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Title: Vintage Collections
Author: Rhonda Cable
Publisher: Plaid
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 35 pages
Category: Acrylics
Condition: BRAND NEW
Author: Rhonda Cable
Publisher: Plaid
Copyright: 2004
Pages: 35 pages
Category: Acrylics
Condition: BRAND NEW
11 Painting Projects That Revive Sleeping Treasures:
Quilt Blocks Stacked Boxes
Two Blues Tin Tile Painting
Berry Pail Match Safe
Crackles & Checks Bowl
Thyme For a Garden Round Box
Rag Balls & Coffee Pot Cabinet
My Mother's Yellow Ware Painting on Wood
Birdwatcher Tavern Sign
We Bid You Kindly Welcome Pegboard
Swan Decoy Painting on Wood
Shades of Autumn Painting on Wood