahler
- CLEARANCE: Pretty for the Table - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Primitive Folk Art Goose Bumps - Jackie Cole
- CLEARANCE: Provo Craft Class Project Book
- CLEARANCE: Pudmuckles and Pollywogs A second chance - Tammy Jensen
- CLEARANCE: Punch Into The Holidays Metal Art Book - Candance Rochat
- CLEARANCE: Put a Country Lid on It - Mimi Deck
- CLEARANCE: Quail Cottage - Judy Lynn O'Brien
- CLEARANCE: Quick and Easy Folk Art - Sherry Robinson
- CLEARANCE: Rabbit Ears & Chicken Wings and all those things - Peggy Laurie
- CLEARANCE: Ragtime - Diane Zufall - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Reach for the Rainbow - Susan Takacs
- CLEARANCE: Realistic Illusions Vol. 2 - Marsha Weiser
- CLEARANCE: Realistic Illusions Vol. 3 - Marsha Weiser
- CLEARANCE: Reindeer Rascals - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: Remember when with Miniatures - Kathleen McDonald - OOP
- CLEARANCE: ReNew with PermEnamel - Doris Sorensen
- CLEARANCE: Rhonda's Welcome Committee - Rhonda Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Rise and Shine Vol. 1 - Jolene Thompson
- CLEARANCE: Roll a Color Painting - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Room to Room - Jackie Klauer
- CLEARANCE: Roots and Wings Vol. 2 - Carol McNaught
- CLEARANCE: Rosemary's Folk Art - Rosemary West
- CLEARANCE: Rusty Simple Shapes Idea Book - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Safari Bracelets - Mona Bateson
- CLEARANCE: Samplers from the Heart - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: Santa Street Book 2 - Bev Johnston and Pam Tyriver
- CLEARANCE: Santas Yule Love - Karen Lamp
- CLEARANCE: Say It With Heart - Juile Schreiner
- CLEARANCE: Season Sampler - Sandi Strecker
- CLEARANCE: Season's Greetings Quilted Christmas - Rebecca Carter
- CLEARANCE: Seasoned with Country - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Seasons Come Seasons Go - Karen Sloan
- CLEARANCE: Seasons in the Country - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Second Time Around Vol. 1 - Sally Sauermilch
- CLEARANCE: Seminar Favorites Vol. 1- Aubuchon, Byrd and Nutter
- CLEARANCE: Share the Seasons -Vicki Schreiner
- CLEARANCE: Share Your Blessings - Chris Thornton
- CLEARANCE: Sign Design - Mary Ayres
- CLEARANCE: Simple Additions - For a Touch of Home - Carolee McMullin
- CLEARANCE: Simple Gatherings and Glad Tidings - Karen Lamp
- CLEARANCE: Simple Joys - Judy Nutter
- CLEARANCE: Simple Shapes Everyday Vol.1 - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Simply Christmas - Kathy Distefano Griffiths
- CLEARANCE: Simply Good Day - Kathy Distefano Griffiths
- CLEARANCE: Simply Slated - Pat Wooster
- CLEARANCE: Sincerely Yours Vol 4 - March Fries
- CLEARANCE: Sincerely Yours Vol 5 - March Fries
- CLEARANCE: Sincerely Yours Vol. 2 - March Fries
- CLEARANCE: Snickerdoodles Summer - Ursula Wollenberg
- CLEARANCE: Snickerdoodles Treats - Ursula Wollenberg
- CLEARANCE: Soft & Pastel - Laurie Griffiths
- CLEARANCE: Soft and Easy Florals - Ann Hazelwood
- CLEARANCE: Some Bunny's Blocks - Dorris Sorensen
- CLEARANCE: Some Friends For You - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Something From The Past - Yvonne Neff
- CLEARANCE: Something Old Something New Vol. 1 - Jill Moyes and Yvonne Neff
- CLEARANCE: Something Old Something New Vol 2 - Jill Moyes and Yvonne Neff
- CLEARANCE: Something Old, Something New - Shauna Olsen
- CLEARANCE: Something To Quack About Vol. 2 - Sherry Gunter
- CLEARANCE: Sparkle Shirts - Blanche Lind
- CLEARANCE: Special Welcomes Sample - 100% Chance of Snow - Nancy Long
- CLEARANCE: Specially For You - DeLane Lange
- CLEARANCE: Sponge Brush Painting - Kathy Ward
- CLEARANCE: Spotlight on Santa - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: Spring Creations - Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Spring's A Buzz'n - Peggy Laurie
- CLEARANCE: Spring, Eggs and Sam - Nancy Wood
- CLEARANCE: Springtime Favorites - A Collection of Flowers, Fruits and Berries - Robin Mani
- CLEARANCE: Stamping Something Special - Grace Herr
- CLEARANCE: Starry Holidays - Margaret Steed
- CLEARANCE: Stencil Designs from Old Stone Mill - Jackie Shaw
- CLEARANCE: Stenciling Secrets - Nancy Tribolet
- CLEARANCE: Stick Em Ups! - Brenda Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Stockings Full of Christmas - Pat Wakefield
- CLEARANCE: String-A-Longs - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Sugar Loaf Special Folk Art Designs for The Beginner - Jackie Cole
- CLEARANCE: Sunne Shine - Melanie Sunne
- CLEARANCE: Sunshine and Flowers - Diane Meyer
- CLEARANCE: Surprise Boxes - Sue Bailey
- CLEARANCE: Susan's Man for All Seasons Vol. 1 - Sue Pisoni
- CLEARANCE: Susan's Tole Tales - Susan Pisoni
- CLEARANCE: Susans Designs with Love - Sue Pisoni
- CLEARANCE: Sweat Shirts and Other Swell Stuff - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Sweatin Distinctively - Judy Diephouse
- CLEARANCE: Sweet Innocence - Kim Cordell
- CLEARANCE: T-Shirts and Other Terrific Things - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Take a Fancy to Folk Art - DianeCapoccia
- CLEARANCE: Talk Blocks and More Vol. 1 - Janelle A Harder
- CLEARANCE: Talk Blocks and More Vol. 3 - Janelle A Harder
- CLEARANCE: Tea in the Garden - Dianna Marcum
- CLEARANCE: The Apple Barrel Vol. 4 - Linda Kiska
- CLEARANCE: The Best Reasons to Change Seasons - Eliza Jane - Marie Cole
- CLEARANCE: The Book of Angels - Judy Nutter
- CLEARANCE: The Brush Stroke 2 - Helen M. Altieri
- CLEARANCE: The Brush Stroke Book - Helen M. Altieri
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club 2 - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club 3 - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club Book 1 - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club Bunny Furniture - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club Country Springtime - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club Doll Book - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club Pastel Horse and More - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Country Club Tulip Garden - Julie White
- CLEARANCE: The Elf PhaBet Soup Book - Tracie Smith
- CLEARANCE: The Floral Touch with Folk Art Painting - Judy Mitchell
- CLEARANCE: The Garden Path - Gigi Smith Burns
- CLEARANCE: The Heart of Folk Art Book 1 - Phillip Myer
- CLEARANCE: The Lights of Heritage Home - Nancy Wekarchuk
- CLEARANCE: The Magic Touch with Folk Art Painting - Judy Mitchell
- CLEARANCE: The Magic Touch with Folk Art Painting Vol 2 - Judy Mitchell
- CLEARANCE: The Memory Patch - Jan Way
- CLEARANCE: The Mischief Makers - Mary Abart
- CLEARANCE: The Painted Carousel - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: The Painter's Palette Potpourri - Sharon Hanson and Marlene Kreutz
- CLEARANCE: The Paper Christmas - Winni Miller and Judy Bethel
- CLEARANCE: The Pocket Patch Vol. 2 - Sara Massey
- CLEARANCE: The Sweat Shoppe - Frances Watson Hutsel
- CLEARANCE: The Tolin Station - Susan Abdella
- CLEARANCE: The Vest of all Seasons - Sue Bailey
- CLEARANCE: Thin Things - Rebecca Carter and Debbie Crabtree
- CLEARANCE: This One Thing I Do Three - DJ Williams
- CLEARANCE: Thrift Shop Vests - Sally Paul
- CLEARANCE: Tickled Pink and Darn Cute 2 - Allison Mushalko
- CLEARANCE: Timber People - Renee Sloan
- CLEARANCE: Time Pieces - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Tintype Treasure Chest Vol. 2 - Jeanne Sensintaffer
- CLEARANCE: Tiny Treasures - Loretta Mateik
- CLEARANCE: Tole and Decorative Paintng - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Tole Blue Two - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Painting on Country Punched Tin - Jackie Shaw
- CLEARANCE: Tole Painting Tribute - Jan Shirley
- CLEARANCE: Tole Red Two - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Yellow Two - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Toys to Enchant - NSTDP
- CLEARANCE: Traditional Norwegian Rosemaling - Pat Virch
- CLEARANCE: Treasure Tins - Multi Artist
- CLEARANCE: Treasured Memories 3 - Nancy Farrow
- CLEARANCE: Treasured Memories 4 - Nancy Farrow
- CLEARANCE: Trio Designs Vol. 1 - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Trio Designs Vol. 1 - Various Artists
- CLEARANCE: Trompe L'Oeil - Peggy Decker
- CLEARANCE: Turned On To Country - Donna Spiegel
- CLEARANCE: Twice as Nice - Betty Lindquist
- CLEARANCE: Twirlly World - Joan Yax
- CLEARANCE: Two By Two - Sharon Hanson
- CLEARANCE: Ultra Gloss Painting on Glass - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: How to Finish Unfinished Furniture - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Victorian Potpourri - Diane Zufall - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Wabbit Habitat - Wuv Your Mother - Pat Wooster
- CLEARANCE: Warm Winter Smiles - Nancy Snellen
- CLEARANCE: Watercolor and Acrylic - Susan Scheewe Brown
- CLEARANCE: Watercolored Fashions - Suzy Lee
- CLEARANCE: Welcome Garden - Mary Teager
- CLEARANCE: Welcome Pickets - Mary Teager
- CLEARANCE: Welcome Posts and Wreaths - Mary Teager
- CLEARANCE: Welcome to our World - A Collection of Baby Things - Marilyn Johnson-Corners
- CLEARANCE: Wendy's Wee Bears - Wendy Hosea
- CLEARANCE: What's Cooking with Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: When Johnny Comes Marching Home - Geri Lucas - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Whippersnappers Vol. 8 - Helan Barrick
- CLEARANCE: Whirligigs - Joan Yax
- CLEARANCE: Whittle While I Work - Everyday Edition - Lisa Willams
- CLEARANCE: Wild Rose Cottage - Holly Hahn
- CLEARANCE: Wings and Things - Teri Shelton
- CLEARANCE: With a Wink and a Brush - Molieve Null
- CLEARANCE: Wonderful Whimseys - Furner and Sorensen
- CLEARANCE: Wood Works for All Seasons - Linda Jordan
- CLEARANCE: Woodworks to Treasures - Carla Thompson
- CLEARANCE: Workbook of Fabric Painting - Bette Byrd and Judy Nutter
- CLEARANCE:Canvas Catch Alls - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE:Country Home - Tammy Anderson
- CLEARANCE:Creative Entertaining - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Creative Temptations Vol. 2 - Lu Ann Ginnetti
- CLEARANCE:Looking for a Star - Donna Dalenberg
- CLEARANCE:Paint a Pal Holidays - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE:Tender Touches - Judy Nutter
- Cloverdale Country - Carolyn Phillips
- Cloverdale Farm - Carolyn Phillips
- Cobwebs & Christmas - Jean Zawicki - OOP
- Cock of the Walk - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Coffeyhouse Collection Vol. 1 - Jan Coffey
- Coffeyhouse Collection Vol. 2 - Jan Coffey
- Colonial America Folk Art Painting - Sandy Aubuchon - OOP
- Colonial Corner Cupboard # DC2 - Jean Zawicki
- Colonial Lady - Jane Dillon
- Colonial Pipe Box - Helen Jeglic
- Color Book 4 - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Color by Design Vol. 2 - Pat Crume - OOP
- Come To The Fair - Susan Abdella - OOP
- Contemporary Irises with Butterfly - Margot Clark
- Copper Bucket - Jane Barrientos
- Cornucopia - Patty Stouffer
- Cosy Cottages - Susan V Cocharane - OOP
- Cottage Planter Series #3 - Yvonne Kresal
- Cottages and Country Collectibles Vol. 1 - Joan Dixon
- Cottages Towns and Tiny Tots - Joan Dixon
- Cottages, Places & People - Joan Dixon
- Country Apples and Cherries - Deborah Hromanik
- Country Brushstrokes - Marilyn McCann - OOP
- Country Christmas Keepsake Cubby - Phyllis Tilford
- Country Christmas Trimmin - Sandy Brenner
- Country Clipboards Vol. 2 - Helan Barrick - OOP
- Country Creek - Donna Scully - OOP
- Country Crossing Vol. 3 - Susan Allemand - OOP
- Country Dreams Vol. 1 - Tammy Wilson - OOP
- Country Dreams Vol. 2 - Tammy Wilson - OOP
- Country French Charm - Jan McCraw - OOP
- Country Garden Portrait Trunk # 114 - Jean Zawicki
- Country Gardens Bees n Berries n Topiaries - Nance Wilhite-Kueneman
- Country is my bag - Linda Johnson
- Country Lane - Kathy Langdon
- Country Lane Flower Shop - Diane Trierweiler
- Country Living - Lynda Landes
- Country Love Primitive Folk Art - Jackie Cole - OOP
- Country Memories - Sandra Malone
- Country Painted Jar Lids - Ginger Edwards - OOP
- Country Patchwork - Judy Sipe
- Country Pathways Vol 2 - Annette Dozier - OOP
- Country Pathways Vol. 4 - Annette Dozier - OOP
- Country Pathways Vol. 7 - Annette Dozier
- Country Peepers Vol 2 - Peggy Laurie - OOP
- Country Primitives Vol. 4 - Maxine Thomas - OOP
- Country Reflections Vol. 1 Karen Stock - OOP
- Country Roots - Gail Eads
- Country Scene - Ann Finnigan
- Country Scene On A Wooden Canister - Elaine Marshall
- Country Schoolhouse Scene - Lynda Landes
- Country Seasons - Lynette Bredow
- Country Seasons Vol. 4 - Karen Wisner - OOP
- Country Spice Box - Lynda Landes
- Country Still Life # 64 - Jean Zawicki
- Country Sunday - Peggy Nuttall
- Country Tin Vol 2 - Bob Pennycook
- Country Tinware - Chris Myer - OOP
- Country Visions from Mulberry Hill Vol. 2 - Pat Clarke - OOP
- Country Welcome - Deborah Hromanik
- Country's Edge Vol. 9 - Shirley Koenig
- Couple - #16-91 - Delane Lange
- Cow Rocker - Linda Heiser
- Cows in the Corn - Norma Harrington
- Cows, Creeks 'N' Country Roads - Norma Harrington
- Cozy Christmas Collection - Jamie Mills Price
- Cozy Christmas Cottage - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Cozy in our Mittens #415 - Myra Mahy
- Crackle Snowman - Wanda Marland
- Craft Show Junkie - Linda Johnson
- Craig - Heather Redick
- Cranberry Christmas - Laurie Oksness
- Create A Keepsake - Cheryl King
- Create A Scene - Cheryl King
- Creative Ingredients - Charlene Barlow
- Creative Possibilities - Vicki Rhodes and Cynthia Bowman - OOP
- Creekside Tales - Katherine Smith - OOP
- Crocquet and Hostas - Patty Stouffer
- Cross Country Snowmen - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Crow's Nest Lighthouse #305 - Phyllis Tilford
- Cuisine D'art - Sandra McLean - OOP
- Cute Kids & More - Cathy Orr and Mike Hagin - OOP
- Cutting Board and Pepper Mill - Deanne Fortnam
- Dad And The Kids - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Daffodils, Ribbons and Lilacs - Deborah Hromanik
- Daisies - Linda McDonald
- Daisies and Strawberries Chime - Jo Hollingsworth
- Daisy Mae - Susan Nagle
- Dapper Duets Piano - Linda Joan Patterson
- Day Dreaming Cat - Michele Nieman
- Decorated Clay Pots - Cyndi Pfeiffer - OOP
- Decorating Accents - Judy Diephouse - Lynne Deptula
- Decorating The Tree - Jayna James
- Decorating With Floral Painting - Nancy Dale Kinney - OOP
- Decorating Your Home - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Decorative Artist's Workbook - 1988 October
- Decorative Artist's Workbook - 1990 June
- Decorative Artist's Workbook - 1993 August
- Decorative Crest - Joan Johnson
- Decorative Painting - SusanJill Hall - OOP
- Delane Paints Gnome Sweet Gnome - DeLane Lange - OOP
- DeLane Paints Heirlooms - DeLane Lange - OOP
- DeLane Paints Pretty Things - Delane Lange - OOP
- DeLane Paints Tables N Things - Delane Lange - OOP
- DeLane's Christmas Memories - DeLane Lange - OOP
- DeLanes Victorian Lace and Roses - DeLane Lange - OOP
- Delightful Blessings - Chris Thornton- Deason
- Delightful Times - Mary Helen Gould
- Desert Legacies - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- Desert Trails 2 - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- Designed for You 2 - Cheri Lockart
- Designed for You 5 - Cheri Lockart
- Designed for You 6 - Cheri Lockart
- Diana - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Dickens Village - Marcella
- Dimensional Garland & Ornaments - Carol Mays
- Dingle Dangle Summertime Bears - Donna Dalenberg
- Dinosaur Anita - Mary Darrow
- Dinosaur with Balloons - Shirley Boyd Ford
- Discover The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross - Annette Kowalski
- Distant Shores, Cherished Memories - Marcela Burgos - OOP
- Dog Gone Pup - Susan Johnson
- Doll & Sampler - Maxine Thomas
- Dollhouse Fireplace Screen - Sherry Thompson
- Dolls and Furniture - Kay Burdette - OOP
- Dolls & Jars - Cindy Trombley
- Dolly- Ruth Benthin
- Donna's Mystical Forest - Donna Gilbertson - OOP
- Doodlers - Joan Johnson
- Door Crown Welcome Changing O - Hazel Griffiths
- Down East Seasons - Geri Tilley
- Down Home Angels - Betty Bowers
- Down Home Country Critters - Betty Bowers
- Down Home Peekin' Through the Seasons - Betty Bowers
- Down in the Meadow - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- Down On The Farm - Joyce Krenke
- Down Roads Less Traveled Vol. 7 - Bill Ridley Bayer
- Dreams of My Fragrant Garden - Jan Fox - OOP
- Dresser Bowls - Joyce Krenke
- Ducks a Flights #5 - Patti DeRenzo
- Dutch Colonial - Peggy Nuttall
- E-Z Fantastic Fabric Santas # 144 - Jean Zawicki
- Early American Gothic - Nedra
- Easy Christmas Ornaments - Linda Lock
- Easy Heirloom Furniture - Peggy Boyd - OOP
- Easy Painted Home Decor - Gigi Wright
- Eggbert the Elf - Beth Taylor
- Eggheads - Pat Olson - OOP
- Eggs For All Seasons Vol. 3 - Frony Ritter - OOP
- Election Day Birdhouse - Judy Sipe
- Elegance in Bloom - Vilma Fabretti - OOP
- Elegant Aging Techniques - Priscilla Hauser - OOP
- Elegant Holly - Bobbie Campbell
- Elegant Hydrangeas #333 - Phyllis Tilford
- Elegant Lettering for Your Home - Rebecca Baer
- Ella's Cupboards - Joan Johnson
- English Boy #33-87 - DeLane Lange
- English Country Painting Book 1 - Jen Sykes - OOP
- English Country Painting Vol. 2 - Jen Sykes - OOP
- Enid's Eggcellent Eggs - Helena Cook
- Enjoy The Seasons Vol. 5 - Roni LaBree - OOP
- Erika's Folk Art Bauernmalerei - Erika Ammann - OOP
- Evening Concert Froggies - Cindy Rippe
- Everyday Beauty - Adriana Giovannini - OOP
- Everyday Beliefs - Laurie Speltz
- Everyday Sampler Vol. 1 - Elaine Thompson - OOP
- Everyday Sampler Vol. 2 - Elaine Thompson - OOP
- Evie's Enchanted Garden - Andrea Lyness
- Exaulted Elephant Pull-Toy # 177 - Jean Zawicki
- Exotic Birds - Barbara Baatz Hillman - OOP
- Express Yourself - Brenda Stott - OOP
- Expressions in Oil Vol. 3 - Delores Egger - OOP
- Expressions of Home Gathering Room Edition - Janet Riegel - OOP
- Expressions of Santa - Janet Riegel - OOP
- Fabric Christmas Whimsies
- Fabulous Finishes for Your Home - Karl-Heinz Meschbach - OOP
- Fabulous Folk Art Gifts - Judy Allen & Deborah Kneen - OOP
- Facing Geese #62-88 - Delane Lange
- Faerie Garden Vol. 2 - Juanita Denton - OOP
- Fairies and Flowers - Elizabeth Barrow - OOP
- Fairies of Enchanted Glen - Sharon Teal Coray
- Fairy Plate Collection - Ritva Rasmussen- OOP
- Faith, Hope, Love - Laurie Paillex
- Fall Barn Scene - Debbie Toews
- Fall Bookmark Basket Keepers - Laurie Speltz
- Fall Farm - Nina Owens
- Fall Foliage Medley - Deborah Hromanik
- Fall Goodie Baskets - Laurie Speltz
- Fall Harvest - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Fall On the Farm - Virginia Pena
- Fall Pumpkin - Karen Embry
- Fallin Into the Seasons - Cat Davis
- Family of Bears - Patti Norrish
- Family Picnic - Norma Harrington
- Fan with Transparent Florals - Gayle Oram
- Fanciful Feather - Patty Stouffer
- Fancy Fins #373 - Phyllis Tilford
- Fantasy Garden Vol. 1 - Juanita Denton - OOP
- Fantasy Garden Vol. 2 - Juanita Denton - OOP
- Fantasy Garden Vol. 3 - Juanita Denton - OOP
- Farm Gatherings - Leslie Beck - OOP
- Farm Sampler - Corrine Severson
- Farmers Family #54-118 - Delane Lange
- Farmers Market - Blaine Johnson - OOP
- Farmington Country Memories Vol. 3 - Barbara Nielsen - OOP
- Fast and Easy Flowers - Debby Forshey - OOP
- Father Christmas Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Faux Urn & Column Roses - Charles Johnson
- Favorite Folks - Dianne Capoccia - OOP
- Favorite Fruits #331 - Phyllis Tilford
- Fearless Frog - Judy Sipe
- Federal House - Nan Fischlein
- Feedin' the Birds # 172 - Jean Zawicki
- Felicity's Williamsburg - Barbara Franzreb
- Feminine Things - Brenda Jansen - OOP
- Festive Fall Spookwear - Kim Hogue
- Festive Glass - Rachel Wright - OOP
- Fiddlestix Just Because It's Christmas - Jeri Brindley - OOP
- Fiddlestix Just for Keeps - Jeri Brindley - OOP
- Fiddlestix Just from the Flea Market - Jeri Brindley - OOP
- Fiddlestix Just Things With Wings - Jeri Brindley - OOP
- Field Daisies - Dandelion - Joan Johnson
- Field Flowers - Enid Hoessinger
- Field Flowers Poppies - Enid Hoessinger
- Finders Keepers Jeepers Creepers - Pegi White - OOP
- Finders Keepers Joy To The World - Pegi White - OOP
- Finders Keepers No Crows Allowed - Pegi White - OOP
- Finders Keepers Snow Business - Pegi White - OOP
- Fine Feathered Friends - Charles Johnson
- Finishing Touches Vol 2 - Judy Duarte - OOP
- Finishing Touches Vol. 1 - Anne Hunter
- Finishing Touches Vol. 2 - Anne Hunter
- Finishing Touches Vol. 7 - Anne Hunter
- Fires Quenched Maidens Rescued - Carla Sweetra - OOP
- First Christmas - Helen Nicholson
- First Skating Lesson - Norma Harrington
- First Tulip - Edna Almond
- Flag Shirt and Rusty Pin - Jan Bowen
- Flamingo Ornament - Lorraine Ulen
- Flights of Fancy - Terrie L. Cordray - OOP
- Floor Cloths Etc. - Nancy Dale-Kinney - OOP
- Floral Birdhouse - Cindy Rippe
- Floral Bouquets - Carol Empet - OOP
- Floral Clock - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- Floral Corner Patterns - Norma Harrington
- Floral Decorative Painting - Heather Redick - OOP
- Floral Designs Vol. 2 - Carol Empet
- Floral Fruit Sampler - Heather Redick
- Floral Impasto on a Brush Block - Heather Redick
- Floral Mirror - Marsha Weiser
- Floral Strokework Tray - Carolyn Phillips
- Floral Tray #107-92 - DeLane Lange
- Floral Trunk - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Florals and Faux - Ginger Edwards - OOP
- Flower Bouquet - Jan Bowen
- Flower Box - Grace Venditti and Carole Spandau
- Flower Cart - Marty Lambeth
- Flower Coasters - Patti Norrish
- Flower Studies and Techniques Vol 2 - Susan Abdella - OOP
- Flower Studies and Techniques Vol. 1 - Susan Abdella - OOP
- Flower Studies and Techniques Vol. 4 - Susan Abdella - OOP
- Flowers - Barbara Baatz Hillman - OOP
- Flowers Thoughts and Theory - Ann Kingslan
- Flowers Aflutter - Patty Stouffer
- Flowers Around The World - Various Artists
- Flying High - Phyllis Maurer
- Folk Art & More Vol. 2 - Ros Jenke - OOP
- Folk Art - Erika Ammann - OOP
- Folk Art Americana - Morene Schultz - OOP
- Folk Art Boxes - Jeri Brindley Francis and Kim Meyer
- Folk Art Canadian Geese - Rosemary West - OOP
- Folk Art Candle Box - Rosemary West - OOP
- Folk Art Christmas Style - Ginger Edwards - OOP
- Folk Art Country Crockery - Chris Myer - OOP
- Folk Art Designs Christmas Plate Collection - Multi Artist - OOP
- Folk Art Designs Holiday Projects Vol. 1 - Multi Artist - OOP
- Folk Art Designs Vol. 3 - Christmas Motifs - Multi Artist - OOP
- Folk Art Designs Vol. 5 - Children's Collection - Multi Artist - OOP
- Folk Art Fantasy - Joyce Morrison - OOP
- Folk Art Frolic - Diane Capoccia - OOP
- Folk Art Nativity - Terri Lipman - OOP
- Folk Art Peaches - Susie Saunders
- Folk Art Revisited Vol. 1 - Rita Martin - OOP
- Folk Art Takes a Turn - Sherry Robinson - OOP
- Folk Art With Enid Flowers - Enid Hoessinger - OOP
- Folk Heart Country Vol 4 - Elaine Law - OOP
- Folk Hearts - Pipka Ulvilden - OOP
- Folk Roses - Juanita Denton
- Folk Style Christmas - Sandy Brenner
- Folksy Christmas - Diane Capoccia - OOP
- Following Your Heart's Desire - Carolyn Jones - OOP
- Forest Folk - Juanita Denton - OOP
- Forever Roses Vol. 2 - Annette Stevenson- OOP
- Forget Me Not Sachet - Peggy Stogdill
- Forget Me Nots on White Linen - Peggy Stogdill
- Forth of July House and Teacher Box - Debbie Kaput
- Four Beginner Designs #356 - Phyllis Tilford
- Four Scenes or One - Cheri Rol
- Four Seasons Sampler - Robin Rodriguez - OOP
- Four Seasons Stroke Bouquet - Prudy Vannier
- Frame Designs - Norma Harrington
- Fredericton's Pendulum Clock - Ed Davenport
- Fresh From the Garden - Donna Kerr - OOP
- Fresh Off The Vine Christmas Collection - Susie King
- Fresh Off The Vine ... A Spring Collection - Susie King
- Fresh Picked Fruits and Nuts - Patty Stouffer
- Fresno Dome - Cheri Rol
- Friendly Shelf Sitters - Pat Clarke - OOP
- Friends and Neighbors of Applewood Farm - Linda McFadden - OOP
- Friends Forevermore - Karen Ortman
- Friends of Mine - Barb Jones
- From Christmas to Christmas Vol 2 by Sandra Malone
- From Christmas to Christmas Vol. 1 - Sandra Malone - OOP
- From My Grandmother's Attic - Melinda Frewin
- From My Mantle - Deborah Hromanik
- From Scarecrows to Ho Ho's - Jackie Ehman
- From This Day - Joyce Krenke
- Frosty Flaky Christmas - Annie Lang - OOP
- Frosty Night Watch - Deborah Hromanik
- Fruit - Paula J Lawton
- Fruit and Flower Fantasies Vol. 1 - Joyce Morrison
- Fruit Basket Fire Screen - Morene Shultz
- Fruit Collection #370 - Phyllis Tilford
- Fruit on a Brush Block - Heather Redick
- Fruit on a Cove Mirror - Heather Redick
- Fruit Salad On Punched Tin #217 - Phyllis Tilford
- Fruits and Flowers - Debby Harris
- Fruits of the Spirit Floorcloth - Barbara Franzreb
- Fruits of the Spirit Table - Barbara Franzreb
- Fruits of the Spirits Plate - Barbara Franzreb
- Fun For The Fallidays Vol. 3 - Michelle Steel - OOP
- Fun with Paint Jewels - Dorris Sorensen
- Furniture Makeovers - Rhonda Cable - OOP
- Fuzzy Buzzy Bees on Beehive Birdhouse Lamp with Painted Shade - Chris Barrett
- Fuzzy Fruit - Betty Caithness - OOP
- Garden Angel - Gigi Smith Burns
- Garden Angel Mini Barrel Staves - Heartstrokes
- Garden Bench Still Life - Jane Crick
- Garden Birds - Willow - OOP
- Garden Bounty - Lynette Bredow
- Garden Critter Covers - Kelly Hoernig
- Garden Dign - Diane Trierweiler
- Garden Elegance #307 - Phyllis Tilford
- Garden Essentials Vol. 4 - Linda Lock
- Garden Gate - Sandy Brenner
- Garden Guardians - Gerry Klein - OOP
- Garden Party - Sonja Richardson
- Garden Patch - Kathy Langdon
- Garden Path - Kathy Langdon
- Garden Potpourri - Michelle Kerr
- Garden Romance - Laurie Denison - OOP
- Garden Splendor - Jo Ann Karpf
- Garden Stroll - Pam Grady
- Garden Variety - Sandy Brenner
- Garden Variety Folk Art - Melinda Frewin
- Garden Visitors Bear - Wendy Fahey
- Gardening Angels On Duty #177 Sue Jernigan Pattern
- Gardner Bunny Couple - Heartstrokes
- Garrison Town Top - Heather Redick
- Gathering Flowers - Tracy Meola
- Gathering Place - Kathy Langdon
- Gay Head Light Ornament - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Gazebo - Carol Cook
- Geese on the Bog Early Morning - Laurie Paillex
- Gentleman Farmer - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- German Roses Tray - Charles Johnson
- Ghost Conehead - Cindy Rippe
- Ghosts and Goblins - Luci Knepper
- Gift Jars and Tags - Karen Popp - OOP
- Gifts and Graces Vol 2 - Charlene Pena
- Gifts for the Fifth Season - Arlene Beck - OOP
- Gifts from Heaven Small Tree Top Angel WITH WOOD - Cindy Mann Vitale
- Gifts from My Country Garden - Arlene Beck - OOP
- Giggles and Hugs Vol 1 - Sandi Goodman
- Giggles and Hugs Vol. 2 - Sandi Goodman
- Ginger Babies #184 - Phyllis Tilford
- Ginger Bread Time - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Gingerbread and Candy Cane - Roxanne Puchalski
- Gingerbread and Holly - Carol Mays
- Gingerbread Christmas Blocks - Charles Johnson
- Gingerbread Cookie #109 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet
- Gingerbread Cookies - Carol Mays Garland
- Gingerbread Greetings - Barb Jones
- Gingerbread Man - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Gingerbread Man Plate - Jan Bowen
- Girl and Her Dolly - Kumi Pickford
- Girl with Basket - Morene Shultz
- Girl with Cat - Jane Dillon
- Girl with Goose - Norma Harrington
- Girl with Tea Set - Kristen Birkeland
- Girls Forever Young - Monika Brint
- Glads 1 - Mary B Spires - OOP
- Glass Painting Bottle Boutique Gallery Glass - Sue Leonard & Wendy Dyer
- God Bless America - Judy Sipe
- Going Places - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Goldilocks - Heather Redick
- Golf Basket Lids - Laurie Speltz
- Golf Course - Jurate Okura
- Golf Picture Frame - Lynda Derby
- Good Enough to Eat - Paula J Lawton
- Good Girls Santa's #40-04 - DeLane Lange
- Good Morning - Nancy Lee Lenski - OOP
- Good Times - Sandra Malone
- Goodnight Toby #113 - Debbie Clarke
- Goodnight, Sweet Dreams - Morene Shultz
- Goose n Fruit - Cheri Rol
- Gooseberry Farm - Carolyn Phillips
- Goosy Gander - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Gothic Cotage - Nan Fischlein
- Gourd Gathering - Margaret Hanson-Maddox - OOP
- Gourd Snow Folks # 210 - Jean Zawicki
- Gourdeous Gourds & More Vol. 2 - Julie Grant and Cindy Pray
- Gourdeous Gourds & More Vol. 4 - Julie Grant
- Gourdeous Gourds & More Vol. 5 - Julie Grant
- Gourdeous Gourds & More Vol. 3 - Julie Grant - OOP
- Gourdeous Gourds & More Vol. 6 - Julie Grant
- Gourdeous Gourds & More Vol. 8 - Julie Grant - OOP
- Grace Angel Ornament - Pat Lentine
- Gramkracker Christmas - Laurie Oksness
- Gran's Garden & House - Ros Stallcup - OOP
- Gran's Magic - Ros Stallcup - OOP
- Grandfathers Wood Planes - Jane Barrientos
- Grandma Paints with Love - Jo Sonja Jansen - OOP
- Grandma's Cherished Memories - Kim Hogue
- Grandma's Garden - Debbie Toews
- Grandmas - Michele Trout
- Grandpa & Grandmas Cookies - Juliet Martin
- Grapes and Dragonfly - Patty Stouffer
- Grapes and Lemons Box - Arlene Newman
- Grapes on the Vine - Judi Willetts
- Grasshopper's Nap Time - Patty Stouffer
- Great and Small - Lynne Andrews
- Great Aunt Annies Tree Ornaments Fan and Horse - Susan Cochrane
- Great Aunt Annies Tree Ornaments Sled and Shoe - Susan Cochrane
- Great Garden Gourds - Aurelia Conway - OOP
- Great Grandfather - Norma Harrington
- Great Grandmother - Norma Harrington
- Greener Pastures - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Grey Wolf - Phyllis Maurer
- Groomsome Toothsome - Joan Johnson
- Grumpy Old Man #1 - Michele Trout
- Grumpy Old Man #2 - Michele Trout
- Grumpy Old Man in Plaid Shirt - Michele Trout
- Guardian Angel - David J Masters
- Guardian Angel Nursery Muscial - Yvonne Kresal
- Halloween Collar - Susan Fouts
- Halloween Pumpkins - Kristen Birkeland
- Halloween Scrap Savers - Myra Mahy
- Halloween Totem - Nancy Lee Lenski - OOP
- Halloween Tree - Ann Finnigan
- Hand Mirror - Joyce Krenke
- Hand Painted Wall Borders - Sandy Aubuchon - OOP
- Hangin Around Til Christmas #118 - Phyllis TIlford
- Hanging Gingerbread and Heart - Laurie Speltz
- Hanging Patriotic Heart and Sam - Laurie Speltz
- Hanging Snowmen and Heart - Laurie Speltz
- Hanging Snowmen and Heart - Sue Jernigan
- Happiness is Contentment Vol 2 - Pat Clarke
- Happy Easter Bunny - Judy Sipe
- Happy Habit - Sandi Strecker
- Happy Halloween - Arlene Beck
- Happy Halloween - Janis Roberts
- Happy Holidays - Ann Lalonde
- Happy Holidays - Deborah Hromanik
- Happy Holidays Memory Book - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Happy Holidays to Paint - Chris Thornton
- Happy Thanksgiving - Arlene Beck
- Happy Thanksgiving Wreath - Areta and Connie
- Hare Brush Box - Leila Lundberg
- Harmony Grove - Linda McFadden - OOP
- Harron's Nest Floor Decor & More - Nancy Harron - OOP
- Harron's Nest Vol. 3 - Nancy Harron
- Harron's Nest Vol. 4 - Nancy Harron - OOP
- Harron's Nest Vol. 5 - Nancy Harron - OOP
- Harvest Door Plaque - Debra L. Welty
- Harvest Home - Kaaren Johnston
- Harvest Moon - Sandra Malone
- Harvest Moon and Frosty Days - Connie D. Williams - OOP
- Harvest of Time - Janis Roberts
- Harvest Sampler - Barbara Franzreb
- Harvest Storm Barrel Stave - Tracy Meola
- Harvest Time Scarecrow - Ann Finnigan
- Harvest Welcome - Deborah Hromanik
- Hat Boxes Blues 3 designs- Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Hats off to Romance - Anne Blair
- Haunted Harvest - Christine Schilling - OOP
- Hayride at Hansons Farm - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Herding the Cows of Beauty - Norma Harrington
- Heart of Flowers - Jan Bowen
- Heart of the Home Vol. 3 - Carolyn Altona
- Heart Warmers Vol. 1 - Lisa Barrick - OOP
- Heart Warmers Vol. 2 - Lisa Barrick - OOP
- Heart's Content - Sonja Richardson
- Heartbeats - Carrie Graziano
- Heartland Heritage - Dorothy Dent - OOP
- Hearts and Stripes Forever #244 - Phyllis Tilford
- Hearts Inspiration - Sonja Richardson
- Heartwarmers Small Treasures Holiday Pleasures Vol. 2 - Sue Jernigan - OOP
- Heaven Sent Acrylics Vol. 1 - Debbie Cole - OOP
- Heaven Sent Acrylics Vol. 2 - Debbie Cole - OOP
- Heaven Sent Seasons - Debbie Cole - OOP
- Heavenly Angels - Ann Hazelwood
- Heavenly Bodies #165 - Sue Jernigan
- Heavenly Hilda Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Heavenly Reach #168 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet Angel
- Heavenly Santa - Susie Saunders
- Heidi's Folk Art Designs Vol. 1 - Heidi England
- Heidi's Folk Art Designs Vol. 3 - Heidi England - OOP
- Heirloom Collection - Carol van Tol - OOP
- Heirlooms for All Seasons Vol. 2 - Rosemary West - OOP
- Heirlooms from Cedar Crest - Mary Jo Leisure
- Heirlooms in Suede # 145 - Jean Zawicki
- Hello Sunshine - Susan Pisoni - OOP
- Herb Angel - Sandy Brenner
- Here's Santa! Face Study #186 - Phyllis Tilford
- Heritage Beginnings - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute - OOP
- Heritage Home Vol. 3 - Nancy Wekarchuk Shute - OOP
- Heritage In The Bag - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute - OOP
- Heritage Reflection - Nancy Wekarchuk, CDA - OOP
- Heritage Roses - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute, CDA - OOP
- Hex Ornament Box with Snowflake Ornaments - Laurie Speltz
- Hill n Dale Lamp - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Hills Cherry Farm - Pipka
- Hindeloopen Jewelry Box - Judy Helton
- Hindeloopen Sampler - Mona Kochendorfer - OOP
- Hippity Hop - Pat Olson
- His Only Son - Kenna Reynolds and Donna Malone
- Hi_Stepping Snowman - Carol Mays
- Ho Ho Ho Vol 2 - Sandra Malone
- Holiday Bountry Doorcrown - Arlene Newman
- Holiday Candlelight - Deborah Hromanik
- Holiday Cardinals - Deborah Hromanik
- Holiday Charm - Kim Hogue
- Holiday Christmas - Joan Johnson - OOP
- Holiday Cutouts - Joan Johnson
- Holiday Friends - Roberta Polniak
- Holiday Garden - Carol Mays - OOP
- Holiday Heartwarmers Small Treasures Vol. 1 - Sue Jernigan - OOP
- Holiday Heartwarmers Vol. 10 - Sue Jernigan - OOP
- Holiday Heartwarmers Vol. 11 Sue Jernigan - OOP
- Holiday Heartwarmers Vol. 9 - Sue Jernigan - OOP
- Holiday Merriment - Evelyn Wright
- Holiday Sampler Board #183 - Phyllis Tilford
- Holiday Towels - Iron On Patterns - OOP
- Holiday Treasures - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Holiday Treats - Sue Jernigan
- Holidays Christmas Pattern Packet #2 - Joan Johnson
- Holly and Berries Topper - Gail Anderson
- Holly Days - Sandy Braun
- Hollyhock Egg - Kathy Langdon
- Hollyhock Memories - Peggy Stogdill
- Home Cooking Recipe Box - Robin Mani
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 1 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 10 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 2 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home For All Seasons Vol. 3 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 4 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 6 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 8 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home for all Seasons Vol. 9 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Home Grown Apples - Diane Trierweiler
- Home is a Happy Heart - Karen Sherman
- Home is Where the Heart Is - Linda Lock
- Home Sweet Home - Karen Rideout
- Home Sweet Home - Susie Saunders - OOP
- Home Sweet Victorian Home - June Varey - OOP
- Home Top - Heather Redick
- Home Tweet Home - Debbie Mitchell
- Homespun Heirlooms - Kay Quist - OOP
- Homespun Quilted Santa - Dianna Marcum
- Homespun Touches Celebrate Every Day - Mary Jo Tuttle
- Homestead - Connie Parkinson
- Honest Reflections - Donna Atkins
- Honey Bees & Holly Leaves - Kay Quist
- Honeysuckle On White Linen - Peggy Stogdill
- Horse Grazing by the Village Roadside - Carole Spandau
- House Frame - Joyce Krenke
- House Rules - Areta and Connie
- Houses with Lighthouse and Boat on Round - Catherine Holman
- How Delicious - Elaina Appleby
- Humpty Dumpty Chair - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Humpty Dumpty Clock - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Humpty Dumpty Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Hydrangea Shirt - Jan Bowen
- Hydrangea Still Life #372 - Phyllis Tilford
- I Believe in Angels - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- I Came I Saw I Spent - Linda Johnson
- I Love Country - Sonja Richardson
- I Love it when the Buckwheat Blooms - Norma Harrington
- I Promise You A Rose Garden - Mary Jo Leisure - OOP
- I Will Make You Fishers of Men - Jayna James
- I'm Pleased to Greet You - Annie Lang - OOP
- Images From Nature - Mirta Robayna - OOP
- Incredible Ink Techniques - Alisa Harkless
- Indian Maize Plate - Kathye Begala
- Indian Pots and Chile Ristra - Jo Ann Correll
- Indiana Summer - Norma Harrington
- Ink N Scrub Heirlooms - Corrine Severson - OOP
- Insect Coasters - Marlene Kreutz
- Inside the Courtyard #318 - Phyllis Tilford
- Inspiration Tole Artistry - Kathleen Foster - OOP
- Inspirations of Watercolor - Doris Crusenberry
- Inspired by Provence - Trudy Beard - OOP
- Iris Screen #47-95 - Delane Lange
- Iris Shirt and Pin - Jan Bowen
- Irises - Heather Redick
- It's a Bird's Life - Dale Everett - OOP
- It's A Guy Thing - Susan V. Cochrane - OOP
- It's a Habit - Sandi Strecker - OOP
- It's Good to Be Home - Garnet
- It's Show Time - Annette Dozier - OOP
- It's That Time #175 - Phyllis Tilford
- Ivy Lantern #268 - Phyllis Tilford
- Jack and A Hat - Ruth Veley
- Jackie's Freehanding Seminar Book 1 - Jackie Shaw - OOP
- Jambalaya N' Awlins - Connie Parkinson - OOP
- Jan's Painted Memories - Jan Belliveau
- Jars for You - Brian Mester - OOP
- Jelly Time - Nancy Lee Lenski - OOP
- Jenkins Art Workshop Vol. 10 - Gary and Kathwren Jenkins - OOP
- Jenkins Art Workshop Vol. 7 - Gary and Kathwren Jenkins - OOP
- Jens Christmas Gallery - Jen Sykes - OOP
- Jens Garden Gallery - Jen Sykes - OOP
- Jillybean's Christmas Dream - Jillybean Fitzhenry - OOP
- Jillybean's Paint by Pattern Pets - Jillybean Fitzhenry - OOP
- Jingle Bells and Silver Bells - Patty Stouffer
- Joined Santa - Pat Lentine
- Jolly Blue Santa - Sonja Richardson
- Jolly Old St Nick - Joyce Krenke
- Jonah and the Whale # 176 - Jean Zawicki
- Josie and Jeramia - Pat Olson
- Joy - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Joy - Ruth Veley
- Juicy Fruits and Fragrant Flowers - Pat Smelkoff - OOP
- Jump Rope Kids - Pat Lentine
- Jumpin Emily and Furball - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Jungle Animals - Melonie Bradley - OOP
- Just a Pigment of My Imagination Vol. 1 - Sharon Teal Coray
- Just About Autumn - Sandy LeFlore - OOP
- Just Bee Happy - Annie Lang - OOP
- Just Believe in Angels - Sandy LeFlore
- Just Hitched - Pat Olson
- Just This and That - Sandy LeFlore
- Katie Angel - David J Masters
- Katie's Teddy Tower - Marilyn Kennedy
- Keepsakes of Glass & Gifts - OOP
- Kendle Hill - Joan Dixon
- Key Chains - Patti Norrish
- Kids with Beach Ball - Arlene Beck
- Kids with Umbrella - Arlene Beck
- Kim - Heather Redick
- Kim's Heartfelt Designs - Kim Durfey
- King and Queen of the Roses - Brenda Stott
- Kissin Wears Out Cookin- Lynda Landes
- Kitchen Chicken - Joan Johnson
- Kittys Iron On Transfers
- Knick Knack Box #1 - Enid Hoessinger
- Knick Knack Box #2 - Enid Hoessinger
- L'Auberge du Coq au Vin Vol. 2 - France Quirion
- La Befana - Jane Barrientos
- Lace Bentwood Box Rose Arbor - Charles Johnson
- Ladybugs on the Loose - Annie Lang - OOP
- Lakeside Cottage - Kathy Langdon
- Lamplighter Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Lancaster County Amish Scenes 1st in Series - Beth Taylor
- Land That I Love #136 - Myra Mahy
- Land's End - Ronnie Bringle - OOP
- Large Lamps - Sonja Richardson
- Late Nights Are Not For Pansies - Janie Parisi - OOP
- Late Start Snowman Slate # 160 - Jean Zawicki
- Laura's Nursery Lamp - Sonja Richardson
- Lavender - Arlene Beck
- Lavender Blue - Louise Jackson - OOP
- Lazuli Buntings - Sherry Nelson
- Lazy Susan - Paula J Lawton
- Lazy Susan Vine #326 - Phyllis Tilford
- Le Rendezvous - Norma Harrington
- Leaf Lecture 101 - Carolyn Phillips
- Leaf Press - Kathye Begala
- Legends and Lore - NSTDP
- Lehigh Valley Inn - Janet Riegel
- Leprachan - Areta and Connie
- Lesson Packet #1 Strokes - Joan Johnson
- Lesson Packet #6 Eagles - Joan Johnson
- Let Freedom Ring - Maxine Thomas
- Let It Snow - Carol Mays
- Let it Snow - Ann Finnigan
- Let it Snow - Arlene Beck
- Let it Snow, Let it Snow - Norma Harrington
- Lg Rusted Tin Star and Heart Winter - Laurie Speltz
- Liberty and Sam Memo Pads - Laurie Speltz
- Lifestyle Storage Solutions - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Light Filled Landscapes Vol. 1 - M. Lynn Brand - OOP
- Light Up Christmas - Sandi Strecker
- Lighthouse - Cindy Rippe
- Lighthouse - Debbie Toews
- Lighthouse at Windy Point - Norma Harrington
- Lighthouse Computer Cozy - Cindy Rippe
- Lighthouse Gallery Wildflowers - Sharryn Kneshtel - OOP
- Lil and Friends - Brenda Stott
- Lil' Spring Buds #327 - Phyllis Tilford
- Lily, Berries & Ribbon - Joanne Hayman
- Linens & Lace - Priscilla Hauser - OOP
- Little Boy Dreams - Irene Laycock
- Little Charmers - Judylyn Coates - OOP
- Little Hunter Ornament WITH WOOD - Cindy Mann Vitale
- Little Piggy - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Little Red Barn - Sandra Rudolph
- Little Rosebud - Ginette Nourse
- Love and Laughter - Sandra Malone
- Love and Laughter Blessing Plate - Ruth Dolson
- Love Angel - Karen Sherman
- Love Bird Coffee Table # DC3 - Jean Zawicki
- Love Birds Trunk # DC1 - Jean Zawicki
- Love Brings Peace - Kay Quist
- Love is a Fruit - Laure Paillex
- Love is Homemade - Pam Bialas - OOP
- Love Letters - Laurie Speltz
- Love Notes - Sandra Malone
- Lovin' Spoonful Vol. 1 - Gerry Klein - OOP
- Lovin' Spoonful Vol. 2 - Gerry Klein - OOP
- Lucinda - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Lucky Duck - Billie Jennings
- Mad About Hats Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Mademoiselle Fidette - Joan Johnson
- Magic All Around Vol. 4 - Roxanne Puchalski - OOP
- Magical Moments - Sandra Malone
- Main Street Plaque - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Main Street USA - Jo Ann Green
- Mainly Summer - Ed Davenport
- Mainstreet - Heather Redick
- Make A Scene Section A - Garnet
- Make A Scene Section B - Garnet
- Make Believe Fairy Tales Vol. 2 - Bobbie Takashima - OOP
- Making Angel Wings & Winter Things - Kim Klassen
- Making Friends - Sandra Malone
- Maple Maid Sap Bucket - Lorraine Ulen - OOP
- Maple Sugar Vol. 2 - Roberta Hall - OOP
- Marble Bouquet - Mary Jo Jerrow
- Mariposa Lavender - Kathy Langdon
- Mastering Faux Fundamentals - Karl-Heinz Meschbach - OOP
- Mastering Strokework - Heather Redick - OOP
- Matilda the Good Witch - Joyce Krenke
- Matters of the Heart - Sue Bailey - OOP
- Mauve Roses - Karen Chase
- May Lambs- Patty Stouffer
- May Sugarplums Dance in Your Head - Susan Pisoni - OOP
- Meadowview Trompe L'oeil - Brenda Jansen
- Meat Market #17-90 - Delane Lange
- Medium Tall Clock - K. Whiton
- Melinda's Folk Art Vol. 2 - Melinda Neist - OOP
- Mellow Moose Pull-Toy # 179 - Jean Zawicki
- Melon Angel - Helen Nicholson
- Memories Box - Susie Wolfe - OOP
- Memories From Hidden Corners Vol. 1 - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Memories of Holidays Past - Judy Sipe
- Memory Boxes - Delores Lennon - OOP
- Merry Christmas - Arlene Beck
- Merry Christmas Chronicles Big RED Book - Shirley Wilson
- Merry Christmas Chronicles GREEN Book - Shirley Wilson
- Merry Christmas to All - Susan Fouts
- Merry Makers - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Messages From Santa BELIEVE - Judy Westegaard - OOP
- Messages From Santa JOY - Judy Westegaard - OOP
- Messages From Santa PEACE & GOODWILL - Judy Westegaard - OOP
- Metal Mail Keeper - Kit Gee
- Mi Casa Es Su Casa - Carol Johns Boatright
- Mice and Mouse House - Debbie Kaput
- Mickey's Moonbeams - Mickey Theobald - OOP
- Mid Life Changes Lady in Blue Chair - Michele Trout
- Mid-Life Changes Lady in Rocking Chair - Michele Trout
- Midlife Changes Lady in Green Chair - Michele Trout
- Midlife Changes Lady in purple dress - Michele Trout
- Milking Time - Beth Taylor
- Miniature Canvas Painting - Peggy Caldwell - OOP
- Miniatures or Pins Set 2 - Susan Fouts
- Miracles of Nature Limited Edition - Jo Hollingsworth - OOP
- Mirror Frame Scene - Ann Finnigan
- Mistletoe Santa # 90 - Jean Zawicki
- Mixed Media Canvases - Chris Thornton
- Monarchs in a Wheat Field - Gerry Klein
- Monkey Business Toy Collection - Sandra McLean
- Moo Valentine - Pam Christensen
- Moonlight Construction Co - Dottie Kuhl - OOP
- Moos and Melons - Rose Calton
- Moose & Molasses - Laurie Oksness
- More Acrylic Blending Vol 3 - Patti DeRenzo - OOP
- More Telemark - Lois Mueller
- More than Expected - Mary McLean
- more Tole Mill Favorites - Phyllis Tilford
- Morning Glory Farm - Norma Harrington
- Morning Glory Plate - Brenda Stewart
- Morning Glory Porch Box - Charles Johnson
- Morning Mist in the Mountains - Norma Harrington
- Mother Goose Rhymes - Marilyn Kennedy
- Mountain Retreat - Connie Shortt
- Mr and Mrs Bunny Rabbit - Nina Owens
- Mr and Mrs Pilgrim - Nina Owens
- Mr and Mrs Santa Claus - Nina Owens
- Mr. and Mrs. Snowman with Tree and Birdhouse - Chris Barrett
- Mr and Mrs Turkey - Annie Richardson
- Mr Santa Egg - Beth Taylor
- Mr Wobbly Bones - Juliet Martin
- Mrs. E - Hazel Griffiths
- Mrs. Frosty - Karen Embry
- Mrs. Meow and Calico - Andrea Lyness
- Ms Bunny on a Grocery Bin - Karen Sherman
- Ms Witch and Ghosty - Nina Owens
- Ms. Liberty - Kim Hogue
- Mum on a Queensland Box - Heather Redick
- Music Boxes Young At Heart - Linda Kiska - OOP
- Welcome To My Cottage Garden - Chris Stokes - OOP
- My Cupboard's Full of Bunnies - Linda Joan Patterson - OOP
- My Cupboard's Full of Christmas Vol. 1 - Linda Patterson - OOP
- My Cupboard's Full of Christmas Vol. 2 - Linda Patterson - OOP
- My Darlings Treasures - Barbara Franzreb
- My Favorite Doll - Helen Nicholson
- My Favorite Things - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- My Garden - Susie Saunders
- My Garden Retreat - Susan Neal
- My Heart to Yours - Sandra Malone
- My Meadow - Norma Harrington
- My Memories - Carolyn Ballantine
- My Winter Garden - Sandra Malone - OOP
- Nana's Collectables Vol. 2 - Ellen Rohne
- Nature's Wonders Woodland Santa and Friends - Karen Hubbard - OOP
- Nauset Beach Light Ornament - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Nesting Hens Stool #275 - Phyllis Tilford
- Never Enough Cookies - Barb Jones
- New England House Grouping I - Kathleen McKinstry
- New Friends at Cottage Corners - Pamela Publications - OOP
- New York Skyline - Barbara Franzreb
- Nicole Angel - Roxanne Puchalski
- No Bats About It - Sandy LeFlore
- No Peeking Pen and Ink - Jeni Glee Cloninger
- Noah - Ann Finnigan
- Noah Ark - Cape Cod Cooperage
- Noah's Ark - Dianna Marcum
- Noah's Ark - Janis Roberts
- Noah's Ark and Gingerbread Apple Box - Debbie Kaput
- Noah's Ark Box - Ellen Stamilio
- Noah's Ark Child's Desk # 182 - Jean Zawicki
- Noah's Heart #212 - Helena Cook
- Noahs Ark - Susan Fouts
- Noel Gingerbread Cookies #34-94 - DeLane Lange
- North Light's Big Book Painting Watercolor Flowers - OOP
- North Pole Express - Marilyn Kennedy - OOP
- Not Even A Mouse - Arlene Beck
- Note Pads Daisy Sunflowers - Ann Finnigan
- Notepads Fall Country Scene - Ann Finnigan
- Notepads Colonial House Basket of Sunflowers - Ann Finnigan
- Nurses are Angels without Wings - Heidi England
- O Thank Heavens the Harvest is In - Annie Lang - OOP
- Ocean Sunset - Sandy Krodil
- October's Bounty - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Oh So Sweet Vol. 1 - Sandra Malone
- Oh So Sweet Vol. 3 - Sandra Malone
- Oh So Sweet Vol. 2 - Sandra Malone
- Ohio Bi-Centennial Placemat - Barbara Franzreb
- Ol Bear - Phyllis Maurer
- Old Ed's Place - Norma Harrington
- Old Paddy - Karen Ortman Rooster
- Old Salem Seaport - Norma Harrington
- Old Sea Captain - Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Susan P. Gualillo - OOP
- Old World Charm Vol. 1 - Connie Parkinson - OOP
- Old World Charm Vol. 2 - Connie Parkinson - OOP
- Old World Golden Treasures - Bette Byrd - OOP
- Olde Floral Classic #378 - Phyllis Tilford
- One Dozen Roses - Lynne Deptula - OOP
- One Little Snowmen #150 - Phyllis Tilford
- One Nation Under God - Barb Jones
- One Stroke Berry Patches - Rachel C Wright
- One Stroke Cottage Decor - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- One Stroke Creative Jars and Ivy Bowls - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- One Stroke Fountains and Birdbaths - Donna Dewberry
- One Stroke Garden Delights - Rachel C Wright
- One Stroke Lilacs - Rachel C Wright
- One Stroke More Small and Pretty Projects - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- One Stroke Petite and Pretty Keepsakes - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- One Stroke Small and Pretty - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- One Stroke Wall Shelves - Donna Dewberry
- One Stroke Yard Art for All Seasons - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Ornaments Galore - Vicki Schreiner - OOP
- Ornaments - Michele Trout
- Our American Heartland Vol. 2 - Dorothy Thurman - OOP
- Our Country Heritage Vol. 2 - Helen Jeglic - OOP
- Our Country Heritage Vol. 4 - Helen Jeglic - OOP
- Our Family Portrait - Linda Kiska - OOP
- Our Favorite Holiday Season - Judy Diephouse and Lynne Deptula - OOP
- Our Gang - Agnes Kulchock
- Our Special Day - Bobbie Campbell
- Our Special Day Wedding Plate - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Over The Door Frame Cows - Jane Dillon
- Over the Garden Wall Vol. 3 - Fiona Hayward - OOP
- P.S. I Love You Vol. 1 - Jean Myers and Shirley Wilson - OOP
- Paddy Paws & Friends Christmas - Karen Chase - OOP
- Paddy Paws and Friends - Karen Chase - OOP
- Paint A Cottontail Season - Kim Hogue
- Paint A Garden Bouquet - Pat Wakefield - OOP
- Paint a Pretty Table - Pat Wakefield - OOP
- Paint Faeries Brush Box - Roxanne Puchalski
- Paint it Blue - Sandra Malone
- Paint It Pretty - Yuki Nishizawa
- Paint Me A Happy Heart - Jo Sonja Jansen - OOP
- Paint Your Own Rainbow - Nanette Rasband Hilton - OOP
- Paint-A-Pocket - Leisure Arts
- Painted Botanicals - Barbara Baatz Hillman
- Painted Butterflies - Leisure Arts
- Painted Celebrations - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Painted Furniture - Leisure Arts
- Painted Illusions - Melanie Royals - OOP
- Painted Mailboxes - Vickie Adams Brown - OOP
- Painted Ponies and Beautiful Blocks - NSTDP
- Painted Pony - Heather Redick
- Painted & Pretty Hand Towels - Brenda Jansen - OOP
- Painted Stuff the Americana Collection - Kelly Hoernig - OOP
- Painted Tableware - Phillip Myer - OOP
- Painted Treasures - Bette Byrd - OOP
- Painter Set One - Deb Malewski
- Painter's Apron - Leila Lundberg
- Painter's Blessing - Wanda Marland
- Painting - 1994 January-Febuary
- Painting - 1994 May-June
- Painting - 1995 August
- Painting - 1996 August
- Painting - 1996 June
- Painting - 1997 August
- Painting - 1997 October
- Painting - 1998 October
- Painting - 2000 February
- Painting - 2001 April
- Painting - 2001 February
- Painting - 2001 June
- Painting - 2002 April
- Painting - 2003 April
- Painting - 2003 August
- Painting - 2003 October
- Painting - 2005 April
- Painting - 2005 August
- Painting - 2005 June
- Painting - 1995 February
- Painting - 1998 April
- Painting & Decorating Cabinets & Chests - Phillip Myer
- Painting Americana - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Painting Decorative Heirlooms - DeLane Lange - OOP
- Painting European Folk Art - Andy B Jones
- Painting Fabulous Flowers - Donna Dewberry
- Painting Flowers on Rocks - Lin Wellford - OOP
- Painting for Christmas Santas - Chris Stokes - OOP
- Painting Gone Wild - Jane Crick
- Painting Nature's Treasures - Kelly Hoernig
- Painting Nature's Wildflowers - Dolores Lennon - OOP
- Painting Romantic Landscapes - Sharon Buononato, CDA
- Painting with Attitude French Country - Janet Wald
- Painting With Perm Enamels - Pat Olson Book
- Painting Your Flea Market Finds - Judy Diephouse and Lynn Deptula
- Paintworks - 1995 June - OOP
- Paintworks - 2008 June
- Pair in Violet - Kathie George
- Palette Silhouette Vol. 1 - Sue Pisoni - OOP
- Palette Silhouette Vol. 2 - Sue Pisoni - OOP
- Pam's Painted Pretties - Pam Childress - OOP
- Pampered Pet Placemats - Peggy Decker - OOP
- Pansies and Blueberries on a Bisque Jar - Heather Redick
- Pansies and Ribbon - Karen Chase
- Pansy Board - Marlene Kreutz
- Paper Crafts - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Paper Pleasures - Donna Dewberry - OOP
- Parade - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Pastel Christmas - Janis Roberts
- Pastels - Patty Stouffer
- Patches #104 - Debbie Clarke
- Patchwork Santa Shirt - Jan Bowen
- Patchwork Shirt - Susan Fouts
- Patchwork Stocking and Ornaments - Sandy Brenner
- Patio Lamp #323 - Phyllis Tilford
- Patriotic Plate - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Pattern #9 - Mary Jane Todd
- Pause for Painting Vol 5 by Lydia Steeves
- Pause for Painting Vol. 4 - Lydia Steeves - OOP
- Peace Block - Susie Saunders
- Peace like a River - Terri Faulkner
- Peace of Mind - Donna Atkins
- Peaceful Afternoon - Pat Welter
- Peaceful Valley - Peggy Nuttall
- Peach Glow - Jeanne Downing
- Pear Tree - Mary Jane Todd
- Pearls and Lace #1 - Barbara Franzreb
- Pearls and Lace #2 - Barbara Franzreb
- Peasantries - Mary Tiner
- Peek - Mary Helen Gould
- Peggy's Cove Light - Anne Hunter
- Peggy's Cove Nova Scotia Oranament - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Penguin and Christmas Tree Mini Staves - Hazel Griffiths
- Penguin Pond - Annie Lang - OOP
- Penguin Snowman Large Wood Star and Heart - Laurie Speltz
- Penn Dutch Certificate - Joan Johnson
- Pennsylvania Barn Placemat - Barbara Franzreb
- Perfectly English - Connie Parkinson - OOP
- Perfectly Painted Petals - Chris Thornton
- Permaquid Light - Bonnie Stout
- Personal Collection Vol. 1 - Jackie O'Keefe - OOP
- Personal Collection Vol. 2 - Jackie O'Keefe - OOP
- Personal Collection Vol. 3 - Jackie O'Keefe - OOP
- Petals Collection #371 - Phyllis Tilford
- Petals, Vines and Good Times - Laurie Speltz
- Peter Ompir Style Fruit - Carolyn Phillips
- Peter, Paul and Pals Snowman Paper Mache Boxes - Laurie Speltz
- Pickling for Beginners - Joey Williams - OOP
- Picnic on the Sheep Hill - Norma Harrington
- Pierre Wine Rack - Joyce Krenke
- Pigtails and Primitives - Christmas Edition - Carol Ropp - OOP
- Pigtails and Primitives Vol 1 - Carol Ropp - OOP
- Pigtails and Primitives Vol 2 - Carol Ropp - OOP
- Pigtails and Primitives Vol 3 - Carol Ropp - OOP
- Pigtails and Primitives Vol 4 - Carol Ropp - OOP
- Pike Creek Primitives - Susan Allemand - OOP
- Pike Creek Seasons - Susan Allemand - OOP
- Pike Creek Winter - Susan Allemand - OOP
- Pilgrim Boy - Sue Jernigan
- Pilgrim Girl - Sue Jernigan
- Pilgrim Mary Brewster - Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Susan P. Gualillo - OOP
- Pin Head Bear - Rose Calton
- Pin Head Moo Cow - Rose Calton
- Pin Head Pig - Rose Calton
- Pinafores & Patches - Kay Quist - OOP
- Pine Creek - Norma Harrington
- Pineapple Shelf - Mary Jane Todd
- Pinecone Ornaments Packet #1 - Joyce Grothen
- Pink Daffodils - Linda McDonald
- Pink Dogwood - Joanne Hayman
- Pink Ribbon Box - Enid Hoessinger
- Pipe a song about a lamb - Donna Atkins
- Pitcher with Peaches - Jo Avis Moore
- Pitter Patter People & Scrapbooking Friends - Annie Lang - OOP
- Planting Time - Deborah Hromanik
- Planting Time - Margaret Kotsi
- Pleasant Point #182 - Catherine Holman
- Please Stay for Tea - Bobbie Campbell
- Plum Purdy Season Vol. 3 - Renee Mullins - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Plum Purdy Warm 'n Wooly - Renee Mullins
- Plums and Hydrangeas - Arlene Beck
- Pocket Patch Vol. 4 - Sara Massey
- Poinsettias in Sepia - Patti Norrish
- Polar Bear Wreath - Juliet Martin
- Polly's Got the Kettle On - Annie Lang - OOP
- Pollyanna - Ann Hazelwood
- Pomander Bowl - Nancy Lee Lenski - OOP
- Pond in the Meadow - Sandy Krodil
- Popcorn and Cranberries - Arlene Beck
- Porcelain Cherub Ornaments - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Porcelain Pretties - Annie Richardson - OOP
- Porcelain Treasures - Heather Redick - OOP
- Porcelain Treasures from Mulberry Hill Vol 1 - Pat Clarke
- Porcelainizing - Jacques Zuidema - OOP
- Porchside Pete - Jodi Godoury
- Porter Fire Screen - Betty Caithness - OOP
- Porter Sailboat - Betty Caithness - OOP
- Posies and Promises - Ursula Wollenberg
- Potted Violets - Patti Norrish
- Prairie Blessings - Kim Klassen - OOP
- Prayer Bench - Joan Johnson
- Pretty Purses & Bags - Priscilla Hauser - OOP
- Pretty Things Australian Folk Art - Lyn Foster - OOP
- Primitive Checkerboard Chest - Debra L. Welty
- Primitive Landscape Double Recipe Box - Ruth Dolsen
- Primitive Painting on Jewelry #912 - Norma Harrington
- Primitive Spoon Rack - Charlene Barlow
- Primitive Town Landscape Basket - Ruth Dolsen
- Primrose Patches - Kay Quist - OOP
- Primrose Path - Norma Harrington
- Priscilla Paints on Everything - Priscilla Hauser - OOP
- Project 38 - DeLane Lange
- Protecting Angel - Kathye Begala
- Providence - K. Whiton
- Pumpkin Delights - Charlene Barlow
- Pumpkin Fall Door Crown - Mary Jane Todd
- Pumpkin Fence - Sharon Hanson
- Pumpkin Hollow - Susie Saunders
- Pumpkin Pail - Lorraine Ulen - OOP
- Pumpkin Patch - Angela Smith Fisher
- Pumpkin Sachet Easel- Kerry Smith
- Pumpkin Shopping - Frank Bielec
- Pumpkin Slate Welcome - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Pumpkin Staves with Fruit and Ivy #293 - Phyllis Tilford
- Pumpkin Time - Gladys Neilsen
- Pumpkins on the Round - Sonja Richardson
- Punch Into The Holidays - Candance Rochat - OOP
- Puppeteer - Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Susan P. Gualillo - OOP
- Puppy Dog Tails Calendar - Nancy Lee Lenski
- Purple Clematis Garden Stone - Denise Leach
- Purple Cone Flower - Arlene Newman
- Push Pulls - Joan Johnson
- Puzzle Christmas Cards - Jane Barrientos
- Quick and Easy Painting - June 2007
- Quick and Easy Painting - May 1999
- Quick and Easy Painting - May 2001
- Quick and Easy Painting - Spring 1998
- Quick and Easy Painting - Summer 1996
- Quick and Easy Painting - Summer 1998
- Quickies - Joan Johnson
- Rag Doll Love - Jeanine Maurer
- Raggedy Ann's Little Treasures - Judy Michael
- Rain - Rain - Frank Bielec
- Rain Couple - Joan Johnson
- Rainbow Noah - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Ranch Windmill at Sunrise - Jo Ann Correll
- Raspberries & Blueberries in OILS - Helen Jeglic
- Raspberry Angel Trunk Design # 147 - Jean Zawicki
- Realistic Illusions Vol. 1 - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- Realistic Illusions Vol. 2 - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- Realistic Illusions Vol. 3 - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- Realistic Techniques Vol. 2 - Judy Sleight - OOP
- Rebecca's Collections Vol. 1 - Rebecca Trimble - OOP
- Rebecca's Collections Vol. 2 - Rebecca Trimble
- Recollections of My Favorite Things Vol. 1 - Mary Lou Johnson - OOP
- Recollections of My Favorite Things Vol. 2 - Mary Lou Johnson - OOP
- Recollections of My Favorite Things Vol. 4 - Mary Lou Johnson - OOP
- Red Brocade Slipper - Arlene Beck
- Redbud Lane - Catherine Holman
- Regatta - Patty Stouffer
- Reindeer Crossing - Peggy Laurie - OOP
- Replica of 1696 Meeting House/Church - Nan Fischlein
- RFD Mansfield - Norma Harrington
- Ribbon Welcome - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Ribbons and Flowers - Barbara Dougherty - OOP
- Rise and Shine Vol. 1 - Jolene Thompson
- Road to Grandma's - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Rocking Witch - Donna Stewart
- Rococo Plate - Enid Hoessinger
- Roly Poly Rudolph - Beth Taylor
- Romance Tray Zhostovo Florals - Lindy Judd
- Romancing the Rose - Delores Lennon - OOP
- Romero - Mary Helen Gould
- Country Rooster - Barbara Bort
- Rooster Clipboard #40-04 - DeLane Lange
- Rose Clock - Carol Johns Boatright
- Rose Cottage - Linda McFadden
- Rose Cottage Plate - Carolyn Phillips
- Rose Covered Cape Cod Cottage - Geri Tilley
- Rose Foundation - Susan Abdella - OOP
- Rose Magic - Leanne Milhano - OOP
- Rose of Seville - Bonnie Stout
- Rose St. Nick Shelf # 219 - Jean Zawicki
- Rose Tree Cottage - Kathy Langdon
- Rose _ Breasted Grosbeak - Terry Pernicaro
- Rosebud - Anne Blair
- Rosebuds & Ribbons - Kay Quist - OOP
- Rosemaled Silk Scarf - Judy Alsever
- Rosemaling A Brush with Tradition - Kristen Birkeland - OOP
- Rosemaling An Introduction to Rogaland Style - Vi Thode - OOP
- Rosemaling Trends & Traditions - Shirley Peterich - OOP
- Rosemaling Trends Traditions & Beyond Vol. 1 - Shirley Peterich - OOP
- Rosemaling Trends Traditions & Beyond Vol. 2 - Shirley Peterich - OOP
- Rosemary's Folk Art - Rosemary West - OOP
- Roses are Red - Peggy Stogdill
- Roses en Francais - Liz Buckner - OOP
- Roses Folk Art - Leanne Milhano - OOP
- Roses Lace and Dewdrops - Joan Johnson - OOP
- Roses, Rosebuds and Vines - Joan Johnson - OOP
- Route 1 Box 5 - Peggy Nuttall
- Rub A Dub Dub - Gloria Wyche
- Rural Landscape Windchime - Ruth Dolson
- Russian Floral Legacy - Tricia Joiner - OOP
- Rustic Barns in Tall Autumn Grass - Carole Spandau
- Saint Nicholas Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Salt Box - Paula J Lawton
- Saltbox Seasons Vol. 2 - Bonnie Demers - OOP
- Sampler Mouse Pad - Deb Richey
- Sangria - Paula J Lawton
- Santa & Noah's Ark + Animals # 165 - Jean Zawicki
- Santa and Co - Jana Allie
- Santa and Me Vol. 2 - Jean Zawicki - OOP
- Santa and Snowman Staves - Heartstrokes
- Santa and the Mrs. - Donna Stewart
- Santa Bearing Gifts - Carol Mays
- Santa Bell - Pat Lentine
- Santa Claus Bells - Kristen Birkeland
- Santa Claus Teddy Bear - Kristen Birkeland
- Santa Cookie Plate - Rosemary West - OOP
- Santa Delights - Joyce Grothen
- Santa Eggs - Ann Hazelwood
- Santa Fe Birdhouse - Kristen Birkeland
- Santa Gives Thanks - Helena Cook
- Santa Gourds Vessels # 225 - Jean Zawicki
- Santa In the Chimney - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Santa Masquerade - Barb Jones
- Santa on Stackable Boxes - Sonja Richardson
- Santa Oval - Doxie Keller
- Santa Parade - Susan Jill Hall - OOP
- Santa Plate - Pat Lentine
- Santa Sam - Ann Hazelwood
- Santa Shirt - Jan Bowen
- Santa Skis #148 - Phyllis Tilford
- Santa Sleigh over the houses - Carolyn Coffey
- Santa w/Book List - Kristen Birkeland
- Santa with Trees - Kristen Birkeland
- Santa's Helper Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Santa's Memo #172 - Phyllis Tilford
- Santa's Skis - Sandy Brenner
- Santa's Treasures - Andrea Lyness
- Santa-llectables Vol. 1 #178 - Phyllis Tilford
- Santas & Sams - Bobi Dolara
- Santas and Trees - Karen Wood - OOP
- Santas Etc. - Jean Zawicki - OOP
- Santa Loves Snowmen - Jean Zawicki - OOP
- Santas Three - Lucy Gertscher
- Santas, Snowmen & More - Jean Zawicki - OOP
- Sawdust Symphony - Sandra Malone
- Sawmill Santas - Nancy Russman
- Scare Crow - Sonja Richardson
- Scare the Crows - Susan Jill Hall
- Scarecrow and Pilgrim Mini Barrel Staves - Heartstrokes
- Scarecrow and Pumpkins - Katy Hoopes
- Scarecrow Centerpiece - Karen Wood - OOP
- Scarecrow Garden - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Scarecrows Autumn Leaves - Helena Cook
- Scareless Scarecrow - Carol Mays
- Scene on Casserole Carrier - Ann Finnigan
- Scenes From Back Home Vol. 4 - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- Scenes of the Season - Jurate Okura - OOP
- School Days - Sherrie Thomas
- School Days Feather Tree - Janis Roberts
- School Days Necklace - Sharon Saylor
- School House - Carol Mays
- Schoolhouse Jar and Eraser - Susan Fouts
- Schoolhouse Treasures Vol. 1 - Cathy Schmidt
- Schoolhouse Treasures Vol. 2 - Cathy Schmidt
- Schoolhouse Treasures Vol. 3 Blackbird Inn - Cathy Schmidt
- Scottie's Bauernmalerei Bavarian Folk Art Vol. 3 - Scottie Foster
- Scottish Terrier - Jackie Cole - OOP
- Scrapbooking Plus Vol. 1 - Multi Author - OOP
- Scrapbooking Plus Vol. 1-4 Set - Multi Author - OOP
- Scrapbooking Plus Vol. 2 - Multi Author - OOP
- Scrapbooking Plus Vol. 3 - Multi Author - OOP
- Scrapbooking Plus Vol. 4 - Multi Author - OOP
- Sculpted Papier Mache' Gourd Santa # 212 - Jean Zawicki
- Sea Horsies - Annie Lang - OOP
- Seaside Treasures - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- Season Pleasers Vol. 3 - Peggy Laurie
- Season Stamps - Deb Malewski
- Seasonal Add-Ons # 197 - Jean Zawicki
- Seasonal Heart - Carol Mays
- Seasonal Shingles - Gwyn Colvin
- Seasonal Sisters - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Seasons & Other Reasons - Debra Jordan Bryan
- Seasons Best Vol 1 - Sandra Malone - OOP
- Seasons Best Vol 6 - Sandra Malone - OOP
- Seasons Best Vol 8 - Sandra Malone
- Seasons Shared - Kay Quist and Karen Wisner - OOP
- Second Nature Vol. 1 - Kathy McPherson
- Seed n' Feed Birdhouse - Wendy Fahey
- Seed/Jewelry Box - Jane Dillon
- Seeds - Faith Rollins
- Seeds - Jill Ankrom
- Sentimental Hearts - Sharon Buononato
- Set for Elegance - Jeanne Downing
- Sewing Gadgets - Kingslan & Gibilisco
- Shabby Chic Vol. 1 - BJ Fleetham
- Shabby Chic Vol. 2 - BJ Fleetham
- Shade Garden Lamp - Patty Stouffer
- Shades of Spring Garden - Wendy Fahey
- Shadow Box Clock - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Shaker Seeds - Sonja Richardson
- Shall I Play For You - Sue Bagwell
- Share A Little Kindness - Sandra Malone- OOP
- Share Your Blessings - Sue Luce
- Shared Memories Vol. 1 - Cheri Dennett
- Sharing Gifts of Nature Vol. 1 - Barb Halvorson - OOP
- Sharing Gifts of Nature Vol. 2 - Barb Halvorson - OOP
- Shasha's Tulips - Debra L. Welty
- SHELFWORN: A Road to Saltbox Memories - John Sliney
- SHELFWORN: Between The Vines Vol. 8 - Jamie Mills-Price - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Bitterroot Backroads Vol. 8 - Glenice Moore
- SHELFWORN: Echoes of Nature - Sue Scheewe-Brown - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Enjoy Acrylic - Sue Scheewe-Brown
- SHELFWORN: Enjoy Watercolor and Acrylic - Sue Scheewe Brown - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Floral Treasures - Sharon Teal-Coray
- SHELFWORN: Gran's Attic - Ros Stallcup
- SHELFWORN: Gran's Magic - Ros Stallcup - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Gran's Memories - Ros Stallcup
- SHELFWORN: Gran's Pantry - Ros Stallcup
- SHELFWORN: Gran's Presents - Ros Stallcup
- SHELFWORN: Gran's Workbook - Ros Stallcup
- SHELFWORN: Happy Holidays to Paint - Chris Thornton
- SHELFWORN: Harvest Home - Kaaren Johnston
- SHELFWORN: Holiday Heartwarmers Vol. 10 - Sue Jernigan
- SHELFWORN: Homes for Rent-Cheep! - Elizabeth - Scesniak
- SHELFWORN: Horsefeathers - Naomi Brown - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Painted Botanicals - Barbara Baatz Hillman
- SHELFWORN: Seasons and other Reasons - Debra Bryan Jordan
- SHELFWORN: Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes Vol. 1 - Holly Hanley - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Sunshine Kisses and Warm Wishes Vol. 2 - Holly Hanley - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Watercolor and Acrylic - Sue Scheewe - Brown
- SHELFWORN: Watercolor Classics - Gayle Laible
- Sheltered By A Rainbow #214 - Helena Cook
- Sherry's Heartstrokes - Sherry Bell - OOP
- Shhh Somebunnys Sleeping - Mary Lou Burrows
- Ships Captain Sam Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Shivering Heights - Debra Henkener
- ShortStacks Halloween - Rose Calton - OOP
- Signs of Harvest - Kim Hogue
- Signs of the Seasons - Karen Schulz
- Silent Watcher - Joan Johnson
- Simple and Creative Watercolor
- Simple Strokes for Simplefok's Vol. 1 - Pamela Bouse Book
- Simpler Times - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Simply Classical - Heidi Ott - OOP
- Simply Country Watercolor - Susan Scheewe Brown - OOP
- Sing a Song of Spring - Susie Saunders - OOP
- Sisters - Mary Helen Gould
- Sisters - Morene Shultz
- Sitting Chef - Joyce Krenke
- Skaters at Wilson's Mill - Norma Harrington
- Skinny Snowmen - Wanda Marland
- Slider Boxes - Joyce Krenke
- Small Lamp - Sonja Richardson
- Small Winter Oval Slate - Catherine Holman
- Smiles and Blessings Too - Rick St. Dennis - OOP
- Smiles and Blessings Vol. 1 - Rick St. Dennis - OOP
- Smiles and Blessings Vol. 3 Ho Ho Home - Rick St. Dennis - OOP
- Smiles to Share - Sandra Malone
- Sno-llectables #179 - Phyllis Tilford
- Sno-llectables 2 #181 - Phyllis Tilford
- Snow and Snowmom - Nancy Russman
- Snow Buddies - Ronnie Bringle - OOP
- Snow Bunny and Carrots - Lori Link
- Snow Coasters - Patti Norrish
- Snow Delightful - Temple & Pa - OOP
- Snow Family - Areta and Connie
- Snow for Sale - Sandy Brenner
- Snow Friends - Ann Hazelwood
- Snow Girl - Wendy Fahey
- Snowballs 5 cents - Debbie Clarke
- Snowbears - Patti Norrish
- Snowboard - Carmen Rogers
- Snowboarder - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowflake Fantasy - Kay Quist - OOP
- Snowflake Season - Sandra Malone - OOP
- Snowman Couples - Carol Mays
- Snowman Denim - Jan Bowen
- Snowman Feet in Air - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman Glasses - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman Heartstrings Sled - Chris Barrett
- Snowman Laying Stomach - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman Leaning Back - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman Mitten Dryer # 214 - Jean Zawicki
- Snowman on Back - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman on Round Boxes - Sonja Richardson
- Snowman Plate - Jan Bowen
- Snowman Smoker - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman Snowflake Hanging - Laurie Speltz
- Snowman Tree Box - Sonja Richardson
- Snowman w/Candy Cane - Kristen Birkeland
- Snowman Welcome - Juanita Denton
- Snowman with Wreath and Bird - Heartstrokes
- Snowmen - Michele Trout
- Snowmen Rocking Horse Nutcracker - Brenda Stott
- Snowy Days - Sandra Malone - OOP
- Snowy Friends - Diane Meyer - OOP
- Snowy Patches - Karen Wood - OOP
- So Soft Iris - Kathy Harrington
- So Special Friends - Sue Jernigan
- So You Want To Paint Roses - Charlotte Carney - OOP
- Soft & Pastel - Laurie Griffiths & Vicki Hutchings - OOP
- Soft Watered Taffeta - Brenda Jansen - OOP
- Soldier and Angel - Arlene Beck
- Some of My Favorite Things Vol. 1 - Corinne Riopelle
- Some Of My Favorite Things Vol. 2 - Corinne Riopelle
- Some Of My Favorite Things Vol. 3 - Corinne Riopelle
- Something For Him - Ann Kingslan
- Soot E. Sweep Nutcracker Painting Instructions - Felecia Weston - OOP
- Southwest Flower Pokes - Annie Richardson
- Sparkly Light Trio - Arlene Beck
- SHELFWORN: A Romance with Flowers - Pam Childress - OOP
- SHELFWORN: Everyday Beliefs - Laurie Speltz
- Special Gifts Vol 2 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Special Gifts Vol. 1 - Debbie Toews - OOP
- Spice Box Landscape - Ruth Dolson
- Spirit of Angels - Sue Jernigan - OOP
- Splash - Susan Pisoni - OOP
- Spooky Plates - Laurie Speltz
- Spread A Little Sunshine - Sandra Malone - OOP
- Spring Birdhouse with Jonquils - Charles Johnson
- Spring Blossom's - Kim Hogue
- Spring Bookmark Basket Keepers - Laurie Speltz
- Spring Brush Holder - Debbie Toews
- Spring Bulb Cupboard - Barbara Franzreb
- Spring Cleanup Cabinet #309 - Phyllis Tilford
- Spring Harvest - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Spring in Cherryvale - Norma Harrington
- Spring in the Hills - Norma Harrington
- Spring Lamb - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Spring Lattice - Deborah Hromanik
- Spring Lighthouse - Debbie Toews
- Spring Morning - Sonja Richardson
- Spring Pins - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Spring Roundup #300 - Phyllis Tilford
- Spring Summer Inserts for Four Season Clock - Laurie Speltz
- Spring's In The Air - Norma Harrington
- Springtime Bunny #170 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet
- Springtime Mirror Frame - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Springtime Noah #204 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet
- Springtime Table and Chairs - Sonja Richardson
- Springtime Wreath - Karen Wood - OOP
- Sprinkles of Love - Susan R. Boerman
- Sprinkling of Blessings - Susan Kulstad
- St Nick #166 - Sue Jernigan
- St Nick the Egg - Susan Crago
- St. Nick Shelf Board # 199 - Jean Zawicki
- Stackable Boxes - Sonja Richardson
- Stairway to Heaven - Barbara Franzreb
- Star Spangled Santas - Michelle Bastean - OOP
- Star-Brite St. Nick # 121 - Jean Zawicki
- Starlight Angel's Delight - Bev Johnston and Pam Tyriver - OOP
- Starlight Sketchbook Vol. 2 - Bev Johnston
- Starlight Sleep Tight - Bev Johnston and Pam Tyriver - OOP
- Starlight Starbright - Sonja Richardson
- Starlite Santa Tray # 150 - Jean Zawicki
- Starring Santa - LaRae Anderson
- Starry Night - Arlene Beck
- Starry Night Santa - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Starry Santa Stocking and Ornament - Sandy Brenner
- Starry-nite Sidney - Nancy Russman
- Stars and Stripes - Arlene Beck
- Statue of Liberty - Barbara Franzreb
- Still Dreaming - Avis Braun - OOP
- Still Life Lamp #313 - Phyllis Tilford
- Still Life Memo #336 - Phyllis Tilford
- Still Life on Casserole Carrier - Ann Finnigan
- Still Life with Chrysanthemum - Grace Venditti and Carole Spandau
- Stocking Hat Snowman - Snowflake Pin - Hazel Griffiths
- Stoneware Covered Crock - Paula J Lawton
- Stoneware Tea Service #217 - Catherine Holman
- Strawberries & Daisies Glass - Carol Mays
- Strawberries - Joan Johnson
- Strawberries and Cream - Paula J Lawton
- Strawberries on Porcelain Mail Holder - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Strawberrry Basket - Jane Dillon
- Strawberry Farm - Carolyn L Phillips - OOP
- Strawberry Preserves - Carolyn Phillips
- Strawberry Sue - Anne Blair
- Strawberry Trees - Susie Saunders
- Street Artist at Work - Carole Spandau
- Strokes with Style - Leisure Arts
- Studies In Still Life - Kathye Begala - OOP
- Stuffed Crow - Brenda Ann Oveson
- Sugar and Spice - Heather Lownds - OOP
- Sugar Loaf Beginner Folk Art - Jackie Cole - OOP
- Sugar Plum St. Nick # 168 - Jean Zawicki
- Sugar Plums - Elaine Thompson - OOP
- Summer and Fall Chunky Lamps
- Summer Bookmark Basket Keepers - Laurie Speltz
- Summer Bouquet #2 # 205 - Jean Zawicki
- Summer Bouquet Jewelry Holder # 75 - Jean Zawicki
- Summer Cottage Backyard - Debbie Toews
- Summer Cottage Front - Debbie Toews
- Summer Cottages - Carole Spandau
- Summer Day Mini Still Life - Annie Schickel
- Summer Delight - Patty Stouffer
- Summer Fall Tall Box Lamp with Inserts - Laurie Speltz
- Summer Floral Lessons - Lynne Deptula - OOP
- Summer Fruits and Flowers Seed Box - Arlene Newman
- Summer Fun - Norma Harrington
- Summer Garden - Patty Stouffer
- Summer Lake - Yvonne Kresal
- Summer Magic # 221 - Jean Zawicki
- Summer Mill - Debbie Toews
- Summer Splash - Sandra Malone
- Summer Still Life - Pam Murphy
- Summer time - Sonja Richardson
- Summer Victorian Gazebo - Charles Johnson
- Summertime Fun - Cindy Mann Vitale
- Sun Kissed Colours - Carol Sharpe - OOP
- Sun Shining on Falls - Sandy Krodil
- Sunday Go to Meeting - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Sunday Meeting - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- Sunday Morning Flower Mart - Roxanne Jarvis
- Sunflower and Morning Glories - Patty Stouffer
- Sunflower Babies - Helen Nicholson
- Sunflower Screen - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Sunflower Tote Bag - Lorraine Ulen - OOP
- Sunny Garden - Mary Helen Gould
- Sunny Spring Smiles - Kay Quist
- Sunrise Vegetable Seeds Sign - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Sunset Scene - Bonnie Seaman
- Sunshine Flowers - Leila Lundberg
- Sunshine Kids - Tonya S. Cowles - OOP
- Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes Vol. 1 - Holly Hanley - OOP
- Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes Vol. 2 - Holly Hanley - OOP
- Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes Vol. 5 - Holly Hanley - OOP
- Sunshine Kisses and Warm Winter Wishes Vol. 6 - Holly Hanley - OOP
- Sunshine Paper Mache Bags - Sandy Brenner
- Sunshine Sayings - Linda Lover - OOP
- Super Size St. Nick # 183 - Jean Zawicki
- Susan's With A Soft Touch Vol 1 - Sue Pisoni - OOP
- Sutton - Susan Nagle
- Sweet 'n Sassy Seasons - Kay Quist - OOP
- Sweet Christmas - Tina-Marie Ledbetter
- Sweet Harvest - Tina-Marie Ledbetter
- Sweet Hearts - Joyce Krenke
- Sweet Hearts - Sandra Malone
- Sweet Holiday Treats - Lorrie Weber - OOP
- Sweet Inspirations - Atsuko Yoshikawa - OOP
- Sweet Sense - Holly Hahn - OOP
- Sweet Tooth - Jackie Colman
- Sweet Treats #2 #156 - Jean Zawicki
- Sweet Treats #250 - Phyllis Tilford
- Sweetheart Roses - Barbara Franzreb
- Sweethearts Box - Mary Helen Gould
- Swiss Stein - Joyce Krenke
- Switchplates & Door Knob Hangers # 202 - Jean Zawicki
- Sylvia's Frame - Bonnie Frederico
- Table with Flowers and Fruit - Carol Witt - OOP
- Tailfeather's Vol. 3 - Carla Kern & Giselle Pope
- Take A Fancy To Folk Art - Diane Capoccia - OOP
- Tall Santa Bag of Toys - Kristen Birkeland
- Tall Snowman with Birdhouse - Sonja Richardson
- Tapestry Birdhouse - Judy Morgan - OOP
- Teacher - Ann Finnigan
- Teacher Angel String A Long w/wood - Gail Anderson
- Teacher Tissue Box - Judy Sipe
- Teacher's Pet - Maxine Thomas
- Teardrop Santa - Missy Becker
- Teatime Windchime and Nightlight - Lynda Derby
- Teddy Bear Bean Pot - Mary Svenson - OOP
- Teddy Bears Old & New Painting - Pat Wakefield - OOP
- Teddy Coasters - Susan Cochrane
- Teddy on a Shelf - Morene Shultz
- Teddy Rides Again - Andrea Lyness
- Teddy Treasures by a Bear Loving Trio - Cheryl Bradshaw, Debbie Cole and Debbie Mitchell - OOP
- Teddy's Painting Time - Wendy Fahey
- Teddys Shelf #325 - Phyllis Tilford
- Tempting Tin - Anne Hunter - OOP
- Tennis Anyone - Carla Sweetra - OOP
- Thanksgiving - Janis Roberts
- That's Christmas and More Vol. 2 - Debbie Kaput - OOP
- That's Santa Claus Lane - Debbie Kaput - OOP
- That's Sweet - Debbie Kaput - OOP
- The Angel Patch - Jan Way - OOP
- The Basics of Tin Painting - Gigi Smith-Burns - OOP
- The Boghouse in Winter - Laurie Paillex
- The Book of Angels - Judy Nutter - OOP
- The BoPeep Pair - Donna Dalenberg
- The Brush Toles for Thee - Robert Berger - OOP
- The Bunny Trio - Di Hiller
- The Canvasback Drake Sherry C Nelson - OOP
- The Chase Angel - Jeri Brindley Francis and Kim Meyer
- The Chase - Susan Nagle
- The Chimney Sweep - Carla Sweetra - OOP
- The Christmas Collection - France Quirion - OOP
- The Christmas Rose - Patty Stouffer
- The Collecting Box - Gloria Wyche - OOP
- The Colonial Village Box - Judy Morgan - OOP
- The Complete Book of Decorative Painting - Tera Leigh
- The Cookie Maker - Jane Barrientos
- The Cottage - Patty Stouffer
- The Cottage Collection - Chris Stokes - OOP
- The Country Parcels Collection Vol. 1 - Brenda McPeek
- The Decorative Painter - 1987 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 1987 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 1989 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 1991 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 1992 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 1993 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 1994 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 1995 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 1995 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 1995 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 1997 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 1999 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 1999 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2000 Issue 5 - OOP
- The Decorative Painter - 2001 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2001 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2001 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2002 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2002 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2002 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 2003 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2003 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2003 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2003 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2003 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 2004 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2004 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2004 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2004 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2004 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2004 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 2005 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2005 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2005 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2005 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2005 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2005 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 2006 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2006 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2006 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2006 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2006 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2006 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 2007 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2007 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2007 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2007 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2007 Issue 5
- The Decorative Painter - 2007 Issue 6
- The Decorative Painter - 2008 Issue Fall
- The Decorative Painter - 2008 Issue Summer
- The Decorative Painter - 2009 Issue Summer
- The Decorative Painter - 2009 Issue Winter
- The Doll With Pink Shoes - Morene Schultz
- The Enchanting World of Fairy Tales Vol. 1 - Ladybug Creations - Jan McCraw - OOP
- The Enchanting World of Fairy Tales Vol. 2 - Jan McCraw - OOP
- The Family Farm - Pat Olson
- The Fences of Cloverbend Farm - Norma Harrington
- The Flower Girl - Morene Shultz
- The Garden Bench - Connie Parkinson
- The Gift - Jayna James - OOP
- The Gingerbread Man - Karen Embry
- The Gingham Dog and The Calico Cat - Donna Atkins
- The Good News - Barb Jones
- The Goose Girl - Morene Shultz
- The Great Watercolor Frame Up - Glenda Dunham - OOP
- The Heart of Nature - Jo Hollingsworth - OOP
- The Holiday Brush Vol. 1 - Lou Ann Stenberg - OOP
- The Holiday Brush Vol. 2 - Lou Ann Stenberg - OOP
- The Incredible Pumpkin Book - Scott Klein - OOP
- The Irvine Angels - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- The Island way - Cindy Mitchell
- The Joy of Painting Flowers Vol. 1 - Annette Kowalski
- The Joy of Rosemaling - Kristen Birkeland
- The Light of the World - Barbara Franzreb
- The Lights of Heritage Home - Nancy Wekarchuk - OOP
- The Lily May Pond Vol 2 - Susan Pisoni
- The Magic of Acrylic Painting Vol. 1 - Brenda Harris
- The Magnificent Art of Bronzing - Lina J Kortz - OOP
- The Majesty of Nature Vol. 1 - Mabel Blanco - OOP
- The Majesty of Nature Vol. 2 - Mabel Blanco - OOP
- The Mariner - Joyce Krenke
- The Masters Touch Vol. 2 - Sherry Masters
- The Mice Will Play - Jan Spanik
- The Mill on Crooked Creek - Norma Harrington
- The Nature of Florals - Joyce Morrison - OOP
- The O'Hares - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- The Old Clock - Norma Harrington
- The Painted Wreath - Dolores Lennon - OOP
- The Painter's Choice - Elizabeth Hayes
- The Painter's Home Companion Vol. 3 - Jean Myers and Shirley Wilson
- The Patterns of Christmas Rocking Horse Nutcracker - Brenda Stott
- The Pleasures of Country Life - Chris Stokes - OOP
- The Posie Patch - Jan Way - OOP
- The Potting Shed #184 - Catherine Holman
- The Primitive Side of Cape Cod - Charlene Barlow
- The Red House - Patty Stouffer
- The Santa Classic Vol. 2 - Bonnie Seaman - OOP
- The Scent of Gingerbread - Kim Hogue
- The Sideload Book Vol. 1 - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- The Sideload Book Vol. 2 - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- The Sideload Seashells - Sharyn Binam - OOP
- The Small Ones - Joan Johnson
- The Snow Covered Cottage - Laurie Paillex
- The Starry Night Collection Vol. 1 - Brenda Stewart
- The State Fair - Norma Harrington
- The Strawberry Girl - Morene Shultz
- The Swallow - Cheri Rol
- The Three Butterflies - Angela Smith Fisher
- The Toadall Nutcracker - Bobbie Takashima
- The Trunk Shoppe - OOP
- The Ultimate Book of Faux Finishes - Martha Kenton - OOP
- The Unicorn and Old World Designs - Ladybug Creations - Jan McCraw - OOP
- The White Crowned Sparrow - Sherry Nelson
- The Wild Yellow Rose - Cheri Rol
- The Winery - Jane Crick
- The Woodcutter - Joyce Krenke
- Things go better with Coke - Sue Bailey - OOP
- Think Snow - Debbie Toews
- Think Spring Bunny - Chris Barrett
- Thinking of You - Kumi Pickford
- This Old Bowl - Margo Wightman - OOP
- This one thing I do three... - D.J. Williams
- This Way To Garden - Karen Wood - OOP
- Thou Shalt Not Whine Heart Sign # 36-93 - Delane Lange
- Three Bears Honey Farm - Linda Joan Patterson
- Three Bears Welcome - Helen Nicholson
- Three Fruit Trio # 222 - Jean Zawicki
- Three Steps to Folk Art #332 - Phyllis Tilford
- Thrift Shop Treasures and a little more - Terrye French and Deb Richey
- Thyme to Paint - Terrye French
- Tiger - Dee Cochran BATIK Painting Watercolor
- Tiger Lily Lamp Shade - Cheri Rol
- Tiled Fruit Box - Betty Caithness - OOP
- Time for all things - Linda Joan Patterson
- Time for Fruit - Ronnie Bringle - OOP
- Time for Roses #369 - Phyllis Tilford
- Time for Tea - Arlene Beck
- Time out for Hug - Kenna Reynolds and Donna Malone
- Time To Paint - Gigi Smith Burns - OOP
- Time to Pig Out - Susan Jill Hall
- Time To Shine - Sandy Aubuchon - OOP
- Timeless Texture - Luanne Wykes - OOP
- Timeless Treasures - Judi Krause - OOP
- Timeless Treasures - Linda Kiska - OOP
- Times Remembered - Annette Dozier - OOP
- Tin Nightlights - Susan Fouts
- Tin Star and Heart Patriotic Snowman - Laurie Speltz
- Tin Treasures - Deborah Hromanik
- Tin Treasures - Deborah Hromanik
- Tin with Lynne - Lynne Deptula
- Tina - Ruth Benthin
- Tina's Treasure Box - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Tinker's Collection - Sherry Bell - OOP
- Tiny Teddies The Boys - Susan Cochrane
- Tiny Teddies The Girls - Susan Cochrane
- Tiny Treasures - Sandy Brenner
- Tiny Treasures Vol 1 - OOP
- Tiny Treasures Vol 2 - OOP
- Tis The Seasons #3 - Karen Wood - OOP
- Titmice on a Heart - Sherry Nelson
- Together We Stand - Gigi Smith Burns
- Tole Fairy Treasures Vol. 2 - Multi Artist - OOP
- Tole Mill Favorite Fruits - Phyllis Tilford - OOP
- Tole Mill Favorites - Phyllis Tilford - OOP
- Tole Mill Folk Art From My Heart Vol. 2 - Phyllis Tilford - OOP
- Tole Mill Treasures Phyllis Tilford - OOP
- Tole World - 1988 Sept/Oct
- Tole World - 1993 January/February
- Tole World - 1998 December
- Tole World - 1998 February
- Tole World - 1998 October
- Tole World - 1999 April
- Tole World - 1999 August
- Tole World - 1999 December
- Tole World - 1999 February
- Tole World - 1999 October
- Tole World - 2000 April
- Tole World - 2000 August
- Tole World - 2000 December
- Tole World - 2000 February
- Tole World - 2000 June
- Tole World - 2000 October
- Tole World - 2001 April
- Tole World - 2001 August
- Tole World - 2001 December
- Tole World - 2001 June
- Tole World - 2001 October
- Tole World - 2002 August
- Tole World - 2002 June
- Tole World - 2004 April
- Tole World - 2004 December
- Tole World - 2004 October
- Tole World - 2005 April
- Tole World - 2005 August
- Tole World - 2005 February
- Tole World - 2005 June
- Tole World - 2005 October
- Tole World - 2006 April
- Tole World - 2006 February
- Tole World - April 2002 - OOP
- Tole World - April 2003 - OOP
- Tole World - August 2003 - OOP
- Tole World - August 2004 - OOP
- Tole World - December 2002 - OOP
- Tole World - February 2002 - OOP
- Tole World - February 2003
- Tolehaven Christmas Vol. 2 - Gail Anderson - OOP
- Tolehaven Collection Vol. 8 - Gail Anderson - OOP
- Tom Cat - Morene Schultz
- Tomorrow's Garden Treasures - Sonja Richardson - OOP
- Too Cute Terra Cotta - Paula Bales - OOP
- Top Hat Snowman - Sue Jernigan
- Topiaries - Donna Lee Parella - OOP
- Town 'n Country Santas # 137 - Jean Zawicki
- Town and Country Bowl - Ruth Dolson
- Toy-Time Santa # 122 - Jean Zawicki
- Toys - Joan Johnson
- Toys All Around # 143 - Jean Zawicki
- Traditional Landscapes - Joan Dixon
- Trailing Vines - Norma Harrington
- Transparent Watercolors florals - Mary Spires
- Tray Chic - Pat Saunders - OOP
- Treasure Box - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Treasured Friends # 63 - Jean Zawicki
- Treasures from Santa, Noah & the Pirate's Den - Geri Lucas and Laurie Harris - OOP
- Treasures of the Month Vol 1 - Peggy Hobbs - OOP
- Treats Jar Lid - Angie Hupp
- Treats This Way - Arlene Beck
- Tree Farm and Evening Train - Catherine Holman
- Tree Tops #112 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet Angels
- Trellis Plaque - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Trick or Treat Gang - Carmen Rogers
- Trixy Witch - Carol McNaught
- Tropical Fun - Gerry Klein - OOP
- Tulip Desk Clock - Prudy Vannier
- Tulips and Berries Clock - Carolyn Phillips
- Tullie The Witch - Kim Hogue
- Turned Wood Santa - Donna Stewart
- Turtles, Pigs and more - Annie Richardson
- Tuttles Touches Vol. 1 - Mary Jo Tuttle - OOP
- Tuttles Touches Vol. 2 - Mary Jo Tuttle - OOP
- Tuttles Touches Vol. 3 - Mary Jo Tuttle - OOP
- Tuttles Touches Vol. 5 - Mary Jo Tuttle - OOP
- Tuttles Touches Vol. 6 - Mary Jo Tuttle
- Twelve Days of Christmas - Nelda Eakin
- Twig Snowman - Sonja Richardson
- Twiggy Cat Stripes and Hearts - Jean Myers
- Twilight Skaters - Geri Tilley
- Twilight Skaters - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Two Bears in a Heart - Jo Ann Sewell
- Black Cats - Joyce Krenke
- Two Children - Morene Shultz
- Two Roads Through New England - John Sliney and Charlene Barlow
- Two Santas with Trees - Joyce Krenke
- Two Sassy Snowmen # 155 - Jean Zawicki
- Two Snowmen - Chris Barrett
- Tylersville Tall Sled - Cynthia Erekson
- Uncle Floyds Collection - Deborah Hromanik
- Uncle Sam Snowman # 161 - Jean Zawicki
- Uncle Sam Table Runner - Catherine Holman
- Uncle Sammy & St. Patty - Carol Mays
- Up the Garden Path - Carol Cook
- Valleyview - Joan Dixon
- Value Painting - Joan Johnson
- Vampumpkin - Nina Owens
- Van Ave Top - Heather Redick
- Vegetable Medley Stools - Katy Hoopes
- Vegetables Peas - Carolyn Phillips
- Vermont Winters - Debbie Toews
- Very Pretty Vases - Sue Bailey - OOP
- Victorian Angel Box - Jane Dillon
- Victorian Angel Clock - Susie Wolfe - OOP
- Victorian Bakery Recipe Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Bed & Breakfast Recipe Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Bird House - Janice Miller
- Victorian Birdhouse Rose - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Cabinet - Cathy Steffy
- Victorian Carousel Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Designs - Charles Johnson - OOP
- Victorian Drape Bentwood Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Fan Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Fruit #1- Mary Jane Todd
- Victorian Gingerbread - Charles Johnson - OOP
- Victorian Gingerbread Birdhouse - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Gingerbread Birdhouse Tree Ornaments - Johnson
- Victorian Gingerbread Bunny - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Gingerbread Tree Ornaments - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Glove Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Heart Jewelry Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian House in Winter - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Lace Birdhouse - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Locket and Bow - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Memories - Linda Biggs - OOP
- Victorian Potpourri - Juliet Martin - OOP
- Victorian Shoe Ornament - Lorraine Ulen
- Victorian Stocking - Mary W. Wiseman
- Victorian Towel Painting Book - OOP
- Victorian Treasures - Diane Trierweiler - OOP
- Victorian Visions - Ginger Edwards - OOP
- Victorian Wall Box - Paula J Lawton
- Victorian Wall Clock - Charles Johnson
- Village Fair at Cottage Corners - OOP
- Village Letterholder - Marsha Weiser
- Village Letterholder - Marsha Weiser - OOP
- Village Views Vol. 4 - Gladys Neilsen - OOP
- Village Views Vol. 5 - Gladys Neilsen - OOP
- Village Views Vol. 6 - Gladys Neilsen - OOP
- Village Views Vol. 7 - Gladys Neilsen - OOP
- Vintage Collections - Rhonda Cable - OOP
- Vintage Treasures Vol. 1 - Carol Forsyth
- Violets on White Linen - Peggy Stogdill
- Virtue - Pat Welter
- Visons of Sugarplums - Brenda Stewart - OOP
- Wags and Whiskers - Susan Fouts-Kline - OOP
- Wait for Me - Deborah Hromanik
- Waiting - Connie Parkinson
- Waiting for the Schoolbus - Norma Harrington - OOP
- Wall Planters # 206 - Jean Zawicki
- Walnut Shade #112 - Catherine Holman
- Waltzing on Ice - Siobhan
- Warm Wishes #289 - Sue Jernigan
- Wash Day - Connie Parkinson
- Watch Me Grow - Pat Saunders - OOP
- Watercolor #31204 - Jeanniene
- Watercolor #31205 - Jeanniene
- Watercolor #31207 - Jeanniene
- Watercolor #31208 - Jeanniene
- Watercolor & Acrylic - Susan Scheewe Brown
- Watercolor Magic - Kathy Harrington - OOP
- Watercolor Roses Shirt - Jan Bowen
- Watercolor with a Flair - Kathy Harrington - OOP
- Watercolors 1 Step by Step - Mary Spires - OOP
- Beginner's Guide to Watercoloring with Acrylics - Pat Wakefield - OOP
- Watering Can and Ivy - Debbie Clarke
- Watermelon - Pam Miller
- Watermelon and Black Birds - Jeri Brindley Francis and Kim Meyer
- Watermelon Heart - Sharon Saylor
- Watermelons - Tami Cardnella
- Watermill Windchime - Catherine Holman
- We're in Cahoots - Multi Author
- Wearing Wildflowers - Dianne Byrd and Lucy Marsh - OOP
- Wedding Vase, Bowl and Ristra - Jo Ann Correll
- Wee Village #290 - Phyllis Tilford
- Welcome #445 A Paint box of Ideas - Sue Scheewe Brown - OOP
- Welcome Autumn Crow - Brenda Ann Oveson
- Welcome Back to Koozer Kountry - Susan and Jeremy Kozubal
- Welcome Changes Two - Pam Murphy
- Welcome Door Chime Plaque - Prudy Vannier
- Welcome Friends - Debbie Toews
- Welcome My Friends - Kim Hogue
- Welcome Spring Robin - Brenda Ann Oveson
- Welcome Summer Bluebird - Brenda Ann Oveson
- Welcome to My Spread - Marlene Kreutz
- Welcome to the Ark #178 Sue Jernigan Pattern Packet
- Welcome Winter Cardinal - Brenda Ann Oveson
- Welcome Wreath and Birdhouses - Chris Barrett
- Welcome Yard Sign - Debbie Toews
- Well Hello - Annie Schickel
- Wendy's Way Vol. 3 My Favorite Things - Wendy Fahey Book - OOP
- Wendy's Wee Bears - Wendy Hosea
- West Quoddy Head Light Ornament - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Western Santa - LaVerne Taknersley
- Whale Watch - Joyce Krenke
- When East Meets West - Megumi Takada
- When You Teach You Learn - Jayna James
- Where Love Abides - Pat Clarke
- Whimsey Works Vol. 3 - Bonnie Stout - OOP
- Whimsical Cat Garden - Angela Smith Fisher
- Whippersnappers Vol. 10 - Helan Barrick - OOP
- Whisper Painting - Suzy Eaton
- White Dove Porch Designs - Juliet Martin
- White Picket Fences - Monika Brint
- Who Let the Kids Out? - Annie Lang - OOP
- Wickedy Witch #115 - Sue Jernigan
- Wild Rose - Carolyn Phillips
- Wild Rose - Joan Johnson
- Wild Roses & Forget Me Nots - Peggy Stogdill
- Wilderness Lamp - Ronnie Bringle - OOP
- Wildflower Farm - Norma Harrington
- Williamsburg Corner Table - Barbara Franzreb
- Williamsburg Lemon Cone - Barbara Franzreb
- Willie #21 - Vi Thurmond
- Window Box - Cathy Steffy-Strate
- Window With Three Pots - Grace Venditti and Carole Spandau
- Windows of My World Vol. 6 - Jackie Claflin - OOP
- Windshield Art - Gerry Klein - OOP
- Windy Day in Door Country - Julie McFadden
- Winter - Bonnie Frederico
- Winter and Spring Rusted Tin Chimes - Laurie Speltz
- Winter Angel #422 - Myra Mahy
- Winter Barn - Debbie Toews
- Winter Berries - Charlene Barlow
- Winter Bookmark Basket Keeper - Laurie Speltz
- Winter Serenity - Debbie Toews
- Winter Day - Nina Owens
- Winter Days and Holidays on Cape Cod - Charlene Barlow
- Winter Friends - Tonya Cowles
- Winter Friendship - Debbie Clarke
- Winter Grace - Gail Eads
- Winter In The Country - Marsha Weiser
- Winter Large Wood Star and Heart - Laurie Speltz
- Winter Memo #337 - Phyllis Tilford
- Winter Memo Basket - Laurie Speltz
- Winter Over The Door Scene - Ann Finnigan
- Winter Sports Snowmen - Geri Tilley - OOP
- Winter Spring Tall Box Lamp with Insert - Laurie Speltz
- Winter Watch #394 - Phyllis Tilford
- Winter Wonderland #417 - Myra Mahy
- Connie's Winter Wonderland - Connie Williams - OOP
- Winter's Magic - Annie Schickel
- Winter's Magic Board - Annie Schickel
- Wintery Welcome Snowman # 174 - Jean Zawicki
- Wishful Thinking Cat and Fish Bowl - Debbie Mitchell
- Wisteria Book Shelf - Charles Johnson
- Wisteria Trunk Florals - Charles Johnson
- Witch Willa - Carol Mays
- With Love from Carol - Carol Johns Boatright - OOP
- Wood Duck - Jo Avis Moore
- Woodland Hike - Mosey n Me - Frank Bielec - OOP
- Words From The Heart - Gigi Smith-Burns - OOP
- Works of Art: Cottontail Couple - Elaine Thompson - OOP
- Works of Art: Spring Bonnets - Elaine Thompson - OOP
- Wreath St. Nicks # 83 - Jean Zawicki
- Wynter Whatnots - Gail Bell - OOP
- Year Round Ivy Bowls - Carolyn Stearns - OOP
- Yesterday's Children - Mary Lou Johnson - OOP
- Yesterdays's Treasures Pen and Ink - Jeni Glee Cloninger
- Yoh-Ho-Ho Santa Dummy Board # 107 - Jean Zawicki
- You Can Do - Ed Davenport
- Yvonne's Row of Houses - Yvonne Henry
- Zhostovo Fantasy Purple Flower Shelf - Karen Brockman
- Zippy Zebra Pull-Toy # 178 - Jean Zawicki
- …and thee - Connie Parkinson
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 4 Spring 1991
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 7 Winter 1991
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 8 Spring 1992
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 9 Summer 1992
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 14 Fall 1993
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 17 Summer 1994
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 18 Fall 1994
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 22 Fall 1995
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 23 Winter 1995
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 24 Spring 1996
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 25 Summer 1996
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 26 Fall 1996
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 27 Winter 1996
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 28 Spring 1997
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 30 Fall 1997
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 31 Winter 1997
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 32 Spring 1998
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 33 Summer 1998
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 34 Fall 1998
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 35 Winter 1998
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 36 Spring 1999
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 37 Summer 1999
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 38 Fall 1999
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 41 Summer 2000
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 42 Fall 2000
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 44 Spring 2001
- Artist's Journal - Issue # 46 Fall 2001
- Colorwheel to Portrait Painting - Vi Thurmond
- Flowers, Fruits and Friends - Vi Thurmond
- Scratchboard Pen & Ink - Vi Thurmond and Lynne McKee
- Our Forest Friends - Vi Thurmond
- Acrylic Favorites with Oil Set Ups - Vi Thurmond
- Our Farm Friends - Vi Thurmond
- Michael - Vi Thurmond PO2
- Tricia - Vi Thurmond PO5
- Cara - Vi Thurmond PO6
- Ritchie - Vi Thurmond PO7
- Heather - Vi Thurmond PO8
- Leticia - Vi Thurmond PO9
- Indian Maiden - Vi Thurmond PO11
- Aaron - Vi Thurmond PO12
- Anna - Vi Thurmond PO13
- White Face Clown - Vi Thurmond PO16
- Little Leaguer - Vi Thurmond PO17
- Daniel - Vi Thurmond PO18
- Wesley - Vi Thurmond PO19
- Willie - Vi Thurmond PO21
- Sarah - Vi Thurmond PO22
- Kellie the Clown - Vi Thurmond PO23
- Robin - Vi Thurmond PO24
- Krista and Black Bunny - Vi Thurmond PO25
- Morning Star - Vi Thurmond PO27
- Jessica Sue - Vi Thurmond PO28
- Bach - Vi Thurmond PO29
- Taylor - Vi Thurmond PO30
- Circus Belle - Vi Thurmond PO36
- Jenna - Vi Thurmond PO37
- Christopher - Vi Thurmond PO39
- Cocker Spaniel - Vi Thurmond # 11
- Springer Spaniel - Vi Thurmond # 19
- White Angora - Vi Thurmond # 24
- Geese - Vi Thurmond # 31
- Christopher - Vi Thurmond # 39
- Seascape - Vi Thurmond # 40
- Silver Kitten - Vi Thurmond # 43
- White Kitten - Vi Thurmond # 45
- Abbys - Vi Thurmond # 46
- White Shorthair Calico - Vi Thurmond # 53
- Chow - Vi Thurmond # 55
- Dachshound - Vi Thurmond # 56
- Peke in Barrel - Vi Thurmond # 57
- Perfect Friends - Vi Thurmond # 58
- Rosie the Pug - Vi Thurmond # 59
- Rat Terrier - Vi Thurmond # 62
- Kitten Family - Vi Thurmond # 66
- Pup and Kitten - Vi Thurmond # 67
- Siamese on Bowl Lid - Vi Thurmond # 69
- Genesis, Yellow Kitten on Lid - Vi Thurmond # 73
- Calico Kitten Basket - Vi Thurmond # 76
- White Poodle (left) - Vi Thurmond CO2
- Siamese Cat - Vi Thurmond CO3
- Siamese Cat (sitting) - Vi Thurmond CO4
- Rudy,the schnauzer - Vi Thurmond CO7
- White Angora Cat - Vi Thurmond CO8
- Socks, Black and White Cat - Vi Thurmond CO10
- Christmas Tabby - Vi Thurmond CO11
- French Lop Bunny - Vi Thurmond CO13
- White Persian Cat - Vi Thurmond CO15
- Blue Cream Persian - Vi Thurmond CO16
- Black Smoke Persian - Vi Thurmond CO17
- Winston Cat - Vi Thurmond ACR1
- Schnauzer - Vi Thurmond ACR2
- Dressed Up - Vi Thurmond ACR3
- Friends - Vi Thurmond ACR4
- Cat in Xmas Sock - Vi Thurmond ACR5
- Cat in Xmas Sock - Vi Thurmond ACR6
- Cat in Xmas Sock - Vi Thurmond ACR7
- Nicky- Vi Thurmond ACR10
- Mallard- Vi Thurmond ACR13
- Coon Kitty - Vi Thurmond ACR14
- Terrier Letter - Vi Thurmond ACR18
- Marmalade Taffy - Vi Thurmond ACR19
- Scottie - Vi Thurmond ACR21
- Porcelain Bunny - Vi Thurmond ACR24
- Porcelain Cat - Vi Thurmond ACR25
- Xmas Plaque and Ornament - Vi Thurmond ACR26
- Blue Persian - Vi Thurmond ACR28
- Christmas Bell - Vi Thurmond ACR29
- Kitten and Teddy - Vi Thurmond ACR30
- Black Cocker - Vi Thurmond ACR34
- Black Mini Lop - Vi Thurmond ACR35
- Peke Puppy - Vi Thurmond ACR37
- Homeward Bound Vol. 1 - Julie Kuehn
- One Magic Night - Laure Paillex
- Sail Inn - Laure Paillex
- Joy To You - Laure Paillex
- Goodness Gracious Vol. 2 - Tracia Ledford-Williams
- Christmas Sweet Hearts - Sandra Malone
- Key to Christmas - Sandra Malone
- All Buttoned Up - Sandra Malone
- The Bear E Patch - Sandra Malone
- Recollections of My Favorite Things Vol. 3 - Mary Lou Johnson
- Tomorrow's Christmas Treasures Vol. 2 - Sonja Richardson
- Double Load Painting - Donna Dewberry
- All Things Special - Barbara Bertrand
- Just for Fancy Vol. 1 - Della Wetterman
- Birds - With a Magic Brush - Sherry C. Nelson
- Tole Thoughts and Theory - Ann Kingslan
- Sand and Surf - BJ Cook
- Snowflakes falling... Winter's calling - Kay Quist
- Down Hill Racer - Gloria Wyche
- By The Light Of The Moon - Gloria Wyche
- Wishing on a Star - Gloria Wyche
- Hickory, Dickory, Dock Chair - Gloria Wyche
- Winter Moon - Gloria Wyche
- Carrot Nosed Snowmen - Karen Wood
- Glamourous Ghoulie Shots - Karen Wood
- Witches Flight Academy - Karen Wood
- Rabbit Teacher - Karen Wood
- Frog Prince - Karen Wood
- Witchy Patches - Karen Wood
- Wired for Christmas - Karen Wood
- Wanted: Fun Loving Scarecrow - Karen Wood
- All Star Christmas - Karen Wood
- Santa's Reindeer - Karen Wood
- This House Believes in Santa - Karen Wood
- Country Springtime Lap Desk - Marsha Weiser
- Crock and Footwarmer - Marsha Weiser
- Moon Angel - Janet J Lee
- Noah and the Animals Door Crown - Janet J Lee
- Forget Me Not with Monogram - Arlene Linton
- Simply Lace Candle Plate - Arlene Linton
- Framed - Arlene Linton
- Starburst - Arlene Linton
- Victorian House under Lattice Arbor - Debbie Mitchell
- Red White Blue Victorian Couple - Debbie Mitchell
- Haunting Hang Out - Debbie Mitchell
- Thanksgiving Centerpiece - Debbie Mitchell
- Door Angel #55 - Jean Zawicki
- Birdhouse Bookends - Chris E Farmer
- Lavendar & Lace - Connie Seitz
- Victorian Gingerbread Bird House Octagon - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Gingerbread Birdhouse Christmas - Charles Johnson
- Ebony Shelf with Metallic Floral - Charles Johnson
- Poppies and Blueberries Plate - Charles Johnson
- Spring Victorian House - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Gingerbread Round Birdhouse - Charles Johnson
- Basket of Violets - Dorothy Egan
- Faith Hope & Love - Rosemary West
- Baby Parchment - Rosemary West
- Pick Your Friends - Kenna Reynolds & Donna Malone
- Angels of the Year - Kenna Reynolds & Donna Malone
- Easter Bonnets - Kenna Reynolds & Donna Malone
- Seve the Lord - Kenna Reynolds & Donna Malone
- Mediterranean Cabinet #24-98 - Delane Lange
- I've Come to Wish You Merry Christmas - Brenda Stewart
- The Common Loon - Sherry C Nelson
- Country Farm - Lynette Bredow
- Olde Time Bakery Tin - Lynette Bredow
- Gingerbread Mom & Lil Gingers Lamp
- Victorian Rose - Debbie Cole
- Welcome Gate - Pam Murphy
- Saturday Bath - Luann Ginnetti
- Winter Welcome Board - Shirley Wilson
- Santa 3 Box - Julie Whitte
- Antique Fruit - Janet Wald
- Noel Teddy Bears - Shirley A Wingert
- Hope Teddy Bears - Shirley A Wingert
- Joy Teddy Bears - Shirley A Wingert
- Porcelain Trinkets - Rachel Wright
- Bentwood and Books on Pencil Holder - Joan Wilding
- Crock & Watermelon Paper Towel Holder - Joan Wilding
- Fruit on Teapot - Joan Wilding
- Maiden Flight - Gigi Wright
- Noah and His Toys #119 - Myra Mahy
- Shelf Bunnies #307 - Myra Mahy
- Trio of Three Boxes #438 - Myra Mahy
- Birdie - Judy Morgan
- Monteplier Basket - Calico Goose
- Spring Time Flowers - Rose Palek
- Purple Passions - Rose Palek
- Cherries and Blossoms - Rose Palek
- Small Dome Clock #197 - Catherine Holman
- Baseball Cards - Delane Lange
- Heart Geese and Amish Girl - Linda Kiska
- Strawberries and Raspberries - Diane Trierweiler
- Birth Announcement Bunny - Luann Ginnetti
- Country Crock Still Life - Terrie Brown
- Calico Mini Still-Life #1 - Jan O'Quinn
- Calico Mini Still-Life #2 - Jan O'Quinn
- Birdhouse Victorian Style - Catherine Holman
- Tulips in the Spring - Sonja Richardson
- Garden Basket - Sonja Richardson
- Springtime Table and Chairs - Sonja Richardson
- Hearts All Around - Sonja Richardson
- Plant Stand - Sonja Richardson
- Honey - Sonja Richardson
- Quiet in the Garden - Sonja Richardson
- Garden Shed - Sonja Richardson
- Home Tweet Home Holiday Series - Sue Jernigan
- Count Your Blessings #163 - Sue Jernigan
- Put a Lid on It Spring Summer #221 - Sue Jernigan
- Put a Lid on It Fall Winter #222 - Sue Jernigan
- Snowman Angel and Shepard - Arlene Beck
- Garden Gate Gourd Lite - Susan Hollon
- Winter in the Country - Marsha Weiser
- Bluebird & Dogwood - Sharon Saylor
- Airmail - Karen Ortman
- Sugar & Spice Box # - Catherine Holman
- Barrel of Birdhouses - Kathy Langdon
- Mittens 4 Sale Teaspoon Ornament - Debby Forshey
- Let It Snow Teaspoon Ornament - Debby Forshey
- Snow Wonderful Teaspoon Ornament - Debby Forshey
- Apple Belly Snowman - Debbie Kaput
- A Ghostly Pair - Debbie Kaput
- Trick or Treat Bowl - Debbie Cole
- Welcome Miss Christmas - Diane Bunker
- Fabulous Painted Furniture - Jan Belliveau
- Garden Fountains & Birdbaths - Dianna Marcum
- Makin Holiday Memories - Michele Deaton Brewer
- Painting with Elke Sommer
- Harvest Moon Antiques Vol. 1 - Julie Kuehn
- Bears & Blossoms Vol. 1 - Patti Norrish
- Heritage Trails Vol. 5 - Terrie & Nancy Brown
- The Loveable Cornhuskers - Bonnie Seaman
- A Craft Cottage Christmas - Chris Stokes
- Outdoor Decor in an Instant - Jeff McWilliams
- Classic Folk Art Painting - Nancy Capuano
- Jan Way's Ornament Book - Jan Way
- Basic Painting Skills - Priscilla Hauser
- Furniture Accents - Donna Dewberry
- Beautiful Backgrounds - Donna Dewberry
- Simply Seed Packs - Peggy Boyd
- Painted on Glass - Plaid
- Folk Art Finery on Metal - Sandy Dye
- Seasons in my Garden - Trudy Beard
- Holly Berries & Twigs Something Sweet - Kim Christmas
- Delightful Blessings - Chris Thornton-Deason
- Painting Animal Friends - Jeanne Filler Scott
- Painting Romantic Country Scenes in Oils - Dorothy Dent
- Flower Pot Parade - Gigi Smith-Burns
- Painted Mailboxes - Helen Nicholson
- White Victorian Wind Chime - Catherine Holman
- Blue Santa - Shirley Maiers
- Halloween Bags - Michele Trout
- Florals on the Tin Mailbox - Gene K Prewitt
- Sunflower Sisters Bentwood Box - Bobbie Takashima
- Let the Sun Shine In - Susie Saunders
- Daisies n Granite - Cheri Rol
- Spring Mini - Cheri Rol
- Spring Birdhouse - Chris E Farmer
- Fall Birdhouse - Chris E Farmer
- Wildflowers - Sharon Kisner
- Holiday Projects #1 - Pamela Publications
- Gingerbread Trio - Judy Diephouse
- Garden Boxes - Karen Milhous
- The Colony - Mary Owens
- Notes & Quiet Moments - Judy Duarte
- Full Moon - Sandy LeFlore
- Halloween Howdy - Sandy LeFlore
- Gomer Candlestick - Chris Haughey
- Snow Fishing Allowed - Sandy LeFlore
- Village Table Runner - Jan Bowen
- Puff a Lumps - Sandy Holman
- Childhood Sweethearts - Andrea Lyness
- The Good News - Barb Jones
- Sparky - Barb Jones
- Baby Warmheart - Cindy Mann
- Mini Fall Rusted Tin Pockets - Chris Haughey
- Fall Goodie Bags - Chris Haughey
- Cookie Ornaments - Chris Haughey
- Count Your Blessings - Diane Cappocia
- Little Lord Jesus - Diane Cappocia
- Three Santas - Diane Cappocia
- Roses with a Candle - Debbie Wright
- Chad's Prize Rabbit - Pat Clarke
- Reversible Drawer Country Keepsake Cubby #285 - Phyllis Tilford
- Floated Color #204 - Phyllis Tilford
- Poinsettia Candy Bowls - Rachel Wright
- Rusted Tin Chimes - Laurie Speltz
- Turkey Tri-fold - Laurie Speltz
- Rusted Tin Heart Ornaments Snowmen - Laurie Speltz
- Santa's Cabin Planter - Yvonne Kresel
- Golfing Theme - Areta
- Bathroom Rules - Areta
- Garden Treasures - Areta
- Bird House Wind Chime - Diane Bunker
- Apples Tote - Leila Lundberg
- Elegant Floor Cloth - Teresa Neukirch
- Connie's Pansies - Linda Aten
- Friendship Sleight - Pat Clarke
- Christmas Treasures - Pat Clarke
- My Fair Lady - Pat Clarke
- The Skater - Pat Clake
- Springtime Treasures - Sue Jernigan
- To Everything There is a Season - Tammy Rodke
- Bonnye's Spring Mache Boxes - Bonnye Isenhower Designs
- Here Chickie, Chickie - Sheryl Thompson
- Games - Donna Kerr
- Serenity Golf Gourse - Wind Chime - Diane Bunker
- Witchy Woman - Dianna Marcum
- The Dairy Shelf - Ann Kingslan
- Welcome Coat and Hat Rack - Ann Kingslan
- The Herb Farm - Michele Johnson
- Christmas Rose Potpourri - Michele Johnson
- Santa Lucia - Michele Johnson
- Victorian Splendor - March Fries
- Candy Cane Bell - Bobbie Campbell
- Flag Welcome - Margaret Wilson
- Liberty For All - Robyn Thomas
- Winter Sweethearts - Robyn Thomas
- Fancy Pitcher - Rodney Ann Bensman
- Pink Lilies - Mary B Spires
- Fan and Tea - Rodney Ann Bensman
- On the Wing Calender - Sandy James
- Country Scene on Mirror Frame - Ann Finnigan
- Pastel Notepads #2 - Rosemary West
- Snowman Ornament - Diane Bunker
- Uncle Sam's Boxes - Jan Bowen
- Fanciful Roses on Keepsake Box - Donna Wood
- Snowman Screen Painting - Jan Bowen
- We Still Believe - Areta Bingham
- Time for a Flood Clock - Jayna James
- Angel Garland - Areta Bingham
- Ribbon-Tied Violets on Pillow Sham - Peggy Stogdill
- One Little Snowman #150 - Phyllis Tilford
- Teacher Notepad - Ann Finnigan
- Starlight Santa - Areta Bingham
- Decorative Potted Tree - Areta Bingham
- Santa House Hinged Egg - Debbie Kaput
- Spirits Abound - Cheri
- A Sledding We Will Go - Debby Forshey
- Snowman Ornaments - Della Wetterman
- Santa Claus Letters - Ann Finnigan
- Santa's Cookies - Sue Jernigan
- Let it Snow Letters - Ann Finnigan
- All Birds Welcome Snowman - Areta Bingham
- Watermelon and Blackbirds - Fiddlesix
- Ark Angel Pin - Helena Cook
- Santa and Vixen Candy Cane Slide - Linda Joan Patterson
- Guardian Of The Pumpkin - Donna Wood
- Grandmother Fan - Susan Hood
- Holly Berry Snowman - Arlene Beck
- Santa Eggsitter # 130 - Phyllis Tilford
- Geranium Seed Box - Jackie O'Keefe
- Santa Doll with Wreath - Areta Bingham
- Sunday Toy - Noah-In-The-Box - Vicki Allwardt
- Happy Tunes Thumb Piano - Vicki Allwardt
- Angelic Thumb Piano - Vicki Allwardt
- Spring Basket - Lowell Spears
- Winter Mountain - W. Alexander
- Desert Garden - W. Alexander
- Treasures - W. Alexander
- Winter Light - Trudy Beard
- Snow Much Fun - Barb Bullen & Karen Rizzo
- Silent NIght Holy Night Plaque - Debbie Bryan
- Amish Children - Helan Barrick
- Little Angel - Helan Barrick
- Rosebud Angel - Helan Barrick
- Bird and Heart Napkin Holder - Helan Barrick
- Country Cupboard - Helan Barrick
- The Cottage - Helan Barrick
- Mallard - Helan Barrick
- Rumspringa - Helan Barrick
- Autumn Bouquet - Arlene Beck
- Windy Ridge - Arlene Beck
- Spring Floral Basket - Arlene Beck
- Mallard - Trudy Beard (no photo)
- Quail Geese - Trudy Beard
- Water Mill #8 - Trudy Beard
- Sunbonnet Lady - Trudy Beard
- Raggedy Ann & Andy Patriotic - Sue Bailey
- Dasies and Fruit on Bellpull - Audry Bettin
- Forget Me Not - Jan Bowen
- Holly Bouquet - Jan Bowen
- Holly Purse - Jan Bowen
- Aster Bouquet - Jan Bowen
- Acrylic Landscape Basics - Sharon Buononato
- A Special Goose - Aileen Bratton
- Maypole Bunnies - Sherry Brandt
- Artist's Brush Holder - Audrey Bettin
- Rose Elegance Vest & Purse - Audrey Bettin
- Roses and Lace - Noreen Burgess
- Thunderhead with Adobe - Pat Beason
- Wicker Chicken Baskets - Pat Beason
- Standing Tall - Windmill - Pat Beason
- Country Sunset Barn & Windmill - Pat Beason
- Country Road with Bluebonnets - Pat Beason
- Hopi Design Pottery with Feather - Pat Beason
- Hopi Wedding Pot & Indian Corn - Pat Beason
- Painted Desert - Pat Beason
- Yucca In Bloom - Pat Beason
- Happiness is Contentment 10+ assortment - Pat Clarke
- Angel Watercolor Necklace - Nancy Conn
- Winter Splendor - Pat Cook
- Country Home - Pat Cook
- Autumn Decoy & Autumn Poppies & Pansies - Gretchen Cagle
- Billy Boy - Chris Chance
- The Apple Cart - Chris Chance
- The Octagon Barn - Peggy Caldwell
- Days Gone By - Peggy Caldwell
- The Old Rock Cisterns - Peggy Caldwell
- Hugs n Hearts - Helena Cook
- Seeds of Friendship - Bobbie Campbell
- Plenty of Plums - Bobbie Campbell
- Fruit Basket of the Past - Judy Duarte
- Apples of the Past - Judy Duarte
- Antique Apples - Judy Duarte
- Tater with Fixins - Kathy Denneler
- Trinity of Light - Nancy Dale Kinney
- 4 Christmas Critter Ornaments - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Purple Coneflowers with Titmouse - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Bluebird Nestled in Ivy - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Gift of Love - Nancy Dale Kinney
- The White Dove - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Pink Myrtle - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Peonies - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Sunflowers on Nested Pumpkins - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Poinsettia Fireplace Screen - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Magnolia Boxes - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Apple Floorcloth - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Black and White Cloth - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Magnolia Firescreen - Nancy Dale Kinney
- Christmas Roses and Holly Bowl - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Veggie Floorcloth - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Floral Mirror Trio - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Spring Valley Bowl - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Family Favorites Recipe - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Artist & Teacher - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Coffee Mocha Latte - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Country Village - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Spring Time - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Farm Tray - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Fruit Sampler Tray - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Daisy and Forget Me Not Plates - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Apple Plate - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Winter & Summer Scene Plates #611 - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Spring & Fall Scene Plates #612 - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Pear, Plum & Berry Clock #702 - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Branches & Berries File Box #803 - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Tote Trio #902 - Judy Diephouse & Lynne Deptula
- Bavarian Mini Clocks - Scottie Foster
- Bavarian Folk Quotes - Scottie Foster
- Kitty in the Garden - Scottie Foster
- Appenzel & Lake Constance - Scottie Foster
- Oval Vanity Mini Clocks - Scottie Foster
- Scalloped Mantle Mini Clocks - Scottie Foster
- Old Country Welcome - Scottie Foster
- First Collection Kleine Sarhen - Scottie Foster
- Nelly Moser Clematis - Deanne Fortnam
- Peaches a Plenty - Deanne Fortnam
- Red Grapes Clock - Deanne Fortnam
- Raspberries and Blueberries - Deanne Fortnam
- Fantasy Florals - Deanne Fortnam
- Carrying Basket - Deanne Fortnam
- Blueberries Lid - Deanne Fortnam
- Terrye's Holiday Bags - Terrye French
- Garden Bunny Fireplace Screen - Kathi Campbell
- Gazebo Birdhouse - Chris E Farmer
- Spinning Chickadee - Carol Forsyth
- Victorian Angel Greetings - Jillybean
- Winter Time Candy - Jillybean
- Cats - Ann Finnigan
- Periwinkle for Spring - Carrie Graziano
- Hearts & Flowers - Carrie Graziano
- Springtime is for the Birds - Carrie Graziano
- Hydranga Plate - Debbie Goode
- Onions & Pasta Terrie Greencorn
- Small Fish Fountain - Margaret & Kim Gay
- Nurse Pin - Heartstrokes
- Teacher Angel Pin - Heartstrokes
- The Old Mill - Mary Jo Gross
- Another Vase of Flowers (Batik) - Kathie George
- Philodendron Frenzy(Batik) - Kathie George
- Cyclamen (Batik) - Kathie George
- Suncatchers (Batik) - Kathie George
- Fruit Melody - Janet Hastings
- Hay, Come on In - Di Hiller
- Peach Lillies - Kathy Harrington
- Covered Bridge Acrylic Watercolors - Kathy Harrington
- Planting Dreams - Marilyn Hawkes
- Apple Fixins - Sharen AK Harris
- Cherub Jewel Box - Janet Hastings
- Santa Scoop & Bowl - Debra Henkener
- We Believe - LInda Johnston
- Noah's Ark Benches - Beverly Johnston
- Victorian Friendship Box - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Heart Wreath with Doves - Charles Johnson
- Victorian Hutch - Charles Johnson
- Rose Mirror - Joan Johnson
- Rose Vase - Joan Johnson
- Strawberry Ring - Joan Johnson
- Winter's Eve - Michele Johnson
- Jillybean's Faces Made Easy - Jillybean
- Peonies & Cobalt - Ann Kingslan
- Pumpkin Ghost House & Apple Santa House - Debbie Kaput
- Pewter Pan with Berries - Ann Kingslan
- Pansy and Plums - Ann Kingslan & Gibilisco
- Antique Desk Items Still LIfe - Ann Kingslan & Gibilisco
- Happy Easter Letters - Mary Kay
- Merry Christmas Letters - Mary Kay
- Noah and the Animals Door Crown - Janet J Lee
- All Seasons Fruit Candle Plate - Carol-Lee Cisco
- Red Roses for Christmas - Carol-Lee Cisco
- Dutch Windmill - Dorothy Mullins
- Holly & Roses Placemat - Arlene Linton
- Fruit Cabinet - Carol-Lee Cisco
- Simple Grace - Annette Long
- Fuchia Stationary Box - Arlene Linton
- Summer Sunflowers - Janet J. Lee
- Watermelons - Brenda McPeek
- Tulips and Wind Flowers - Dorothy Mullins
- Pumpkins Jar Shade & Box - Dee McCall
- Tin Punch Jar Shade & Box - Dee McCall
- Strawberries Jar Shade & Long Box - Dee McCall
- Gingerbread Man Jar Shade & Square Box - Dee McCall
- Mocha Java Jar Shade & Square Box - Dee McCall
- Americana Jar Shade & Rectangle Box - Dee McCall
- Humpty Dumpty Jar Shade & Box - Dee McCall
- Button Flowers Jar Shade & Clay Pot - Dee McCall
- Cable Car Crackers Jar Shade & Box - Dee McCall
- When You See This Remember Me - Michelines
- Chicken Soup - Linda McFadden
- Rachel - Study of Face - Toni McGuire
- Lighthouse Rock - Kathy Morrissey
- Mother's Day rememberance - Jill MacFarlane
- Lady Liberty - Jill MacFarlane
- Apple Screen Paintng - Janice Miller
- Patriotic Lighthouse - Janice Miller
- Winter Glass Ornament - Janice Miller
- The Boys of Summer - Jill MacFarlane
- Gone Fishing - Jill MacFarlane
- Berries & Vine - Janice Miller
- The Swan - Jean Myers
- Mistletoe Elf Nutcracker - Arlene Newman
- Rogaland Jewelry Box - Arlene Newman
- Pink Dogwood - Arlene Newman
- Millennium Moon - Gladys Neilsen
- The Common Loon - Gladys Neilsen
- Silver Bells - Gladys Neilsen
- A Frosty Welcome Shovel - Gladys Neilsen
- Apple Farm - Gladys Neilsen
- A Tour of Fredericksburg - Sally Neale Kuhn
- Classical Trinket Box - Melinda Neist
- Making Bread - Colleen Underwood
- Strawberry Vine Umbrella - Noella
- The Apple Tree Umbrella - Noella
- Watermelon Umbrella - Noella
- Bavarian Style Floral Umbrella - Noella
- The Sun Umbrella - Noella
- You Are My Sunshine - Maureen Jacques
- School House Apple Box - Mary Kay Potter
- Skating on the Pond Barrel Stave - Laure Paillex
- Day's Catch Rainbow Trout Barrel Stave - Laure Paillex
- Pickin the Bog Barrel Stave - Laure Paillex
- Apple Ring Lazy Susan - Carolyn Phillips
- Hollyhock Cottage - Carolyn Phillips
- Apple Time Apple Plate - Carolyn Phillips
- Blossoms Crock - Sue Pruett
- The Importance of Color Theory - Sue Pruett
- Blueberry & Leaf Laminated Technique Sheet - Roxanne Pulchalski
- Gathering Time - Laure Paillex
- Magnolia Time - Gwendolyn Pitney
- Wild Blueberry Candle Lamp - Roxanne Puchalski
- Little Blueberry Shade - Roxanne Puchalski
- Grape Candle Shade - Roxanne Puchalski
- Little Rooster Shade - Roxanne Puchalski
- Berries & Cream - Cheri Rol
- Four Scenes or One - Cheri Rol
- Vignette Barns & Silo - Cheri Rol
- Mallard in Flight - Cheri Rol
- Deadman's Hand - Cheri Rol
- To All Goodnight - Faith Rollins
- Winter Wishes Snowflakes - Corinne Riopelle
- Sara Catherine Face Study - Jane Roe
- Mindy Christmas Plate - Jane Roe
- Folk Art Couple - Jane Roe
- 2 Angels - Jane Roe
- Tuscan Grapes Floorcloth - Patricia Rawlinson
- Summer Time - Corrinne Riopelle
- Teddy on a Shelf - Morene Schultz
- Fun Flower Pots #1 - Christine Seyler
- Fun Flower Pots #2 - Christine Seyler
- Summer Fruit Towel Holder - Catherine Slater
- Cottage Bread Box - Vicki Senter
- Jack B LIttle Pumpkin Tray - Mary Svenson
- DayLily Memory Book - Mary Svenson
- Pumpkin Memory Book - Mary Svenson
- Wild Roses - Marlene Stevens
- My Berries - Kathy Snider
- Americana Summer Floorcloth - Cathy Schmidt
- Warm Bread - Krystyna Stefanik
- Folk Art Cat - Deborah Smith
- Dad's Best Shot At A Birdie - Elaine Stevens
- The Trees of Christmas - Kit Stoner
- Pansy on Large Treasure Box - Mary Steingesser
- Patzcuaro Technique - Sandy Aubuchon
- Daisy Cone - Mary Ann Spainhour
- Fruit Basket - Mary Jane Todd
- The Cow Jumped Over the Moon - Beth Taylor
- Baby Family Dog #11 - Vi Thurmond
- Springer Spaniel # 19 - Vi Thurmond
- Spicy Black Poodle #13 - Vi Thurmond
- Chippendale Hand Mirror - Ruth Ann Van Til
- Chippendale Floral on Painted Surface - Ruth Ann Van Til
- Apples in Alkyds - Ruth Ann Van Til
- Chinoisorie Mirror - Ruth Ann Van Til
- Winter In The Country - Marsha Wisner
- Santa's and Trees - Karen Wood
- Snowy Patches - Karen Wood
- This Way to the Garden - Karen Wood
- Mr. McGregor's Garden - Rosemary West
- Porcelain Trinkets - Rachel Wright
- Porcelain Treasures - Rachel Wright
- Welcome Sign with Cat & Geraniums - Julie White
- Peaches & Berries - Mary Wiseman
- Kitty Floor Cloth - Della Wetterman
- Wilderness Santa Sewing & Painting - Ursula Wollenberg
- Mr & Mrs. Mayflower Sewing & Painting - Ursula Wollenberg
- Antique & Toys - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute
- Fruit Melody - Mary Wiseman
- Purple Pansy Tray - Mary Wiseman
- Angel Wedding - Pat Clarke
- Special Friends - Pat Clarke
- Story Tellin Time - Pat Clarke
- Annabell & The Bear - Pat Clarke
- Amish Still-Life - Pat Clarke
- My Fair Lady - Pat Clarke
- Christmas Traditions - Pat Clarke
- Teddy & Ms Abigail - Pat Clarke
- Fall Votive Light - Angela Smith-Fisher
- CLEARANCE:Cheery Chums - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE:Penn Dutch Motifs to Paint - Helen Leach
- CLEARANCE: Krackerjack Surprises - Kathie Rueger
- CLEARANCE:Accent on Decor - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Treasures Untold Vol 5 - Donna Bryant
- CLEARANCE: All Decked out for Christmas - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Favorite Pastimes - Sue Luce
- CLEARANCE:Forget-Me-Not Book 2 - Elaine Thompson
- CLEARANCE:Beginner's Luck #1 - Marie Cole
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Painting Just for Fun - Jane Roe
- CLEARANCE:How to Tole Paint If You Know You Can't - Lyn Zuhlke & Cathy Skinner
- CLEARANCE:Just Too Tall - Danette Rowley Arns
- CLEARANCE:A Garden of Glassware - Julie McGuffee
- CLEARANCE:Happy Art - Betty Ricketts
- CLEARANCE:The Painted Home - Donna Dewberry
- Australian Ceramics
- Folk Art Inspirations
- The Folk Art Collection
- CLEARANCE: New Trends in Faux Finishes - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Welcome Home - Cara Bradshaw
- CLEARANCE: Simply Switchplates - Lisa Notch
- CLEARANCE: Garden of Fun - Decoart
- CLEARANCE: Spread Sunshine - Linda Johnson
- CLEARANCE: Autumn Leaves and Winter Mittens - Bobbie Jochimsen
- CLEARANCE: Enamelware to Paint - multi author
- CLEARANCE: Wear a Merry Christmas - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Colorful Kidwear - Iron On Transfers - Kathryn Grant
- CLEARANCE: The Country Goose is Loose - Donna Farley & Tammara Gustafsson
- CLEARANCE: Bears on Country Lane - Pam Gonnason
- CLEARANCE: Americana Flowerpots - McCalls
- CLEARANCE: Chicken Coop Chatter - Mary Christiansen
- CLEARANCE: Pink Petals Poinsettias - DecoArt
- CLEARANCE: 16 More Susan's Designs with Love - Sue Pisoni
- CLEARANCE: Painting and Lettering Projects - Plaid
- CLEARANCE: Still Tees N You - Tammy Mitchell
- CLEARANCE: Tiny Trinkets #2 - Multi Author
- CLEARANCE: Eggheads - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: All That's Good in Painted Wood - Marilyn Gossett
- CLEARANCE: Work with Love - Jowanna Gosselin
- CLEARANCE: Ideas in Tole with a Heart - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Country - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Stacked Up Santa & Friends - McCalls
- CLEARANCE: Trinkets and More - multi author
- CLEARANCE: Candlestick Santas - Delpha Jensen
- CLEARANCE: Barrel Bliss - Diane Bliss
- CLEARANCE: Bearly Painting - Susan Jill Hall and Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Calendars to Mix and Match - Pauline Rodriquesz
- CLEARANCE: Melodies from the Heart - Meldra Johnson
- CLEARANCE: Prairie Playmates - Debbie Thyr
- CLEARANCE: Heartspun Treasures - A Jacquelyn
- CLEARANCE: Tin-tiques - Linda Lover
- CLEARANCE: Gilded Roses on Red Silk - Andrea
- CLEARANCE: Liquid Sequins Shirts - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Treasured Memories 1 - Nancy Farrow
- CLEARANCE: Paint Around Your Collar - Meldra Johnson
- CLEARANCE: Colors Of America - Pamela Tees
- CLEARANCE: Kiddin Around Again - Ann Hazelwood
- CLEARANCE: Wearable Garden - Marty Lambeth-Robson
- CLEARANCE: Dressed for Christmas - Jane Thompson
- CLEARANCE: Fashion A Folk Art Collar - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Jean Flips for Gifts - Jean Zawicki
- CLEARANCE: Country with a Soft Touch - Donna Spiegel
- CLEARANCE: Playing Dress-Up - multi author
- CLEARANCE: Create O'Clock - multi-author
- CLEARANCE: Chubby Cheeks and Beary Tales Vol 4 - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: Timeless Treasures with PermEnamel - Sharon Shannon
- CLEARANCE: Tole It Like It Is - Peggy Hedges
- CLEARANCE: Tole Style Designs - Loretta Sias
- CLEARANCE: Painting Styles - Phillip C. Myer
- CLEARANCE: Sharing Ideas with America's Tole and Decorative Painters #2 - multi author
- CLEARANCE: Feminine Things - Brenda Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Sweet Nothings - Susan Abdella
- CLEARANCE: Hand-Painted Metal - Renee Charisse Jardine
- CLEARANCE: Light and Easy Colorwash - multiauthor
- CLEARANCE: Keepsake Sampler Vol. 1 - Sue Scheewe
- Zentangle Dangle Designs Workbook Expanded - Joanne Fink
- Zentangle 2 - Scrapbooks & Journals Expanded Workbook
- Zentangle 3 - Tangling with Rubber Stamps Expanded Workbook
- Zentangle 6 - Making Cards with Stencils Expanded Workbook
- Zentangle 7 - Circles, Zendalas & Shapes - Expanded Workbook
- Zentangle 10 - Origami & Paper Crafts Workbook
- Homespun Touches - Painting My Favorites - Mary Jo Tuttle
- Holly Berries & Twigs Country Market - Kim Christmas
- Fun Effects from Start to Finish - Anne Hunter
- Hang Ups - Sandra Malone
- Brushtiques Vol. 9 - Seasonable Selections - Linda Lover
- Mistletoe Magic - Chris Haughey
- The Decorative Painter - 2008 Issue 1 Spring
- The Decorative Painter - 2008 Issue 4 Winter
- The Decorative Painter - Fall 2009 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2010 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2010 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2010 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2010 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2011 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2011 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2011 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2011 Issue 4
- The Decorative Painter - 2012 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2012 Issue 2
- The Decorative Painter - 2012 Issue 3
- The Decorative Painter - 2012 Issue 4
- Touches of Seasons - Debby Forshey
- Heritage Snowmen and Friends Too - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute
- Let The Snow Begin - Dale Everett
- Door Wreaths For All Seasons - Donna Dewberry
- Brushtiques Vol. 10 - Linda Lover
- Sharing Gifts of Nature Vol. 5 - Barb Halvorson
- Shipping/Handling
- Tenth Anniversary Edition - NSTDP
- Angels and Hearts Vol. 1 - NSTDP
- Holiday Hang Ups - Sandra Malone
- Let It Be Christmas - Sandra Malone
- CLEARANCE: Country Brushstrokes - Marilyn McCann
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Nativity - Terri Lipman
- CLEARANCE: Fabulous Folk Art Gifts - Judy Allen and Deborah Kneen
- CLEARANCE: Jambalaya N'Awlins Style - Connie Parkinson
- CLEARANCE: Schoolhouse Treasures Vol. 2 - Cathy Schmidt
- Party Time Tin - Sandy Dye
- For the Love of Scotty - Jackie Cole
- Heartbeats & Fairytails - Carrie Graziano
- Little Book of Folk Art Roses - Kate Coombe
- Painting Holiday Treasures - Pat Wakefield, MDA
- Book of Fruits & Berries - Priscilla Hauser
- Creative Painting for Scrapbookers - Lori Bergmann
- Decorative Painting on Glass, Ceramics & Metal - Judy Balchin
- Painted Calico & Decoupage - Janet Eadie
- Wild Things Book Two - Mary McCullah
- Campbell's Collection of Country Treasures - Bobbie Campbell
- Rosemaling Primer - Jo Sonja Jansen
- NEW - 8 Mary Jo Tuttle Books LOT 1
- Mystery Lot - 5 New Books
- Mystery Lot - 10 New Packets
- Seasons of Folk Art - Sandy Aubuchon - OOP
- Lovin' Spoonful Vol. 3 - Gerry Klein - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Halloween Costumes in a Jiffy - Sally Paul
- CLEARANCE: Stenciled Furniture - Susan Goans Driggers
- Beginner's Guide to Lettering - Kathie Rueger
- Creative Folk Art - Sue Iliov
- CLEARANCE: Basic Beginnings of Rub-Out Painting - Georgia Feazle
- Kitchen Towels - Iron On Patterns - OOP
- Beauty at Your Fingertips - Donna Spiegel
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing for Outdoor Living
- The Magic of Oil Painting III - W. Bill Alexander
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Painting Plain & Fancy - Bette Byrd
- The Pattern Emporium - OOP
- Anyone Can Tole Scandinavian Tole by Bierta
- CLEARANCE: My Heart's Just Plain Country - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Turkey Tracks - Jackie Cole
- CLEARANCE: Teddy Bears Forever - Jackie Cole
- Fun & Fancy Birdhouses
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art of The Old South - Dollye Kirk
- CLEARANCE: Goose Feathers Folk Art Painting - Jackie Cole
- Country Days... City Nights! - Faith Rollins
- Dolly Bear Cutie Pie Clothes - Carol Gaus Runyans
- Fusible Fabric Fashions - Leslie Beck
- Stylish, Wearable Sweats - Sally Paul
- Geometric Fashions to Paint - Jill Hodges
- Step by Step - Lauren Powell
- Caps & Kickers - Sally Paul
- Homespun Wearables - Sandy Dye
- Hot Fashions to Dye For - Lael C. Furgeson
- Show Off Shirts - Lael C. Furgeson
- Southwest Wardrobe - Martha LeClaire
- A Christmas Wardrobe
- Beginner's Guide to 3-D Fabric Podge - Sherry Payne
- Candy-Coated Fashions - Lael C. Furgeson
- Fashions from Head to Toe - Faith Rollins
- Easy Applique Designer Shirts - Loretta Johnson Stoppel
- Craft Wearables
- Do It Denim - Sally Paul
- CLEARANCE: Tole Red - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Green - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Yellow - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Blue - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Quick & Easy Teacher Gifts
- CLEARANCE: H'artworks - Alisa Liston
- CLEARANCE: Beginner's Sampler - Mimi S. Deck
- CLEARANCE: Folksy Roly Poly Characters Wood Turnings - Mary Christiansen
- Fashions on the Town - Jill Hodges
- The Beginner's Guide to Garment Decorating
- Pearls of Paint - Lael C. Furgeson
- Bleached Country Denim Designs - Tracy Horn Snyder
- Fashion Painting Book 4 - Marge Wing
- Western Wardrobe - Patsy David
- Fashion Statements - Connie D. Williams
- Silk Flower Sweat Jackets - Marion Brizendine
- Tuxedo Chic - Patsy David
- Pretty Paint Ons - Dick and Trenna Sutphen
- Seashore Fashions - Lois W. Schell
- Pocket Change - Delaina Babcock & Carol Wolf
- Spray Bottle Fashions - Kim Ballor
- Fashion Show Show Stoppers - Jill Hodges
- Paint Puffer - Laura Harris
- A Complete Guide For Soft Impressions
- Wow Wearables for the Beginner - Sandy Aubuchon
- Flashy Silk Floral Fashions - Marion Brizendine
- Bold-Stroke Floral Fashions - Joey Williams
- Children's Decorated Sweats - Julie Stephani
- T-Shirt Trends - Pamela Susan Wilson
- The Sky's The Limit Sweats - Sally Paul
- Painting with Style - Lael Furgeson
- Fashion Show Tickle Your Fancy - Lori Johnson Stoppel
- Fashion Show Kids' Duds - Jill Hodges
- Fancy That Shirt - Nellann Roberts
- Romantic Wearables - Patty Cox
- New Ways with Garment Decorating
- Fabric Decorating - Mary Fillbrandt
- Watercolored Fashions Volume 2 - Suzy Lee
- Paint-A-Sweat - Doxie Keller
- Show Me Your Painted Sweatshirt - Sue Dees
- Sweet Country Sweatshirts - Sandy Aubuchon
- Sizzling Southwest - Sarah King
- Sweatshirt Boutique - Betty Reynolds
- Sweatshirt Scenes - Jane Clemens
- Silk Flower Sweats - Marion Brizendine
- Paint It Suede - Lael Furgeson
- Occasions & Holidays - Max Terry
- Holiday Wear - Plaid
- Fashions from Sweet Arts - Brenda Odum & Kim Merritt
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Painting Book 3 - Betty Denton
- CLEARANCE: French Wash Sponging Patterns for Fabric
- CLEARANCE: Fashions on The Go - Jill Hodges
- CLEARANCE: 50 Ideas for Fashion Fabric Paint - Janet Eadie
- CLEARANCE: Fast, Fashionable & Fun Victorian Fashions - Sally Paul
- CLEARANCE: Shirt Style - Chris Gleaton
- A Bit About Strawberries - Jean Zawicki
- Bunnies Iron On Transfers
- Teddys Iron On Transfers
- On The Farm Iron On Transfers
- Alphabets Iron On Transfers
- It's Great to Create Vol. 2 - Susan R. Boerman
- CLEARANCE: Trains, Trains Nothing But Trains! - Kristen Birkeland
- CLEARANCE: Jumpin' Jumping Jacks - Juanita Denton
- CLEARANCE: Brighten the Corner Where You Are! - Eleanor Zimmerman
- The Magic of Oil Painting II - W. Bill Alexander
- The Painted Garden - Kate Coombe
- Decorative Paint Finishes for the Home - Andy Jones
- CLEARANCE: Apple for the Teacher - Plaid
- CLEARANCE: Country-Style Stenciling - Rosemary Boyer
- CLEARANCE: Fashionables - Alma Lynne
- CLEARANCE: Decorating Your Interiors with Stenciling - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Ducks - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: A Beginner's Guide to Block Printing - Jane Gauss and Liza Glenn
- CLEARANCE: A Beginner's Guide The Complete Stenciler - Jane Gauss
- CLEARANCE: Folksy & Fancy Wearables - Alma Lynne
- CLEARANCE: Stenciling Your Walls - Jane Gauss
- CLEARANCE: The Jewelry Connection - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing Wearables - Patty Cox
- CLEARANCE: Kim's Keepsakes - Kim Russell
- CLEARANCE: Child's Play - Multi-Author
- Country Celebrations - Tammy Christensen
- CLEARANCE: Critter Patch - Karen Maple
- CLEARANCE: Through A Country Window - Marie Cole
- CLEARANCE: Another Friendship Sampler - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: Country Collectables - Laurie Griffiths and Vicki Hutchings
- CLEARANCE: A Pin for Your Pocket - A. Jacquelyn
- CLEARANCE: Designs for Painting Towels with Iron-On Transfers - Dawn Vanlandingham & Jane Smuts
- CLEARANCE: Dowel Darlings - Jean Kievlan and Caryl Ketcher
- CLEARANCE: The Clothes Lines III - Tammy Mitchell and Gigi Wilson
- CLEARANCE: Memories in Your Heart - Diane Richards
- CLEARANCE: A Patticake Christmas - Mary Darrow
- CLEARANCE: The Basics of Folk Art Vol. 1 - Jerry and Jo Sonja Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Sampler Vol. 1 - Jo Sonja Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Sampler Vol. 2 - Jo Sonja Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Sampler Vol. 3 - Jo Sonja Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Christmas & Winter! - Linda Kay Peterson
- CLEARANCE: Country Lovin' - Pat McClure
- CLEARANCE: Paintpot Pins and Needles Work Book - Jen Sykes and Donna Brittian
- CLEARANCE: Paintpot Pins and Needles Vol. IV - Jen Sykes and Donna Brittian (Copy)
- CLEARANCE: A Tole Christmas - Terri Still
- CLEARANCE: How to Paint Early American Folk Art Designs - Suzanne Stiles
- CLEARANCE: My Tole Basket - Herta
- CLEARANCE: Painter's Medley Vol. 2 - Joy Thomas
- CLEARANCE: Painter's Medley - Joy Thomas
- CLEARANCE: Christmas with Diane - Diane Meyer
- CLEARANCE: Bears by Diane - Diane Meyer
- CLEARANCE: Uptown Paintin' - Susan Roach and Emily Dinsdale
- CLEARANCE: An Amish Country Kitchen - Karen Lamp
- CLEARANCE: Country Sampler: North American Folk Art Vol. 2 - Jo Sonja and Jerry Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Country Sampler: North American Folk Art Vol. 3 - Jo Sonja and Jerry Jansen
- CLEARANCE: A Circle of Flowers - Donna Lee Parella
- CLEARANCE: The Ultimate Book of Faux Finishes - Martha Kenton
- CLEARANCE: Into My Heart - Tricia Wilson
- CLEARANCE: June's Bunnies & Bonnets - June Brenner
- CLEARANCE: Painted Gift Boxes - Patsy David
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Tin Weathervanes - Jane Dillon
- CLEARANCE: Touch of Velvet - Jean Hansen
- CLEARANCE: Garden Delights - Jacklyn A. Tanaka
- CLEARANCE: Patchwork Hearts and Eggs - Lisa Williams
- CLEARANCE: Roses from Pat - Pat Peniston
- CLEARANCE: Easter Vol. II - Debbie Crabtree
- CLEARANCE: Posies & Petals So Pretty - Ginny Irelan
- CLEARANCE: Fabric Painting Favorites - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Favorite Things Book 5 - Delores Stewart
- CLEARANCE: Home Sweet Home Book 4 - Delores Stewart
- CLEARANCE: Desert Trails - Sharyn Binam
- CLEARANCE: Sunshine, Stars, 'N Stripes - Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Painted Lamps & Shades - Pat Wakefield
- CLEARANCE: Woody Goodies - Jackie Zars
- CLEARANCE: There's Paint on Your Quail - Milly Smith
- CLEARANCE: The Illustrated Guide to Classic Faux Finishing - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Treasures Untold Vol. 2 - Donna Bryant
- CLEARANCE: Country Cuties - Gracie Schwan
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Kist - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Strawberry Patch No. 1 - Jan Weibel
- CLEARANCE: The Art of Ashley Jackson Book 1
- CLEARANCE: Country Heartworks - Reed Baxter
- CLEARANCE: A Kountry Welcome - Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Beads - Betty Headman and Pauline Mumford
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Neighbors - Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: A Special Difference - Becky Bordelon and Marti Ratcliff
- CLEARANCE: Painted Desert - Sharyn Binam
- CLEARANCE: Dream Makers - Anne Bliss & Grace Caudill
- CLEARANCE: Berryhill Farm Vol. 2 - Carol Johns Boatright
- CLEARANCE: With More Love... From Carol - Carol Johns Boatright
- CLEARANCE: Will Ewe Come Paint With Me? - Rosee Boehme
- CLEARANCE: Precious Days - Phyllis Boles and Frances Lofton
- CLEARANCE: Precious Patterns Book IV - Phyllis Boles and Frances Lofton
- CLEARANCE: Toothpicks Candle Cups & Love - Barbara Brake
- CLEARANCE: A Touch of Class Potpourri - Aileen BRatton
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Ducks Volume II - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: With Sunshine & Smiles - Sharon Hanson
- CLEARANCE: Paint Yourself a Merry Christmas - Joyce Padgett
- CLEARANCE: Holidays & Holly Days 2 - Sharon Hanson
- CLEARANCE: Kinder Bear Stencils - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Lynn Paulin's Tinware Decorating Techniques for All-Thumbs People
- CLEARANCE: Sweatshirts An Even Dozen - Pat Olson & Corrine Severson
- Painting Greeting Cards in Water - Jacqueline Penney
- CLEARANCE: On The Go... Fabric Painting for Sport & Leisure - Pat Olson & Corrine Severson
- CLEARANCE: The Joy of Folk Art - Joyce Beebe
- CLEARANCE: Dreams in My Suitcase - Tamie Rodke
- CLEARANCE: Our World of Angels For Oil and Acrylic Painters Vol. 1 - Shirley Hixson & Barb Watson
- CLEARANCE: Too Cute Board Buddies - Paula Bales
- CLEARANCE: Summer Thyme - Lori Holt
- CLEARANCE: Bright Ideas Boutique It Volume I - Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: Huckleberry Friends 3 - Cheryl Seslar
- CLEARANCE: Sunny Meadow Farm - Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: Antiqued Country Volume 1 - Provo Craft Combination Artists
- CLEARANCE: Candlestick Santas Book Two - Delpha Jensen and Gary Hartman
- CLEARANCE: Kringle and Cotton Tales - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: Look-Alike Tin-Tique - Sandy Dye
- CLEARANCE: Joyous Noel - Corrine Severson
- CLEARANCE: Tumbleweeds from the Southwest Book II - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Chubby Cheeks and Beary Tales Volume 2 - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: My Cupboard's Full of Joy - Linda Joan Patterson
- CLEARANCE: Windchimes, Weather Vanes & Welcomes - Vickie Higley
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Kalling - Pauline Mumford and Betty Headman
- CLEARANCE: Classic Treasures - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: A Marshmallow World - Teresa Flatness
- CLEARANCE: Sponging, Etc. - The Home Decorating Institute
- Sweet and Soft Vol. 1 - Ladybug Creations - Jan McCraw - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Wildfowel Painting The Art of Feather Stroke Painting - Beebe Hopper
- CLEARANCE: It's A Small World - Peggy Hobbs
- CLEARANCE: 425 More Heartwarmin' Expressions Book 2 - Sandy Redburn and Shelly Ehbrecht
- Bavarian Country Gingerbread Folk-Art Volume I - Sharon Dorris
- CLEARANCE: Paint Me A Memory - Multi-Artist
- CLEARANCE: Paint A Pal Everyday - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Patticake Pals - Mary Darrow
- CLEARANCE: Tole Simply for You - Mary Ann Arnold
- CLEARANCE: Thumb Fun and Pinky Too! Volume I - Jan Way and Sue Melnik
- CLEARANCE: The Collection Series Volume 2 Strawberries - Priscilla Hauser & Judy Kimball
- CLEARANCE: Country Welcome - Bob Embry
- CLEARANCE: Down Home - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Heart of the Matter - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Deck the Halls... Christmas Patterns - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Country Bits & Pieces - Donna Farley & Tammara Gustafsson
- CLEARANCE: Raggedy An-Tiquing Book 1 - Laura Elligsen & Veda Parsley
- CLEARANCE: I Love Strawberries - Rick and Cindy Johnson
- CLEARANCE: A Country Hang-Up - Jean Jackson
- CLEARANCE: Painting Woodlets - Jean Jackson
- CLEARANCE: Darcie's Country Folk Volume 5 - Darcie Hunter
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing Furniture - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Brown Bag-It - Sandy Dye
- CLEARANCE: More Santas, Etc. - Margaret Wilburn & Susan Jill Hall
- CLEARANCE: For Me & My House - Myrna King
- CLEARANCE: Harvest Home - Deanna Kirkham
- CLEARANCE: Folksy Fancies - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Creative Stenciling Techniques - Jo Sonja Jansen & Cheryl Jansen Bush
- CLEARANCE: Bless Your Hearts Southwest Sampler - Dianna Marcum
- CLEARANCE: Beginning with Basics - Sharon Hanson
- CLEARANCE: All The Sweet Things - Peggy Sue Raffin
- CLEARANCE: Sugar N Spice Cabinets Are Nice - Doxie A. Keller and Friends
- CLEARANCE: Pot Bellies Parade - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Egg Heads and Mops - Doxie Keller and Jeanette Cecil
- CLEARANCE: Lil Walkers - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Wow! It's Vests - Doxie Keller and Friends
- CLEARANCE: Glitz & Glamour - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Freehand Fabric Painting Volume 1 - Sharon Hanson
- CLEARANCE: Country Calico No. 1 - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Country & Calico No. 2- Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Mini Moppers - Brenda Edlin
- CLEARANCE: Stylize Your Furniture - Phillip C. Myer and Andy B. Jones
- CLEARANCE: Carving with Color Volume 1 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Pins & Eggs - Jan Dumcum
- CLEARANCE: Doo-Dads - Linda Johnston
- CLEARANCE: All That Glitz - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Fabric Tole - Betty J. Lester
- CLEARANCE: A Small Circle of Friends - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Papier Mache Plain & Fancy - Margaret Wilburn
- Christmas Friends - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Glass Go Round - Marilyn Young & Marilyn Zent
- CLEARANCE: Edelweiss and Hollyhocks Decorative Painting by Winnie Book 4 - Winifred Peterson Noah
- CLEARANCE: Just a Stroke... and You're Painting Volume II - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Brushes & Bows Volume 1 - Judy Lanning
- CLEARANCE: Good Time Shirts - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Angel Series Volume 1 - Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: Inspirational Silk Painting from Nature - Renate Henge
- CLEARANCE: Tonia Todman's Stencilling Book
- CLEARANCE: Making & Decorating Fantastic Frames - Thom Boswell
- CLEARANCE: Fashions from Sweet Arts - Brenda Odum & Kim Merritt
- CLEARANCE: Easy to Do Pop Tops - Dorothy Egan
- CLEARANCE: Hearts & Flowers - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: All Dolled Up Painted Clothes for Fashion Dolls - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Tole'n - Bob Embry
- CLEARANCE: JillyBean's Desert Bloom - Jill Fitzhenry
- CLEARANCE: Ginger's Bows & Buttons - Ginger Edwards
- CLEARANCE: What? More Pots! - Joyice McWilliams
- CLEARANCE: The Patchwork Painter Plus - Sonya McKinzie
- CLEARANCE: The Patchwork Painter - Sonya McKinzie
- CLEARANCE: Tumbleweeds from the Southwest Book Three - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Painting with a Knife - Jan Burnett
- CLEARANCE: Carousel Menagerie - Diane Meyer
- CLEARANCE: Ardi's Country Painting Book 4 - Ardi Hansen
- CLEARANCE: Baby and Me - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: Wee Wooden Folk - June Mayer
- CLEARANCE: Country Bazaar - Kimberly A. Means
- Brush Stroke Workbook - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Tole Decor Patterns - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Bird 'N Hand - Milly Smith
- CLEARANCE: The Folk Art House - Kate Coombe
- CLEARANCE: Handbook of Early American Decoration - Edith Cramer
- CLEARANCE: Painted Pens - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Family and Friends - Michele Walton
- CLEARANCE: Garden of Fabric Painting - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Bake-Able Glass Painting - Donna Dewberry
- Cindy's Country Painting Techniques - Cindy Mann
- CLEARANCE: To Market, To Market - Susan Abdella
- CLEARANCE: Precious Presents from Sandy - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Sunflower Farm - Sharon Furner and Dorris Sorensen
- CLEARANCE - Hometown Folk and Friends... A Rags to Riches Story - Sue Ann Thomason
- CLEARANCE - Seasons of Folk Art - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Shimmering Fashions - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Spoonful of Fun - Mary Ayres
- CLEARANCE: I Can Do That! Book 1 - Marilyn VandeWalle
- CLEARANCE: Pillows to Paint - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: The Southwest Vest Book - Sandy Bares
- CLEARANCE: Jan Way's Southwest Sensation Fashion Collection
- CLEARANCE: Spoonful of Love Book - Jan Way
- CLEARANCE: Too Cute Paper Bags - Paula Bales
- CLEARANCE: The Collaring Book - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Sweet Country Sweatshirts - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Around the World Fabric Painting - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Heartsville Reunion - Dee McCall
- CLEARANCE: Nip & Tuck Magnets for Kids - Cheryl McCabe
- CLEARANCE: Simply Silk - Ginny McLaughlin and Winni Miller
- CLEARANCE: The Cat's Meow Black Book - Pat Ciccolella & Susan Philpott
- CLEARANCE: Eastern Indian Folklore to Paint - Scott Cunningham
- CLEARANCE: A Heart Collection - June S. Mayer
- CLEARANCE: Steppin' Out - Dorothy Egan & Peggy Nuttall
- CLEARANCE: Simply Fun Fashion Painting - Dorothy Egan
- CLEARANCE: Paintin' The Blues - Dorothy Egan & Peggy Nuttall
- Painted Chairs - Jennifer R. Ferguson and Judith A. Skinner
- CLEARANCE: Create A Plate - Annette Ward and Lisa Williams
- CLEARANCE: God Loves Me Crafts for Kids - Mary Ayres
- CLEARANCE: Just a Stroke and You're Painting Volume III - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Gentle Joys - Marlene Kreutz
- CLEARANCE: Scent-imental Accents - Judi Krause
- CLEARANCE: Fabric Painting - Joyce Knott
- CLEARANCE: Leaf Pressing - Kathy Langdon
- CLEARANCE: Paint N' Patch Vol. 7 - Susan Scheewe
- CLEARANCE: Truly Yours Decorative Painting of Miniature Figures - Anne Seale
- CLEARANCE: Country Furniture in Miniature - Mary Schreck
- CLEARANCE: Big Fun in a Small Way - Pam Scott
- CLEARANCE: The Jointed Goose and Friends - Delores Stewart
- CLEARANCE: Classic Country Past and Present - Linda Wise
- CLEARANCE: Flashin' Fashion - Judith Westegaard
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Statements - Connie D. Williams
- CLEARANCE: Paint Away... The Hours Volume I - Emily Steinberg
- CLEARANCE: A Christmas In My Closet - Shea Szachara
- CLEARANCE: Feed Sack Variations - Shea Szachara
- CLEARANCE: Fancy Fashions - Jackie Shaw
- CLEARANCE: Nifty Nighties to Paint - Shea Szachara
- Seasons of the Heart Volume I - Sherrie Thomas
- CLEARANCE: The Fun Art of Stenciling Vol. 2 Gotcha Covered - Nancy Tribolet
- CLEARANCE: Punch'N & Paint'N - Carol Myer & Phillip Myer
- CLEARANCE: Kountry Kozy - Pauline Mumford
- CLEARANCE: Love At Home - Debbie Nielsen
- CLEARANCE: Country Cut-Outs - Chris Myer
- CLEARANCE: Victorian N' Lace All Over The Place - Vera Moore
- CLEARANCE: Forget The Dust Let's Paint Volume 3 - Nancy Michael
- CLEARANCE: Forget The Dust Let's Paint Volume 1 - Nancy Michael
- CLEARANCE: Don't Sweat It - Paint It! Volume 1 - Nancy Michael
- CLEARANCE: Don't Sweat It - Paint It! Volume 2 - Nancy Michael
- CLEARANCE: The Garden Touch Folk Art Painting - Judith Mitchell
- CLEARANCE: Primer of Tole & Decorative Painting - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Without A Brush (well almost) - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Treasures - Berni Caprino
- CLEARANCE: Treasures from Mama's Attic - Donna Chapman
- CLEARANCE: The Paintables Volume Two - Jeanne Carter
- CLEARANCE: Country Past & Present - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: Sculptured Bangle Bracelets - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: A Day At The Zoo - Sue Callahan
- CLEARANCE: Silk 'N Accessories - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Vests 'N Accessories - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Wood 'N Accessories - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Wood-Punch I - Nancy Ladd
- CLEARANCE: Mom & Company Book 2 - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller
- CLEARANCE: Mom & Company Book 1 - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller
- CLEARANCE: Pocketful of Christmas Book 1 - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: Pocketful of Christmas Book 2 - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: Homespun Pockets - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: The Heart of Country - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller
- CLEARANCE: Puddle Jumpers - Iron-On Transfers - Winni & Michael Miller
- CLEARANCE: Twinkle Toes - Iron-On Transfers - Winni & Michael Miller
- CLEARANCE: Something in My Pocket - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: Say It On A Shirt - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: Buttons & Bears - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: Buttons & Bows- Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller and Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: American Heartland - Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Fabrication - Consuella K. Molton and Tarri Li Foley
- CLEARANCE: Garden Inspired Garments - Ann Davis Nunemacher
- CLEARANCE: The Paper Jewel - Winni Miller and Judy Bethel
- CLEARANCE: Pueblos, People, and Desert Critters - Wendy Wood
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Painting A Sampler Tole and Dutch and Plain Jean -Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Blooms Buds & Borders - Mary Ann Arnold
- CLEARANCE: Paint A Garden Iron-On Transfers - Winni Miller & Barbara Finwall
- CLEARANCE: Just Jewelry - Leslie Lawing and Susan Jill Hall
- CLEARANCE: A Sheep Book - Margaret Hanson
- CLEARANCE: Old St. Nick - "Tannenbaum" and "Goodies" Patterns - Jean Hansen
- CLEARANCE: Country Charm in Fabric and Wood - Meldra Johnson
- CLEARANCE: Paint, Paint, Paint - Doxie Keller
- CLEARANCE: Washable Paper and Fabric Painting - Joyce Sliffe Benner & Sandy Cobb
- CLEARANCE: Bright and Bold - Nancy Brazil
- CLEARANCE: Kiddin' Around Playclothes - Ann Hazelwood
- CLEARANCE: Knock on Wood Volume 1 - Paula J. Lawton
- CLEARANCE: Ideas in Tole Go Country Volume 1 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Treasures from Grandmother's Attic - Sue Bailey
- CLEARANCE: Come Paint With Me Book 2 - Rosee Boehme
- CLEARANCE: Basically Boutique - Judy Nutter and Anelle Compton
- CLEARANCE: Fun Stuff Home Decor Iron-On Patterns - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: Country Dimensions - Sherry Robinson
- CLEARANCE: Bunny Hugs - Kathy Whitmire
- Painting From Life Explorations in Watercolor - Douglas Lew
- Picture Perfect Snowmen - Kay Quist
- CLEARANCE: Country Views - Beth Watson
- CLEARANCE: Landscapes - Beth Watson
- CLEARANCE: Flowers to Draw and Paint - Charles Lyles and Jean Lyles
- CLEARANCE: Western Tole - Charles Lyles and Jean Lyles
- CLEARANCE: Paint A Gift - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Come to Christmas Past - Rita L. Rocco
- CLEARANCE: RazzleBerries ...Bee It Ever So Humble - Janine Oppelt & Debby Stenberg
- CLEARANCE: Heavenly Hayseeds - Lois Given
- CLEARANCE: Forget-Me-Not Book 3 - Elaine Thompson
- CLEARANCE: A Touch of Class with Glass - Aileen L. Bratton
- CLEARANCE: A Touch of Class with Glass Volume II - Aileen L. Bratton
- CLEARANCE: Tiny Trims - Margaret Wilburn & Susan Jill Hall
- CLEARANCE: Highlands & Hedgerows Volume I - Lois Given
- CLEARANCE: Cutouts, Etc. - Susan Jill Hall & Margaret Wilburn
- CLEARANCE: The Paintbox Companion - Tina Sue Norris & Marion W. Steinbrunner
- CLEARANCE: A Festival of Shirts!!! - Annette Dozier
- CLEARANCE: Fabric Forget-Me-Not Fashions - Vera Moore & Marlene Stevens
- CLEARANCE: Face to Face - Jamie Rothschild & Sonia Morris
- CLEARANCE: Pen-Art - Bonnie-Margueritte
- CLEARANCE: Pen Drawings - Bonnie-Margueritte
- CLEARANCE: Mini Sugar and Spice - Bonnie-Margueritte
- CLEARANCE: Faces & Places Folk Art Painting - Sandy Aubuchon
- CLEARANCE: Robin with Mountain Laurel & Oriole with Black-Eyed Susan Patterns - Jean Hansen
- CLEARANCE: Easy to Paint Beginner's Fun - Mary Long
- CLEARANCE: Easy to Paint Country Shapes - Carolyn Yetto
- CLEARANCE: Easy to Paint Year Around Shapes - Carolyn Yetto
- CLEARANCE: There's A Garden in My Closet - Shea Szachara
- CLEARANCE: Carve a Treasure - Judy Albright
- CLEARANCE: Santa's Sweat Shoppe - Donna Farley
- CLEARANCE: How to Stencil Chairs - Florence E. Wright
- CLEARANCE: Janas' Faces - Jan Janas
- CLEARANCE: Fashions on the Town - Jill Hodges
- CLEARANCE: Fashion Show Show Stoppers - Jill Hodges
- CLEARANCE: Fashions from Memories - Plaid
- CLEARANCE: Geometric Fashions to Paint - Jill Hodges
- CLEARANCE: Iron-On Transfers for Babies and Toddlers
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Punch-Out Stencils - Ted Menten
- Maple Sugar Vol. 1 - Roberta Hall - OOP
- CLEARANCE: Furniture Fix-Ups - Leisure Arts
- CLEARANCE: 16 Fun Frames - Carolyn Stearns
- CLEARANCE: Family Circle Tag Sale Fix-Ups - Leisure Arts
- CLEARANCE: Family Circle Picture Perfect - Leisure Arts
- CLEARANCE: Family Circle Flea Market Fabulous - Leisure Arts
- CLEARANCE: Better Homes and Gardens - Easy Paint Techniques
- CLEARANCE: Terrific Terra Cotta - Teri Stillwaugh
- CLEARANCE: A Beginner's Guide to Faux Finishes - Teri Stillwaugh
- CLEARANCE: Wooden It Be Country Catchalls - Carole Hancock
- CLEARANCE: Simplicity Beginner Painting Projects - Mary Lou Schempf
- CLEARANCE: Little Things Australian Folk Art - Lyn Foster
- CLEARANCE: 50 Nifty Christmas Crafts - Carol Mays
- CLEARANCE: The Hearthbeat - Book 3 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Sunbeams Season Our Stew - Book 2 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: All Puddin' Isn't Hasty! - Book 1 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: House Hugs - Book 7 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Jean-ealogy of a Very Small ViIlage "Puddin Books" #10 - Hal & Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Designs by Delaney Book One - Delaney Lott Harmond
- CLEARANCE: Lessons from a Lifetime of Watercolor Painting - Donald Vorhees
- CLEARANCE: Painting Your Favorite Animals in Pen, Ink & Watercolor - Claudia Nice
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Painting for Home Decoration - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Hoop Hoop Hurrah for Canvas Painting! - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: God Bless America - Dennis W. Parrott
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Vol. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Rub Out Painting - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Country Style Painting Big & Beautiful - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: The Country Look Furniture Book - Priscilla Hauser
- Toleware - Ann Witchell
- Handpainted Tiles for Your Home - Diane Trierweiler
- Mastering Fine Decorative Paint Techniques - Sharon Ross and Elise Kinkead
- CLEARANCE: Det Gleder Meg Vol. 1 - Jo Sonja Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Det Gleder Meg Vol. 2 - Jo Sonja Jansen
- CLEARANCE: Color is Exciting! Volume I - Velma Bartlemay
- CLEARANCE: In The Niche of Time - Judith Bishop and Maxine Wills
- CLEARANCE: Paint with Pittard III - Lynne Pittard
- CLEARANCE: The Glass Giraffe - Sherry C. Nelson
- CLEARANCE: The Glass Giraffe Volume II - Sherry C. Nelson
- CLEARANCE: Begin with Butterflies - Sherry C. Nelson
- CLEARANCE: From Palette to Parrot - Sherry C. Nelson
- CLEARANCE: So You Can't Draw A Straight Line... You Can Paint A "Rub-Out" - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Fur, Fin and Feathers "Rub-Out" Vol. III - Georgia Feazle
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Designs - Jane Greenwood
- CLEARANCE: The Birds and The Beasts - Shirley Hixson
- CLEARANCE: Simplicity Christmas Painting - Mary Lou Schempf
- CLEARANCE: Parchment Painting Our Family - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Simply Scandinavian Painted Furniture Patterns - Jocasta Innes & Stewart Walton
- CLEARANCE: Country Living Country Stencils
- CLEARANCE: Painting Angels in Watercolour - Elaine Hamer
- CLEARANCE: Portfolio of Designs for Tole Painting Fruit & Vegetable Designs - Gunter Stave
- CLEARANCE: Hidey Holes - Book 2 "Earthy American" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: House Toys - Book 3 "Earthy American" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Puddin - Book 4 "Earthy American" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Hey! I Like Your Style! - Book 5 "Earthy American" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Piddlin' Around Puddin' Ridge - Book 6 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Cellarbrations - Book 8 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Puddin'sylvania Dutch (and such) - Book 9 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Back Door Blessings - Book 11 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: Painted with An Accent - Book 12 "Puddin Books" Series - Hal and Jean Wortham
- CLEARANCE: World of Minis' - Judy Kimball
- CLEARANCE: Ideas for Tole Volume No. 3 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: The Cowboys Lindy B's Air Brush Design Folio One - C. H. McCown
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Workbook Fall 1973 1st Ed Volume One - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Workbook Winter 1974 Volume One No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Workbook Winter 1975 Volume Two No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Workbook 1977 Volume IV No. 1 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1975 Volume 3 No. 1 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1976 Volume 3 No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1976 Volume 3 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1976 Volume 3 No. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook Spring 1977 Volume 4 No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook Summer 1977 Volume 4 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook Fall 1977 Volume 4 No. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1978 Volume 5 No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1978 Volume 5 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1979 Volume 6 No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1979 Volume 6 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1979 Volume 6 No. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1980 Volume 7 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1983 Volume 10 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1984 Volume 11 No. 1 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1984 Volume 11 No. 2 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1984 Volume 11 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1984 Volume 11 No. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1101 Cabbage Rose Bouquet - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1107 Wisteria - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1111 Birdhouse Garden - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1115 Bow Bouquet - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1123 Swag Border - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1136 Roses - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1139 Garden Variety - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1170 Tea Rose - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Reusable Teaching Guide 1167 Columbine/Sweet Pea - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Worksheet 1004B Parrot & Gold Finch - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Worksheet 1017A Spring - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Worksheet 1017C Winter - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Plaid One Stroke Worksheet 1432 Chrysanthemums - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Cornucopia - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Thanksgiving Turkeys - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Bunny with Flowers - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Chick, Lamb & Standing Bunny - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Scruffy Bunny with Egg Basket - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Orchids - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Santa's Face - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Stocking & Candles - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Trick-or-Treating Ghost - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Witch & Black Cat with Pumpkins - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Jack-O-Lantern, Ghost & Teddy Bear - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Spider & Frankenstein - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Orchid & Petunia - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Christmas Cactus & Zinnia - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Wild Rose & Foxglove or Hollyhock - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet Water Lily & Hyacinth - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet January Carnation & February Violet - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: One Stroke Worksheet September Aster & October Marigold - Donna Dewberry
- Birdhouse Row - Cathy Steffy
- Painter's Angel Pink or Necklace - Connie Korach
- Watermelon Patch Birdhouse - Dianna Marcum
- Country Morning - Marie Cole
- Lillie Belle Scissor Holder - Lin Tillman
- Christopher - Doe Bush
- America - Diane Capoccia
- Tillie and the Lambs - L. March
- Dolls Light Switch Cover from Pattern Post - Marilyn Kriegshauser and Sandy Decker
- Mouse Rocker from Pattern Post - Marilyn Kriegshauser and Sandy Decker
- Finders Keepers Country Folks - Pegi White
- Folk Bird Plate - Pat McClure
- Two Friends from Pattern Post - Marilyn Kriegshauser and Sandy Decker
- Blueberries on a Crockery Pitcher - Camille Gibson
- Hearts & Holly Christmas Goose - A Painter's Quilted Christmas - Lynn Zezech
- Ole Mac Santa Had A Farm - Gaylyn Poryer
- Hearts & Holly Lamplighter - Lynn Zezech
- Fireplace Santa - Connie Lanagan
- Country Meadow - Areta
- Halloween Centerpiece - Areta Bingham
- Personality Plus Pumpkins - Areta Bingham
- Barn and Cottage - Areta Bingham
- Rural Village - Areta Bingham
- Sittin' Pretty - Pat McClure
- Abigail Chicken - Annie Richardson
- Painter's Applique - Marie Cole
- Three Little Piglets - Anne Bliss and Grace Caudill
- Bunny Box - Catherine Holman
- Linny Lop with Lamp - Ursula Wollenberg
- Christmas Morning - Ursula Wollenberg
- Rabbit & Friends - Kenna Reynolds & Donna Malone
- Potting Shed Garden Shovel - Ann Lalonde
- 4" Rabbit Couple - Julie White
- Tulip Bunny Rocker - Julie White
- Rocking Rabbit - Julie White
- Carousel Bunny - Julie White
- Spring Ovals - Julie White
- Decorative Shelves Beginners - Julie White
- Cottage and Welcome Sign - Julie White
- Round Cut Mrs. Claus Beginner - Julie White
- Cow in the Tulips - Julie White
- Pastel Chickens - Julie White
- Fancy Cats - Julie White
- ABC Dairy - Julie White
- Swan - Julie White
- Shelf Angels - Julie White
- Angel Trio - Julie White
- Flower Basket - Julie White
- Merry Christmas Santa Circle - Julie White
- Santa Faces - Julie White
- Santa Seasonal Sign - Julie White
- Merry Christmas Santa - Julie White
- Santa 3 Box - Julie White
- Praire Doll Amish Doll - Julie White
- 44 Inch Scarecrow - Julie White
- Grant Scarecrow - Julie White
- Autumn Welcome Scarecrow - Julie White
- New England Fisherman - Julie White
- Sail Away - Julie White
- Snow Man Family - Julie White
- Carolers of Olde II - Rita L. Rocco
- Carolers of Olde I - Rita L. Rocco
- The Pilgrim Family - Rita L. Rocco
- Nativity - Rita L. Rocco
- Doll's Play - Bobbi Robins
- Feeding Time - Bobbi Robins
- Pansy Garden - Bobbi Robins
- Lady Elizabeth - Bobbi Robins
- Betsy Jane - Bobbi Robins
- Crissy's Doll - Bobbi Robins
- Reindeer Carousel - Sandy Smith
- Autumn Elves - Sandy Smith
- Puppy Basket - Sandy Smith
- Country Mobile - Sandy Smith
- Angel - Sandy Smith
- Luv Me Bears - Sandy Smith
- Halloween Welcome (Witch) - Barbara Hemphill
- Isaac and His Flock - Barbara Hemphill
- Benjamin Bunny - Sharon Hamilton
- Momma Bunny - Sharon Hamilton
- Poppa Bunny - Sharon Hamilton
- Water & Color Florals - Sharon Hanson
- Spring Blossoms - Sharon Hanson
- Ladies - Sharon Hanson
- Be Mine - Sharon Hanson
- A Time for Roses - Sharon Hanson
- Stone Cottage - Debbie Toews
- Nautical Primitive - Jean Hansen
- Santa with Lantern - Jean Hansen
- Green Santa - Eunice and Bob Johnston
- Spirit of Christmas Present - Eunice and Bob Johnston
- Tigerlllies - Eunice and Bob Johnston
- Country Christmas - Camille Gibson
- A Cat in the House Plate - Jeri Francis Brindley and Kim Meyer
- Apple Bench - Helen Cockshutt
- Yellow Apples - Helen Cockshutt
- Leaf Study - Helen Cockshutt
- Roosters - Helen Cockshutt
- Pretty Pastel Violets - Helen Cockshutt
- Cut-Out Rose Mirror - Helen Cockshutt
- Trailing Roses and Leaves - Helen Cockshutt
- White Christmas - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Rosier d 'Amour - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Peace Angel - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Welcome Laddie - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Jenny with Hat - DeLane Lange
- Corona Lily - Morene Schultz
- Misty Irises - Brenda Jansen
- Small Fruit Basket - Morene Schultz
- Girl with Doll - Morene Schultz
- Company Picnic - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Lilies of the Field - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Prairie Santa - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Thomas Edward and Lydia - Doe Bush
- Amanda & Muffin - Doe Bush
- Drue A Victorian Storybook - Doe Bush
- Margaret - Doe Bush
- Marylyn - Doe Bush
- Phaedra A Victorian Storybook - Doe Bush
- Rachel - Doe Bush
- Victorian Bridal Box - Doe Bush
- Meg - Doe Bush
- Jessica - Doe Bush
- Carol - Doe Bush
- Sisters - Doe Bush
- Ruby Iris - Judy Duarte
- Heavenly Animals - Kathi Stingle
- Santa, Ghost & Pumpkin, Turkey (Sucker Holders) - Juanita Denton
- Tulip Trio - Bette Byrd
- Spring Blossoms - Bette Byrd
- Gilded Fruit - Bette Byrd
- Grampy Claus Porch Rail Sitter - Ardi
- St. Nicholas - Mary Owens and Luann Szucs
- Granny Claus Porch Rail Sitter - Ardi
- Out Weeding - Susie Saunders
- Band Boxes - Apricot Roses - Corrine Severson
- Bunnies in Basket - Janette Bullman
- Christmas Holly Berry, Here Comes Santa Claus, Christmas Gloves - Carolee McMullin
- Bronte and Bronwyn Brontosaurus - Janet Moreland
- Stewart Stegosaurus - Janet Moreland
- Chester and Clyde - Linda Allen
- Witchy Boo and Peter Pumpkin - Gaye Shoell
- Calico and Berries - Jan O'Quinn
- Door Bunnies - Mary Kay
- Fresh Fish for Sale - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Bernard, Sadie and Sam Jr - Linda Allen
- Colonial Harbor Box - Deborah H. Smith
- Toy Soldier Santa - Elaine Thompson
- Mrs. Santa with a Heart - Elaine Thompson
- Halloween Witch - Cathy Wierzbicki
- Pumpkin Patch - Elaine Felty
- Houses on Checkerboard - Judy Diephouse and Lynne Deptula
- Winter Magic - Roxanne Puchalski
- Her Lamp - Joyce Krenke
- His Lamp - Joyce Krenke
- Sea Food - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Sailin' Sailin' - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- The Grays Escape - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Bossy's Diary - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Fred and Ginger Cats - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Go West Young Man - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Jonah & The Great Fish - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Leopard Bracelet - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Parrot Bracelet - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Zebra Bracelet - Geri Lucas & Laurie Harris
- Butterfly - Kathy Solter
- Pine Cone in Candlelight - Linda Wise
- The Old School House - Ken and Francine Stevens
- Victorian Man Bust - Kay Bookout
- Victorian Lady Bust - Kay Bookout
- Teddy's Train - Jan Scheuerman
- Teddy's Charger - Jan Scheuerman
- Rose Plaque - Martha Prothro
- Geranium - Rita Martin
- Chloe - Sharon Hanson
- Victorian Autumn Mantle Clock - Sarah Freeman
- Dust Bunnies at Work - Linda Johnston
- Farm Residence - Nancy Tribolet
- Tulips and Pussywillows - Jeanne Downing
- Keepsake 2 - Sonja Richardson
- Childhood Memories - Sonja Richardson
- Antiquity Rose Heart Tray - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Patricia's Magazine Holder - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Kelly by the Sea - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Victorian Letter Box - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Roses for Melissa - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Bedtime Stories - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Country Roads I - Rena Friedman
- Holly's Box - Jillybean Fitzhenry
- Curio Cupboard Door Still Life - Mary Lucksted
- Old Fashioned Santa with Fruit Basket - Janette Bullman
- Santa with Lamb - Janette Bullman
- Father Christmas - Janette Bullman
- Miss Muff and Mr. Tuff - Janette Bullman
- Holiday Bears - Janette Bullman
- Myrtice in the Studebaker - Janette Bullman
- Backyard Memories - Janette Bullman
- Madonna and Child with Roses - Janette Bullman
- Between Boys and Dolls - Janette Bullman
- Hillary with Rabbits - Janette Bullman
- Yorkshire Terrier - Janette Bullman
- Dolls on Quilt - Janette Bullman
- Fruit Basket - Janette Bullman
- Basket of Geraniums - Janette Bullman
- Fruit on Coffee Pot - Janette Bullman
- Rose Heart Table or Stool - Janette Bullman
- Long Tables - Janette Bullman
- Kyle's Nightlight - Janette Bullman
- Bradley's First Flight - Janette Bullman
- Family - Cheryl Nuccio
- Let Freedom Ring - Cheryl Nuccio
- Almost Fall - Lois Page
- Tea Thyme - Cheryl Nuccio
- Apples & Spice - Cheryl Nuccio
- Liberty - Cheryl Nuccio
- A Garden Welcome - Cheryl Nuccio
- Garden Sign - Cheryl Nuccio
- Little French Recipe Box - Terrie L. Cordray
- Country Quiet Lamp Base and Floral Spray Lampshade - Mary Jane Todd
- Rise and Shine Door Crown - Judy Morgan
- Piedmont Four Seasons Mantle Clock - Judy Morgan
- Mr. & Mrs. Chef - Phillip C. Myer
- Tumblin' Santa - Jo Lutness
- Heart Roses - Marie Cole
- Turkey Centerpiece - Betty Headman
- Santa's Workshop Advent Calendar - Eloise Clark
- Winter Welcome Sign - Betty Headman
- Santa Stocking Stuffer - Alisa Liston
- Welcome Goblins Haunted House - Nancy Farrow
- Welcome Christmas House - Nancy Farrow
- I Love Farm Life - Pauline Mumford
- I Love Country Life - Pauline Mumford
- I Love City Life - Pauline Mumford
- Home Sweet Home - Alisa Liston
- Springtime Jason - Jillybean
- Springtime Jenny - Jillybean
- Fall Time Andy - Jillybean
- Fall Time Amy - Jillybean
- Winter Time Chris - Jillybean
- Winter Time Candy - Jillybean
- Summer Time Randy - Jillybean
- Summer Time Sandy - Jillybean
- Russian Florals - Edna Snyder Beath
- Rose-Painting in Norway - Randi Asker
- Rosemaling Technique - Inga Peterson
- Decorative Wood Painting - An Introduction to Traditional Bavarian Folk Painting
- Rosemaling 2 - Hjördis Imsland
- A Moments Relaxation #195 - Jean Zawicki
- Painting - 2003 December
- Painting - 2002 February
- Painting - 2006 June
- Tole World - 1998 April
- Painting World - 2017 February
- The Decorative Painter - 2013 Issue 1
- The Decorative Painter - 2013 Issue 4
- CLEARANCE: Paintin' for Profit - Phyllis Boles and Frances Lofton
- Season's Greetings Snowman Board - Cindy Mann Vitale
- Christmas Potpourri - Linda Wise
- Nutcracker - Sonja Richardson
- My Little Stool - Norma Lea Riddell
- Guinivere Goose - Norma Lea Riddell
- The Hills of Home - Norma Lea Riddell
- Jenny's Bluebird - Norma Lea Riddell
- That Jones Girl - Norma Lea Riddell
- You're An Angel - Norma Lea Riddell
- Serenity - Norma Lea Riddell
- Love Makes All Things Possible - Norma Lea Riddell
- Ghosties and Ghoulies - Norma Lea Riddell
- Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Norma Lea Riddell
- Folk Art Designs Introduction to the Painted Face - Jo Sonja Jansen
- Cottage House Letter Holder - Debbie Mitchell
- Storybook Cottage Birdhouse - Debbie Mitchell
- Cock-a-doodle do and Momma Hen Too! Welcome Sign - Debbie Mitchell
- My Lil' Chick-a-Dee Paper Towel Holder - Debbie Mitchell
- Canvas Cow Coaster - Debbie Mitchell
- Bunny Barbecue Utensil Holder - Debbie Mitchell
- Hen Napkin Holder - Debbie Mitchell
- Buffy and Jody Childs' Teddy Bear Stool - Debbie Mitchell
- Teddy Bear Sittin' in Heart - Debbie Mitchell
- Folk Art Angel - Helen Cavin
- Teddy Love - Lori Verdeck
- Toys from the Attic #1 & 2 - Kay Bookout
- Toys from the Attic #3 & 4 - Kay Bookout
- Toys from the Attic #5 & 6 - Kay Bookout
- A Child's World - Kay Bookout
- Painting World - 2016 June
- Painting World - 2018 March-April
- Painting World - 2018 May-June
- Paint-It... today - 2014 August/September
- Paint-It... today - 2013 December - 2014 January
- Wood Strokes & Wood Crafts - 2002 January
- Wood Strokes & Wood Crafts - 2002 September
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1991 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1992 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1992 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1992 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1992 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1992 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1992 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1993 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1993 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1993 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1993 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1994 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1994 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1994 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1994 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1995 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1995 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1995 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1995 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1996 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1996 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1996 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1996 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1996 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1996 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1997 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1997 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1997 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1997 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1997 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1997 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1993 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1998 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1998 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1998 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1998 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1998 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1998 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1999 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1999 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1999 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1999 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1999 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1999 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 2000 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 2000 April
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 2000 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 2000 August
- Tole World - 1997 April
- Tole World - 1998 June
- Tole World - 1998 August
- Tole World - 1999 June
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Workbook Fall 1974 Volume Two No. 1 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1981 Volume 8 No. 3 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: For Whom The Brush Toles Workbook Summer 1975 Volume Two No. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1983 Volume 10 No. 1 - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1982 Volume 9 No. 4 - Priscilla Hauser
- Drawing Board - 2002 October
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2004 December
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2004 January
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2004 August
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2004 October
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2003 October
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2005 February
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2005 April
- Artist's Sketchbook - 2005 June
- Artist's Palette Annual No. 18
- Artist's Palette No. 20
- Artist's Palette No. 19
- Watercolor Magic Landscapes - 2000 November
- Watercolor Magic - 2000 Winter
- Watercolor Magic - 2001 Summer
- Watercolor Magic - 2003 November
- Watercolor Magic - 2004 October
- Watercolor Magic - 2004 December
- Watercolor Magic - 2005 February
- Painted Finishes - Geoffrey Odgers
- From Flea Market to Fabulous - Kerry Trout
- Folk Art Style: Traditional and Contemporary Painting for Everyday Objects - Sybil Edwards
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 February
- The Artist's Magazine - 2003 November
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 November
- The Artist's Magazine - 2003 December
- The Artist's Magazine - 2003 May
- The Artist's Magazine - 2005 April
- The Artist's Magazine - 2005 February
- The Artist's Magazine - 2003 September
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 October
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 July
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 December
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 September
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 June
- The Artist's Magazine - 2004 August
- The Artist's Magazine - 2002 March
- The Artist's Magazine - 2003 June
- Wood Strokes - 1993 November
- Wood Strokes - 1994 January
- Wood Strokes - 1994 March
- Wood Strokes - 1994 May
- Wood Strokes - 1994 July
- Wood Strokes - 1994 November
- Wood Strokes - 1995 January
- Wood Strokes - 1995 March
- Wood Strokes - 1995 May
- Wood Strokes - 1995 July
- Wood Strokes - 1995 September
- Wood Strokes - 1995 November
- Wood Strokes - 1996 March
- Wood Strokes - 1996 May
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1996 July
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1996 September
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1996 November
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1997 March
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1997 May
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1997 July
- Wood Strokes & Weekend Woodcrafts - 1997 September
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1997 November
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1998 March
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1998 May
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1998 September
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1998 November
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1999 March
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1999 May
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1999 September
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 1999 November
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2000 January
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2000 March
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2000 May
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2000 July
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2000 September
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2000 November
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2001 March
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2001 May
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2001 July
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2001 September
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2002 March
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2002 May
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2002 September
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2004 Summer
- Donna Dewberry's Designs for Entertaining
- Flower Portraits in Watercolour - Elizabeth Conlon
- Paint Happy! - Cristina Acosta
- Painting Murals - Patricia Seligman
- Beautiful Brushstrokes Step by Step - Maureen McNaughton
- Victorian Decorative Painting with Brenda Stewart
- Painting Realistic Flowers in Acrylic - Arlene Beck
- Frosty's Candle Holder - Sherry Connors
- Seasons - Sherry Connors
- Elmo the Scarecrow - Agnes Kulchock
- Snowman and Gingerbread Lantern - Pam Grady
- Every Birdie Loves Christmas - Helena Cook
- Snowman Trio - Heartstrokes
- Winter Pocket People - Heartstrokes
- Sunflower Nite Lite and Lamp - Diane Capoccia
- Hearts & Holly Christmas Ribbon and Bear Foot Stocking - Lynn Zezech
- Mini Primitive Scenes - Pat Olson
- Apple Blossom Time - Pat Olson
- Holly Ornament Duo - Rebecca Baer
- Kings Table Nutcracker - Workshoppe Originals
- Thankful Friends - Viking Woodcrafts
- Snowmen for Every Season Pillows - A Little Bit of Country
- Walkin' in a Winter Wonderland - Candy Walsh
- Folk Art Coasters - Cynthia Whitaker
- Long Fellow Santa - Sandi Zickuhr
- Sled Buddies - Sandi Strecker
- Halloween Pins #103 - Marcia
- Framing Fall Fence Frame - Holly Hahn
- Framing Spring Fence Frame - Holly Hahn
- Shades of Autumn - Margaret Wilson
- Thanksgiving Turkey & Indian Corn Candlesticks - Nancy Lee Lenski
- Victorian Girl at Play - Ursula Wollenberg
- Bunny Still Life - Ursula Wollenberg
- Santa Gift Bag and Teacher Gift Bag - Ursula Wollenberg
- First Christmas - Andrea Lyness
- Teddy & Melon Still Life - Renee Cook
- Stackable Tables - Sonja Richardson
- Uncle Sam - Agnes Kulchock
- Rose Wreath - Judy Malone
- Strawberry Wreath - Judy Malone
- Baby Birds Pin - Judy Malone
- Gingerbread Basket - Sharon Furner
- Snow Bears Sled - Sonya Sams
- Marble & Roses - Rebecca Baer
- All Hearts Are Home for Christmas - Pam Grady
- O' Christmas Tree - Shara Reiner
- Thankful Turkey - Sherry Connors
- Chipmunk Cheeks - Karen Hubbard
- Mrs. Claus - Janet Riegel
- Good Tidings - Brenda Jansen
- Bless Our Nest #116 - Myra Mahy
- Garden Stakes #112 - Myra Mahy
- Welcome Slate - Sue Bowers
- Snowman Family Wreath - Areta
- Hearts & Holly Christmas Christmas Hanger and Village Coatrack - Lynn Zezech
- Christmas Chunkies #449 - Myra Mahy
- Pumpkins & Sunflowers - Carol Mays
- Country Afternoon - Marie Cole
- Cornucopia of Fruits & Vegetables - Sharon Saylor
- Ho-Ho Santa - Areta
- A Warm and Cozy Snowman Family - Areta
- Pilgrim Table - The Stenciled Duck
- I Want It All - Lin Tillman
- Father Christmas Candlestick - TLC Designs
- Mini Soldiers Candlesticks - TLC Designs
- Willie The Snow Angel - The Stenciled Duck
- Flake Family Tins - Annie Schickel
- Happy Halloween Mailbox Wrap - Areta
- TV Remote Holder with Apples on Faux Marble - Marilyn Jarvis
- Mrs. Claus Trims the Tree - Heartstrokes
- Scarecrow and Pilgrim Country Sign Pins - Heartstrokes
- Top Hat Snowmen - Heartstrokes
- Ornate Balls and Holly Ornaments from Classical Expressions - Carol-Lee Cisco
- Peter's Pumpkin Farm - Pat Olson
- Angelic Mini Pears - B & B Designs
- Santa Sam - Gaylyn Porter
- Beneath the Stars - Donna Malone & Kenna Reynolds
- Bud's Beary Xmas - Connie Lanagan
- Sweet Santa - Pitter Patter Pigtail Girls
- Ho Ho Ho - Pitter Patter Pigtail Girls
- The Christmas Shopper - Gail Anderson
- Schoolhouse Checkerboard - Annie Schickel
- Feed the Homeless (Cats) - Country Sunshine
- The Stockings Were Hung - Country Sunshine
- Checkerboard Gamebox - Awilda Belton
- Lady in Blue #223 - Phyllis Tilford
- Coral Roses and Blue Forget-Me-Nots - Kay Ludlow
- The Trios - Joan Olson
- A Friend Is Sampler - Tamie Ethington-Rodke
- Spring Garden Rusty Chimes - Beth Metzger
- Seeds of Kindness - Sue Jernigan
- Welcome Board Home Is Where You Hang Your Heart - Sharon Saylor
- A Crow's Welcome - Mary Zelenka
- A Home for All Seasons - Persnickety Patterns
- Home Spun Bunny - Jeanne Brown
- Teddy Bear Angel - Myra Mahy
- Pink House & Jewelry Chest - Donna Kerr
- Starlight Starbright - Cheri Rol
- A Tidy House Chore Chart - Carol McMullin
- Heavenly Hares - K. C.
- Finders Keepers Checkerboard - Kathi Walters and Pegi White
- Carnation Box - Linda Wise
- Pansy Oval - Nancy
- Teddy Pouting Stool - Linda Lock
- Mirror Full of Teddies - Linda Lock
- Bobbies' Blender Techniques - Bobbie Campbell
- Blended Cherries Easy Acrylic Blending - Sue Pruett
- Tre Chic Shoes - Diane Trierweiler
- Funky Chickens - Ruth Veley
- Fire Screen Italia - Tami Cardnella
- The Lion and The Lamb - Kathi Stingle
- Williamsburg Sampler #2 Bruton Parish Church - Betty Caithness
- Strawberries - Jacklyn Tanaka
- Geda's Flower Patch - Myra Mahy
- CLEARANCE: Basic Bags Painted Canvas - Robin Bass and Silver Roman
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Designs from the Heart - Diane Capoccia
- I Had A Little Pony - Pat Olson
- A-Door-Able Gingerbread Boy - Agnes Kulchock
- Halloween Hang-Outs - Trio Designs Gloria Alldrege, Debbie Nichols, and Jan Lynch
- Tis The Seasons Blocks - Trio Designs Gloria Alldrege, Debbie Nichols, and Jan Lynch
- Welcome Bunny - Marlene Kreutz
- Joy Sign - Julie White
- Traditional Norwegian Rosemaling Rogaland Set B - Pat Virch
- Traditional Norwegian Rosemaling Rogaland Set A - Pat Virch
- My Cabinet Is Bear - Phyllis Tilford
- Fantasy Rose Heart Box - Diane Trierweiler
- The Cowboy - The Red Sled
- Pen & Ink Tulip Swan - The Red Sled
- Country Coat Rack - Phyllis Tilford
- Turtle Love - Joyice
- I Am A Child Of God Peg Board - Neff
- Heartfelt Memories - Judi Kizziar
- Celebrate America Wreath - Christine Schilling
- Tulips Afield - Jan Mantei
- The Easter Parade - Karen Wood
- The Friendly Scarecrow - Gail Anderson
- Twinkle Toes Angels - Pat Saunders
- Cooking with Bittersweet - Sharon Failor
- Quilt Block Series #10 Star of Hearts - Micheline Riggio
- Sampler Series #25 Heart Tray - Micheline Riggio
- Cottage Stamp Keeper - Maraget Kotsi
- Watery Rose & Petals in Pink - Kathy Harrington
- Long Legged Deer with Light - Unique Patterns
- Santa Doll - Marilyn Kriegshauser and Sandy Decker
- Ribbons & Roses T-Shirt & Sneakers - Annie Schickel
- Pilgrim Folk Girl and Harvest - Sue Stone
- Back to School Desk - Donna Barthel-Jones
- Romantic Heart Clock - Janice Acosta
- Jena Paper Doll - Diane Capoccia
- Bunny Paper Dolls - Diane Capoccia
- Bear Paper Dolls - Diane Capoccia
- Four Drawer Birdhouse - Marlene Kreutz
- May All Your Dreams Come True Bunny - Country Sunshine
- Christmas Village Country Church - Jackie O'Keefe
- Pastel Floral Oval - Vicki Rhodes
- My Teachers Stuff - Monica Wilson
- Rose Switchplate - Ann Lalonde
- Canadian Goose on Blanket - Karen Hubbard
- Starlit Mirror Frame - Annie Schickel
- Woodturned Ornaments Fruit and Holly Ornaments from Classical Expressions - Carol-Lee Cisco
- Desert Storm Series - Jane Roe
- Mother and Daughters - Jane Roe
- Texas Painter - Jane Roe
- Victorian Trunk - Carol Johns Boatright
- Little Bare Bottom - Carol Johns Boatright
- Victorian Mantle Clock - Carol Johns Boatright
- Wash Day at Bom Boms - Carol Johns Boatright
- Sports Sampler - Delane Lange
- Three Good Reasons for Teaching Slate and School Box - Jan Huisken
- Missey Mouse - Gail Anderson
- Welcome Angel - Jill Macfarlane
- Garden Essentials Yard Art - Robin Mani
- Spring Fling - Linda Johnston
- Beginner Sampler - Susan Hood
- Medley Series Rooster Weather Vane - Micheline Riggio
- Violets and Ribbon - Diane Trierweiler
- Small Jewelry Chest - Kay Ludlow
- Poinsettias on Tin - Phyllis Tilford
- The Only Way to Sail - Sharon Ferguson
- Rays of Hope - Peg Cooper and Julie Cooper
- Seasonal Planter Box - Jill Paris Rody
- Hettie Bunny - Cheryl Spry
- Mini Clock - Trellis - Janet Snell
- Red Brocade Boot - Sandra Lee Goodale
- Everyday and Birthday House Signs - Karen Wood
- Spring Container Still Life - Hilary White
- Angel Flower Lamp - Sonja Richardson
- My Street - Sue Myrick
- A Teacher's Heart - Lydia Wilson
- Blackboards & Chalk Dust - Carol Dean
- The Coventry Cottage - Sally Eckel
- Noah's Ark - Gayle Laible
- Ballerina - Marilyn Kriegshauser and Sandy Decker
- Lizzie - Annie Richardson
- Basket of Flowers - Elizabeth
- Doll B Doorstop - Ladybug
- Stars & Heart Garland - Frank & Judy Bielec
- Bringing Home The Bacon - Sandi Gore Evans & Carol McNaught
- Welcome - Prairie Goose Primitives
- CLEARANCE: More Country Keepsakes - Frances Tindell
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Is What You Make It - Janet Lee Way
- CLEARANCE: The Creative Way: Memo Maker Slate Book - Jan Way
- CLEARANCE: The Creative Way: Chalk Talk Slate Book - Jan Way
- CLEARANCE: Jar Lids Painting on Zinc Mason Jar Lids - Janet Doll
- CLEARANCE: Hug-A-Bodies Hang-Ups & Hang Overs Book Three - Jan Way
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Fantasy - Janet Lee Way
- CLEARANCE: Gooseberry Patches - Milly Smith
- CLEARANCE: Primitives Plus - Milly Smith
- CLEARANCE: Walk A Country Mile - Milly Smith
- CLEARANCE: Furnishings New & Old Volume I - Glynnis Ruth Smith
- CLEARANCE: Patticakes and Playmates - Mary Darrow
- CLEARANCE: Tumblweeds from the Southwest - Pat Stark, Gail Stricklin, and Mary Darrow
- CLEARANCE: Pennsylvania Dutch Designs - Janet Snead
- CLEARANCE: Dutch Delft - Vivian Reynolds
- CLEARANCE: Tole Techniques and Designs - Loretta Sias
- CLEARANCE: Woodburn & Paint with A Twist - Katie Smith
- CLEARANCE: Country Collectibles for Tin & Metal Art - Mary Darrow
- CLEARANCE: ABC's of Decorative Carving - John Scheewe
- CLEARANCE: Original Designs for Tole 'N Stuff Volume 2 - Loretta Sias
- CLEARANCE: Original Designs Patterns for Tole 'N Stuff Volume 1 - Loretta Sias
- CLEARANCE: It's Painting Season! More Designs for Tole 'N Stuff - Loretta Sias
- CLEARANCE: Crafting for Christmas Plaster Collectibles - Patsy David
- CLEARANCE: Paint-A-Turn After Me - Emily Steinberg
- CLEARANCE: How to Paint on Silk - Pam Dawson
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Painting in Oil Colors Lessons 31 to 36 - Decorative Arts Institute
- CLEARANCE: Decorate with Paint - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: One Brush Country Painting Book One - George Dipka
- CLEARANCE: Paint with Your Heart Volume 1 - Charlene Tiemann Burkle
- CLEARANCE: Paint with Your Heart Volume 2 - Charlene Tiemann Burkle
- CLEARANCE: With A Knife and a Brush - Paula DeVore
- CLEARANCE: Fabric Painting in Tole Volume 2 - Kay Burdette
- CLEARANCE: A Time for All Things - Margie Eaton and Patti DeRenzo
- CLEARANCE: Nostalgic Pyrography - Jan Weibel
- CLEARANCE: The Beginner's Guide to Design Presses - Peggy Decker
- CLEARANCE: Design Press Your Home - Peggy Decker
- CLEARANCE: Classic Stenciling with Bronze Powders - Marie Skinner
- CLEARANCE: Oh So Sweet Vol. 2 - Sandra Malone
- CLEARANCE: The Santa Classic Vol. 2 - Bonnie Seaman
- CLEARANCE: Cute Kids & More - Cathy Orr and Mike Hagin
- CLEARANCE: Fiddlestix Just from the Flea Market - Jeri Brindley
- CLEARANCE: Creative Ingredients - Charlene Barlow
- CLEARANCE: Thrift Shop Treasures and a little more - Terrye French and Deb Richey
- CLEARANCE: Stroke-by-Stroke Volume I Flowers and Containers - P.J. Franklin
- CLEARANCE: Mini Painting - Lucille DeWitt and Alya Pittman
- CLEARANCE: Sassy Smiles - Kerrie Kilgore & Lisa Williams
- CLEARANCE: Heart's Desire - Pauline Mumford
- CLEARANCE: Sharing Ideas with America's Tole and Decorative Painters Vol 1 - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: The Tin Men - J. Scott Boyce & James Paul
- CLEARANCE: Roll A Barrel - Julie McGuffee
- CLEARANCE: Sweet and Simple Folk Art - Sherry Robinson
- CLEARANCE: Cute & Classic Folk Art - Sherry Robinson
- CLEARANCE: It's In The Cards - Dorothy Egan
- CLEARANCE: Patches & Pieces of My Heart - Nona Gobel
- CLEARANCE: Tees 'N' You With Shirts and Gifts - Tammy Mitchell & GiGi Wilson
- CLEARANCE: Country Woodworks - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Li'l Country Stringers - Marlene LaChapelle
- CLEARANCE: Heidi's Folk Art Designs Vol II - Heidi England
- CLEARANCE: Daisies and Then Some Book Two - Mary Ann Arnold
- CLEARANCE: Wee Nudgin's - DeLane Lange
- CLEARANCE: Too Cute Sticks 'N Stuff - Paula Bales
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Hang-Ups Stockings to Paint and Embellish - Diane Bantz
- CLEARANCE: Kid's Christmas Trace Art - Sandy Bares
- CLEARANCE: Seasons of Sunshine - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: A Complete Guide to Silk Painting - Naomi Barsky and Diane Tuckman
- CLEARANCE: Southwest Christmas - Pat Beason
- CLEARANCE: Crafting for Christmas Ornaments Quick & Easy - Plaid
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Painting: Fruits, Vegetables, and Berries - Kathie Ritchie
- CLEARANCE: Adobe Acres Southwest Step-By-Step Vol I - Kim Mauro
- CLEARANCE: Love Lives Here Vol. 2 - Mary Lynn Lewis
- CLEARANCE: A Touch of Nature - Linda Jordan
- CLEARANCE: Imaginations - Cathy Janvrin and Lori Verdeck
- CLEARANCE: The Added Touch with Folk Art Painting - Judy Mitchell
- CLEARANCE: Sincerely Yours Vol VI - March Fries
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Fare - Pat Saunders
- CLEARANCE: Paints it Country - Marry Darrow and Nancy K. Deason
- CLEARANCE: Dimensional Folk Art - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Something to Quack About Volume 1 - Sherry Gunter
- CLEARANCE: Animal Quackers - Emily Steinberg
- CLEARANCE: Painting with Elegance Romantic Painted Fashions - Pipka
- CLEARANCE: Just Angels and Friends - Teresa Flatness
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Finish Favorites Volume II - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Welcome Friends - Elaine Grygotis and Jeanne Sensintaffar
- CLEARANCE: Gifts & Geese - Corinne Severson
- CLEARANCE: Petite Fleurs - Ginger Edwards
- CLEARANCE: Autumn-Thyme - Lori Holt
- CLEARANCE: Much Love SunShine - Roxane Bussinger
- CLEARANCE: Spring-Thyme - Lori Holt
- CLEARANCE: Baby Animals - Nature's Wonders Vol. 3 - Karen Hubbard
- CLEARANCE: Ideas for Tole Volume No. 1 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Ideas for Tole Volume No. 2 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Ideas for Tole Volume No. 4 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Ideas for Tole Volume No. 5 - Gerry Klein
- CLEARANCE: Ardi's Country Painting Book 5 - Ardi Hansen
- CLEARANCE: The Realistic Palette - Bob Embry
- CLEARANCE: Teager's Tots Book 3 - Mary Teager
- CLEARANCE: Love Gifts and Heart Throbs Vol. 1 - Vera Moore
- CLEARANCE: Simply Creative Instruction Book Folk Art Painting - Multi-Author
- Seasons from Pumpkin Ridge Vol. IV - Yvonne Kresal
- CLEARANCE: Ethyl and Friends Folk Art Painting - Linda Kiska
- CLEARANCE: NSTDP Design and Instruction Book Commemorative Volume St. Louis - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: NSTDP Our Heritage - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Country Kitchen Cuties - Gracie Schwan
- CLEARANCE: Just For You - Laurie Speltz
- CLEARANCE: European Folk Art Designs - Marty Noble
- CLEARANCE: Pigments of Your Imagination Vol 3 - Jackie Shaw
- CLEARANCE: Gingerbread Folk Art presents Wooden Appliques - Dorris Sorrenson & Sharon Furner
- CLEARANCE: How to Paint Early American Tole Ware Designs - Suzanne Stiles
- CLEARANCE: Edelweiss and Hollhocks Vol. 1 - Winifred Peterson Noah
- CLEARANCE: Anita Hansen - Ferns and Ivy
- CLEARANCE: Country Fresh - Jill Webster and Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Memories of Home - Susan DeVincent
- CLEARANCE: Luv That Stuff For The Home - Barb Bullen & Karen Rizzo
- CLEARANCE: Primitive & Pretty Jewelry - Shirley Edwards
- CLEARANCE: Illuminated Monograms - Ginger Edwards
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Hauser's Workbook 1985 Volume 12 Number 2
- CLEARANCE: Stenciling My Little Scottie - Jackie and April Stephens
- CLEARANCE: Heritage Beginnings - Nancy Wekarchuk-Shute
- CLEARANCE: Country Painted Jar Lids - Ginger Edwards
- CLEARANCE: Whippersnappers Vol. 6 - Helan Barrick
- CLEARANCE: All Occasions Creations - Annette Ward
- CLEARANCE: Cozy Cottage - Susan Roach and Emily Dinsdale
- CLEARANCE: Garden Sampler - Brian and Robin Mester
- CLEARANCE: Woodlet Welcome Trees, Etc. - Jean Jackson
- CLEARANCE: Pumpkin Painting - McKinney
- CLEARANCE: Itty Bitty Buddies - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Fun Painting on Glass - Sandra McCooey
- CLEARANCE: Turpen Times The Spirit of Spring '76 - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: The Quilted Palette - Leslie Beck
- CLEARANCE: Pick-A-Peck of Painted Pots - Barbara - Matthiessen
- CLEARANCE: Painting Pretty Posies Is Easy to Do - Tracia Ledford
- CLEARANCE: Oh So Easy Country Painting - Sandy Mergel
- CLEARANCE: Watercolour Painting A Complete Guide to Techniques and Materials - Jean-Louis Morelle
- CLEARANCE: Country Friends - Faith Rollins
- CLEARANCE: The Sassafras Series Volume I - Donna S. Bryant
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Village - Gayle Podstupka & Sharon Conley
- CLEARANCE: Pat Olson's All-American Iron-On Transfer Book - Pat Olson
- CLEARANCE: Pipka's The Magic of Folk Art Volume I - Pipka
- CLEARANCE: A Springtime Gathering - Multi-Author
- CLEARANCE: Brushless Painting - Priscilla Hauser
- CLEARANCE: American Birds That Warm My Heart - Nancy Dale Kinney
- CLEARANCE: Donna Dewberry's Video Library Workbook - Donna Dewberry
- CLEARANCE: Noah's Friends Painted on Wood - Linda Kiska
- CLEARANCE: Buttercup Buddies - Christine Schilling
- CLEARANCE: Clock Faces Painted Wood - Marcella League
- CLEARANCE: Designs for Decorators Book Six Flowers - John Sutton
- CLEARANCE: Designs for Decorators Book Seven Christmas Fantasies - Scott Publications
- CLEARANCE: Tole Orange - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Purple - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: Tole Brown - Annie Richardson
- CLEARANCE: A Gift of Love - Edna Snyder
- CLEARANCE: Folk Art Foundations in Acrylics Volume I - Edna Snyder and Susan Abdella
- CLEARANCE: Painting for Pennies - Susan Jill Hall
- CLEARANCE: Designing Dots #1 - JoAnne Green
- CLEARANCE: Designing Dots #2 - JoAnne Green
- CLEARANCE: Designing Dots #3 - JoAnne Green
- CLEARANCE: Soft-N-Easy Designs #1 - JoAnne Green
- CLEARANCE: Bearaphania I - Mama Bear Pilliod
- CLEARANCE: Bearaphania II - Mama Bear Pilliod
- CLEARANCE: Stenciling Made Easy for Beginners - Stewart Huntington
- CLEARANCE: Art Really Works - Priscilla Pilliod
- CLEARANCE: New Ways with Stenciling - Jane Gauss
- CLEARANCE: Complete Guide to Stenciling - Peggy Decker
- CLEARANCE: Block Printing Walls - Jane Gauss and Liza Glenn
- CLEARANCE: The Complete Book of Wall Stenciling - Jane Gauss
- CLEARANCE: Stencil Art - Bertha Fulmer and Kay Fullmer Ripplinger
- CLEARANCE: Painting Time - Fran Funderburk
- CLEARANCE: Wooden Wonderfuls - Marilyn Gossett
- CLEARANCE: Design Presses The Beginner's Guide to Wearable Art - Chris Gleaton
- CLEARANCE: Fun and Fantasy With Acrylics - Fran Funderburk
- CLEARANCE: Country Stenciling from the Heart - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Hearts and Flowers Stenciling - Peggy Caldwell
- CLEARANCE: Stencil Decor Decorative Stenciling Volume 1 - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Stencil Decor Decorative Stenciling Volume 2 - Bette Byrd
- Paintworks - 1998 Winter - A Paintworks Christmas
- Quick and Easy Painting - January 2003
- Decorative Artist's Workbook - 2002 February
- Decorative Artist's Workbook - 2002 June
- Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Woodcrafts - 1998
- Better Homes and Gardens Christmas Woodcrafts - 1997
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts Collectible Country Ornaments - 1997
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts Collectible Country Ornaments - 1994
- Wood Strokes presents 23 Holiday Painting Projects - December 2003 Issue #1
- Wood Strokes presents 21 Holiday Painting Projects - March 2004 Issue #2
- Wood Strokes presents 28 Holiday Painting Projects - June 2004 Issue #3
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1991 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1994 October
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1995 August
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1993 December
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1995 February
- Better Homes and Gardens Decorative Woodcrafts - 1994 February
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2002 July
- Wood Strokes - 1996 January
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2003 Spring
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2003 Summer
- Wood Strokes & Woodcrafts - 2003 February
- Painting - 2008 June
- Painting - 2007 February
- Painting - 2007 August
- CLEARANCE: Watch Me Grow - Pat Saunders
- Tole World - 1987 Jan/Feb Issue 84 Volume 11 Number 1
- Tole World - 1987 May/June Issue 86 Volume 11 Number 3
- Tole World - 1985 August Volume 9 Number 2
- Tole World - 1983 May Volume 7 Issue 5
- CLEARANCE: Priscilla Paints Fruits & Vegetables Book I
- CLEARANCE: Stenciling Floral - Rosalie Peters
- CLEARANCE: Tri-Chem Tole and Decorative Painting
- CLEARANCE: Stencil Decor Decorative Stenciling Volume 3 - Bette Byrd
- CLEARANCE: Easy Projects for Wood Shapes - Jane Seelig & Ohma Willette
- CLEARANCE: Country Handcrafts Country Woodcrafts Collection - Multiauthor
- CLEARANCE: Painting on Baskets - Mary Wiseman
- CLEARANCE: Country Weathervanes To Stencil - Helen Leach
- CLEARANCE: Colonial Village Stenciling - Eileen Snell
- CLEARANCE: Personalizing with Paint - Robyn Freedman Spizman
- CLEARANCE: Crafting for Christmas Block Printing - Susan Goans Driggers
- CLEARANCE: Wall Stenciling - Jeanne Serpa
- CLEARANCE: Basic Guide to Stenciled Murals - Jane Gauss and Liza Glenn
- CLEARANCE: from Cinnamon Bend Designs for Arts and Crafts Sevenpence
- CLEARANCE: A World of Acrylic Colors Basic Painting Instructions - Multiauthor
- CLEARANCE: Decorative or Tole Painting Sketches - Freda Brummett
- CLEARANCE: The Basics of Fabric Painting - Multiauthor
- Tole World - 1995 October
- Tole World - 1993 December
- Tole World - 1980 November
- Tole World - 1984 November
- Tole World - 1984 October
- Tole World - 1984 August
- Tole World - 1984 December
- Tole World - 1980 September
- Tole World - 1988 March/April
- Tole World - 1985 November / December
- Tole World - 1985 September
- Let's Paint - Vol. 37 July-September 2001
- Paint-It... today - 2014 February/March
- Paintworks - 1992 September
- Paintworks - 1994 February
- Painting On Rocks Magazine - Lin Wellford - 2003 July
- Decorative Arts Digest June 1986
- CLEARANCE: Designs for Decorative Painting - Joan Given and Loretta Sias
- CLEARANCE: Decorative Patterns for Tole Painting Originals by Jan Reynolds
- CLEARANCE: Patterns Plus Instructions for Tole Painted Grapes - Freda Brummett
- CLEARANCE: Six by Six - Multiauthor
- CLEARANCE: Decorative or Tole Painting Sketches Volume I - Freda Brummett
- CLEARANCE: Rose Patterns - Pat Peniston
- CLEARANCE: Patterns for a Touch of Glass - Jan Burnett
- CLEARANCE: The Sunbonnet Babies Craft Book. No. 2 - Bertha L. Corbett
- CLEARANCE: Christmas Treasures - Berni Caprino
- CLEARANCE: Rosemaling Designs - Marie S. Jackson (14x10" Spiral)
- Norwegian Rosemaling Decorative Painting on Wood - Margaret M. Miller and Sigmund Aarseth
- Accent on Halloween - Eleanor Zimmerman
- Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets & Boxes - Juanita Denton
- Primitive Landscape Potpourri Tin - Ruth Dolsen
- Kris Kringle - Susie Saunders
- Sunny, Summer Days Chest - Jane Crick
- Wilbur Scarecrow - Dee Cheney
- CLEARANCE: Petal Porcelain Keepsake Weddings - Betsy Lardent
- CLEARANCE: Petal Porcelain A Beginner's Guide - Betsy Lardent
- CLEARANCE: All Around the House - Marilyn Williams
- CLEARANCE: Holiday Village - Gayle Podstupka and Sharon Conley
- Jillybean's Faces Made Easy - Jillybean (Jill Fitzhenry)
- Miracles & Magic - Shirley Wilson
- Comfort & Joy - Shirley Wilson
- Hearts Delights - Kay Quist
- Cards and Greetings - Donna Dewberry
- Glorious Glass and Ceramics - Donna Dewberry
- Roses of all kinds - Donna Dewberry
- Bold & Fresh - Donna Dewberry
- Peaceful Landscapes - Donna Dewberry
- Shimmer & Shine - Donna Dewberry
- Floral Bouquets - Donna Dewberry
- Framed Art - Donna Dewberry
- The Cozy Kitchen - Donna Dewberry
- Lifestyle Special Moments - Donna Dewberry
- Posies on Plastic - Donna Dewberry
- Lifestyle Child's Play - Donna Dewberry
- Patio Decorating - Donna Dewberry
- One of a Kind - Multi-Author Plaid
- One of a Kind Volume 2 - Multi-Author Plaid
- CLEARANCE: June's Bunnies & Bonnets - June Bremner